

  • Harold and Maude, This Is Spinal Tap, basically anything remotely involving Christopher Guest, Forgetting Sarah Marshall
  • My best friend is "doing Weight Watchers" but it clearly isn't working. I have never had much luck with WW, and I don't think she's really counting everything she eats. I keep subtely mentioning this website and the success my mom and I have been having with it, but she isn't interested. It just makes me sad to see her…
  • Yeah I would say drink water and stay hydrated, and you can pop E capsules straight onto your skin or buy the oil and use that
  • Full time student at USC (Southern California, not South Carolina) sophomore majoring in Environmental Studies (& I work part time at university bookstore human resources on campus); also, full-time football game-goer each fall :wink:
  • Ugh finals. I have 3 days left of class, followed by 1 1/2 weeks of finals... that's 2 weeks of my eating habits being off the wall. i haven't been to the gym in FOREVER from school work.
  • I'm not sure, hopefully someone else will know this, but congratulations! Found this: "Traditionally, caloric requirements during pregnancy have been estimated to be around an additional 300 calories per day. However, this must be adjusted for physical activity and prepregnancy weight (see accompanying figure) for the…
  • I agree, I feel that hiking also infers some sort of vertical aspect to the walk (ie climbing a bit, slope, rougher terrain)
  • I use a mini trampoline! I was wondering the same thing. it's fun
  • they have that here at the USC gym, and my roommates all love it!!!
  • Yeah I watched that too! A lot of it seemed so obvious, it's surprising people don't do that already. For those of you who didn't watch, his tips *four golden rules* were: 1. Eat when you are hungry (physically hungry, not emotionally) 2. Eat what you want, not what you feel you ought to (Eat food that inspires you -…
  • I've found MFP to be pretty accurate for the elliptical for me. Like, the other day i did 32 min or so and the machine told be approx 260 cal and that's about what was on here too. sometimes i burn more though