

  • My first zumba class I was all over the place and laughed at myself the entire time. I just faked it until I made it. You will eventually learn the moves, until then just keep moving. Just remember to keep your tummy tight and if you're doing leg songs ensure that you are in a proper squat position. Just have fun! :D
  • Thanks for all your input, I really appreciate it! I just set up an appointment with a podatrist office for next Wednesday. I spoke to the nurse there and she recommended the following: -ice it twice a day for thirty minutes, put a towel between the ice and your foot -take ibuprofen to decrease the inflammation -do…
  • Just have fun. THe first time I have no idea what I was doing and I laughed at myself throughout the whole thing. But now I LOVE it!!!
  • Definitely Zumba :)