I'm still looking to lose 10 lbs of fat so should I stay away from HIIT for now?
get your workouts on this weeeeekend
since this is kinda turning into a canadian-friend-base, add me too - montreal :)
everybody has done such a great job very inspiring keep it up everybody! amazing progress
looking supper dapper in the suit! good job
this is the funniest thread in a whiiiiile anybody remember the kid sign-languaging "poop" in this movie? hilarious best quote ever "if its yellow, let it mellow, if its brown, flush it down" ps: add me, lookin for more active/daily friends!
fig add me, lookin for more daily/active users :)
notorious add me, lookin for more active/daily users :)
well since you are all THAT nice add me lol looking for more active/daily users :)
yuck edamame
turbo fire turbo jam chalene extreme
LOL just beware, NSA is watching now they're after you
my 2 cents your intakes of 600 are way too large you should eat smaller meals but more often aim for 300-cal meals, 4-5 times a day
u have to be in pretty good shape to survive through those workouts they're short but quite difficult lol r u choosing that due to how short the workout is? I'd recommend starting with Turbo Jam
bump :happy:
breakfast is super important have a carby one!! energy for the whole day i usually ballpark each of my intakes to about 300 cals (eating 4-5 times a day) so my breakfast is also 300 cal
I want more friends tooooooo accountability + motivation + mutual support!!! add me :)
I third (lol) Pure Protein bars! Love the chocolate peanut butter flavor the most
potassium is the answer eat a banana or two - works like magic take a hot shower - works like magic do the above two = magic and work out!!! do cardio!! dance around!! it really helps + drinks toooons of fluid!!!!!!!
wow congrats inspiring!
I think he just meant equal proportions lol
the whole oats dont make it too dry/clumpy? and how do u pan fry it to end up with minimal fat lol
thanks for understanding :) (note: I don't feel attacked but don't just assume that young = easy to meet people! plus i dont care to date randoms, im mature for my age haha)
"awesum possum" hahaha will be lookin for those species
tinder wouldn't be my first choice in online dating haha
No lol HYE jumped with a parachute?
well you are one helpful individual! @Ripped_Wings