SonyaKou Member


  • Oh that made me giggle. Add me! From just outside Toronto (Oakville). I feel your pain.... Hockey night usually ends up with at least 300 beer calories and a caloric overage in my diary. :p
  • I am currently pregnant and using MFP to help with healthy weight gain and not loss. However, I have always felt that this program works best when your friends are encouraging. We are all here because we want to be healthier and that means something different for everyone. It is not a race, this is a lifestyle! :) feel…
  • I will be joining your ranks in about 4 months! Lol. Currently using MFP to keep a steady weight gain. Feel free to add me!
  • Thanks! Yeah, I knew I could not trust my body once I hit the 2nd trimester. I gained 4 lbs in 2 weeks and realized I was still ravenous. I have been finding it much easier to make sure I am getting enough calcium/iron now and my cravings have mostly gone away. Setting to maintenance and adding 250 sounds about right. I…
  • Ironic that Canadians have to play for a US based team to get a cup. Why? Cuz the good old boys believe if you hit hard enough (Leafs) and dive fast enough (Habs) that will surpass all stats. =P Now that my troll is over... Metrication... As most know, both US and Canada stem from the UK. The US fought for separation from…
  • Sorry, I think I was confusing. I meant that 8-10 is my bottom line minimum. I am also drinking an additional 3-4 cups in non-water liquids, such as broths and herbal teas. Since I am not drinking diuretics, that is over the threshold generally required for my body weight (80 oz.). I'll try to calculate my lost water, next…
  • I think it depends heavily on the guy. My husband likes my butt, but he is far more interested in a shirt that shows off my cleavage. He would prefer I wear a skirt or tasteful, stylish boot cut jeans. My ex on the other hand was all about the skin tight jeans and didn't care for my boot cut jeans. Me personally, I like my…
  • That is where I carry the load of my fat too. I find that when I was in really good shape my thighs were never thin per se, but they were nicely shaped. They had a nice soft curve to them instead of the fat pockets (then again I was running marathons, so my leg muscles were pretty built). I think you will genetically…
  • It's so true that we carry it differently. I find that when I am standing up no one can tell I'm just little overweight according to my BMI. As soon as I sit down though, I have the belly roll and when I'm stretching I'll see all the fat squishing together on my thighs. It's nice to know that you can hide it, but at the…
  • Oh man, I love Kale. So good and wonderful for your body. Great source of Iron, Calcium and Fiber. Every time I make a head of Kale into Kale chips my husband has them down within two days. Super easy to make. A friend of our even found that…
    in Kale??? Comment by SonyaKou August 2014
  • haha, saw this today and it reminded me of this posting.
  • Way worse for overweight guys. When girls get overweight, their stomachs get chubby, but at least their boobs get bigger and their hips get some nice curves. Weight on guys does nothing positive. = P
  • I am just going to address the etiquette. It is of course up to you how you wish to proceed if you should desire to break etiquette. It is VERY BAD etiquette for a bride and groom to ever through their own bridal shower or bachelor / bachelorette party. You should NOT host your own. That being said, I know you may not like…
  • Oh yeah, currently playing Dungeon Defender's Eternity and Divinity: Original Sin (with a little Diablo 3 and League of Legends now and then)
  • Don't go back! Don't do it! It's not worth the self-loathing later when you realize you've been sucked in and drained another 500 hours = / Not that I would know what that feels like. = / Stupid World of Warcraft..... I've started having the dreams again... = (
  • Hello, It's my second time around on MFP, but trying to figure out how to make it stick this time. Invite me! For games, I pretty much play anything on every platform known to man... I even went through the pain of importing a Japanese Xbox 360 at one point so I could play a couple of unreleased titles... <- total addict.…
  • Date: 5/2 Green: Yes Total/Goal: 2/25 Hydr8 (or Blue): No Total/Goal: 1/25 Had a 4 hour walking tour around downtown. Burned a ton of calories so I splurged and got Chow Mein for dinner. = P Still stayed under, but I didn't drink enough water since I was out and about too much.
  • Date: 5/1 Green: Yes Total/Goal: 1/25 Hydr8 (or Blue): Yes Total/Goal: 1/25 Worked out way too much today. Feels great, for now... Tomorrow I will be hurting. Plus side, I have more than enough calories to indulge in some wine or beer!
  • Just found your group. Excited to have a accountability system!
    in May goal(s) Comment by SonyaKou May 2014
  • My husband mocks me all the time because I always say Root properly when it's with another syllable (root beer, rooted, rooting), but if it's just root I pronounce it closer to Riut. Sort of the same way you would pronounce the ou sound in Could. He says it must be a Minnesotan thing, but might just be a me thing.
  • Toronto! = ) Feel free to add me!
  • Be patient and find out what works for you. Try a blend of cardio and weight training to see which you enjoy more and what seems to give you the best energy boosts. Use the MFP calorie counter to become aware of what you are eating and how many calories each item is. It will help you make better decisions when comparing…
  • I know this is too late for last night, but maybe it can help you for future reference. While high calorie does not mean unhealthy, authentic Chinese food is not particularly good for you if you are trying to lose weight. Their cooking methods involve a lot of frying and boiling so most of the nutrients are drained from…
  • It's really hard when you were once really athletic. I sent you a friend's request!
  • I hear you. I am my own worst enemy. I get psyched for about a month, lose a couple pounds and then get distracted for a few months and come back 10 pounds heavier! lol