

  • Makes about 2 dozen SMALL, or 18 if you make them like I do :) PS: I used Nestle Dark Chocolate chips because I was too lazy to break up
  • Perhaps a performance cleanse like the Shakeology Cleanse in order to jump start your metabolism and break your plateau? Was the best thing I ever did. Just a thought....
  • I was an avid New Balance girl until I found Vibrams (; they're the barefoot shoe and I would NEVER EVER go back to a "regular" running sneaker. You have to do what is best for your, but for me, I compare it to a thong; once you wear a thong, you'll never got back to granny panties :) Good luck!
  • Sounds like you were just blessed with good genes.
  • My firm belief is that great abs start in the kitchen; it's not about the exercises you do, necessarily, but how you eat. I wish it were the opposite :)
  • I started drinking Shakeology and it changed my life; I don't crave sweets anymore, and when I do, I drink a Chocolate Shakeology, and I'm cured. Good luck!
  • Hello! Congrats on your your 5k goal. I have a few tips, take or leave what you'd like, but I think they might be helpful for you; you say that you want to shave a whole minute off of your 5k pace; is that for just race day or are you speaking of tempo runs as well? If you're just thinking that it's race pace, then I think…
  • Day 2 for me and Day 1 for is everyone doing? I had a 1/2 of banana and 1Tbsp of natural peanut butter for breakfast. Lunch was Shakeology and the other half of the banana. Feeling FULL right now, so this is good :) Sarah
  • I have THE BEST recipe for you for ground turkey (well, in my opinion); it's a pizza and it's completely free of sugar and flour, and it's to die for!!! The crust is where you'll find the ground turkey; here is the recipe for the crust and you can top it however you'd like. Enjoy :) I'll try to post a pic of the one I…
  • I feel your pain; plateaus are the worst. I have just started a whole new way, well mostly new, way of eating and started a challenge on FB for me and my friends. It's called WOW (wipe out white) and basically it eliminates any white flour or sugar. You could also take it so far as to wipe out white in dairy, too. I…
  • There is a difference if you want a protein only shake, which in my opinion tends to be wasted calories and only make you more hungry, which is why I ended up switching to Shakeology. Never hungry, feel great, and easy to maintain weight loss.
  • I had the VERY same thing! I would need a nap every afternoon and just felt generally crappy. I am now on thyroid medication and take a B-12 supplement, too. I would see your doc and have your thyroid checked. Good luck :)
  • My favorite, HANDS DOWN, is Shakeology; it's nutrient packed and delicious. Believe me, I think I've tried them all; so happy to have come to one that I can settle on and trust. Oh, and you can make things with it, too; my favorite to make is the "no bake cookies". They're to die for and are good for you!!