

  • I gave up beginning of January this year and started eating less, moving more. It was tough to start but threw myself into exercising. I'm now cycling, swimming and running and training for a triathlon in July. I'm also down nearly 50lbs since Jan. You can do it, you just gotta want it. I gave up the smokes so many times…
  • 1/3 cup of natural yoghurt (not activia) with probiotics. Just look for bacteria on the ingredient list. Worked great for me
  • Natural yogurt, Danone make a good one. Just look for probiotics on the ingredient list. Not Activia, costs too much and is full of sugar. I work a couple of spoons of natural yogurt into my breakfast. Works really well.
  • Hey Mark My name is Tim, living in the foothills of the Rockies in Colorado. Getting back on two wheels after too many years. You're right, cycling is the best bang for the buck when it comes to burning cals. I have also discovered map my ride app for my phone so I can create routes and it tracks my progress. Its pretty…
    in Cycling Comment by tdexter April 2011
  • 1/3 cup of plain natural yoghurt (not Activia) in the morning. I couldn't face a probiotic or MgO every day. The live yoghurt has been perfect for me
  • I think you have been hooked by the exercise monster. It's like the Cookie Monster, cuddly and friendly like but less fattening :0) I'm the same, one day away from it and I'm itching to go. I have been mixing things up running, swimming and cycling with some P90X thrown in. I think its OK as long as you look after yourself…
  • Spot on Kelli. Its a balance right? I have two strapping boys that eat us out of house and home and can of course eat anything and not worry. We'll go to Red Robin or similar and with some planning I can enjoy a burger with them even while Im on this journey. I know its got too much salt in it ... I drink 64 oz of water, I…
  • I find 10% hard to believe. I have MFP set to 2lbs a week loss for the deficit. Since the beginning of Jan '11 I have dropped 38 lbs (13 before MFP) that's just over 3lbs a week. I rarely eat back my exercise cals so the extra pound has to be down to exercise or at least the deficit it creates. I guess it's going to come…
  • 10 weeks and counting and down ~30 odd pounds. I think working out has been the difference for me. I want a smoke so I go walk, run, swim, just do something. I was never a big smoker but gave up so many times only to restart weeks later. The threat of having to take a high blood pressure tablet every day for the rest of my…
  • Keep going! I stopped at the beginning of the year and have stiil dropped almost 30lbs so far. Starting to feel fantastic, I can smell and I don't smell, if you know what I mean :0) I still get pangs for a smoke sometimes but know I'm not going to enjoy it and will regret unraveling all my good work so far. So keep it up,…