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  • I have my best results when I start off slowly. I try to eat smaller portions all day long. Yogurt, fruit, vegetables. Plan out my food in advance for the day. It usually changes a bit but it has at least gotten me to think of what i could eat and stay on target. My original problem was that I ate because it was fun and…
  • It works for me only because that was the time of day I was the weakest. I would sit in front of the tv and eat chips or popcorn and not because i was hungry but because it was a habit. I try to no longer snack at that time of day. I will have a hot water, green tea and for a treat a diet pop. I make sure I eat my calories…
  • Everyone has great suggestions. There are a few other things I have tried. I will chew gum if I have a sugar craving. It takes the edge off. Try having a full glass of water before you snack. It also seems to fill you up and ease the cravings. Brushing your teeth also helps with snacking. I have never brushed my teeth at…
  • It is definitely a life time battle when it comes to the snacks that you love. I'm not kidding myself. If there is a bag of chips in front of me. I may start out measuring a certain amount...but by the end of the day I have eaten the whole bag. I have no moderation for chips and popcorn. I am not really sure how to adjust…
  • Sometimes the exercising can actually make you gain muscle which weighs more then fat. Prior to joining MFP I joined the gym and went 3 - 4 times a week and felt like I was eating the same amount of food. I never lost a pound and I felt 100% better. Had way more energy. Funny thing is I probably would have been gaining if…
  • I agree. If I fill my favourite water bottle I tend to drink it. I also find if I make myself drink one glass of water first thing in the morning before my coffee then I'll drink all day long. At night time I like to have a nice hot boiled water just as if I was going to have tea or coffee. It is soothing and relaxing.…