

  • Try overnight oatmeal. Put 1/2-3/4 cup raw rolled oats in 3/4 cup yogurt or milk. Add honey, maple syrup or another sweetner, and some fruit, peanut butter or chocolate chips :) Mix together and put in glass jar in the fridge overnight. Grab and consume perfection in the morning!
  • 1)late teens 2) 139 3) Bc Canada :) 4) moderate 5) two ten minute workouts, and one 30 min workout a day 6) oh yes 6) lunch 7) 4, three meals and one snack 8) 8 cups 9) I will either go and exercise to keep my mind off it or make a cup of tea 10) a salad and some kind of meat
  • Right now I'm at 139 and my goal is 125.... though as I loose weight I seem to think that maybe I will go down to 120. I've lost 11.5 pounds in the past 3.5 months and I don't feel like 20 more is too much! ;)
  • I've lost eight pounds... So far so good but I hate the long workouts. They seem to be made for machines not humans!
  • "Now to Him who by the power at work within us is able to do far more abundantly than all we ask or think." Ephesians 3:20
  • I've been doing Insanity workouts (not the program). I'm 5"5. Apparently my scale decided not to show me I was loosing weight the past 6 weeks, but now it has!:laugh:
  • http://blog.fatfreevegan.com/2006/12/mini-crustless-tofu-quiches.html Honestly, this recipe is just like normal quiche! So tasty!
  • yup you're right :) just a little more effort in that area! I guess it's discouraging when I look at my goals and I'm doing everything to loose 1.5 pounds a week (according to MFP) but the scale doesn't reflect that!
  • normally I look at the package ( if it has actual serving size in cups or other easy measurements) or I'll look it up on here. I do log, but I find it tedious to log things when I know how much calories are in them.
  • Does logging everything make that much of a difference? I measure out portions exactly, I don;t always write it down though. I know how many calories I'm eating- just seems like writing everything down is too much of a bother. :/
  • I'm 5"6 and weigh 148. I'm pretty sure that's not too small. I do count my calories, but I don't always get to log them in but I know I stay under my calorie goal.