AZ8683 Member


  • I was just telling my husband what a tragedy it is that I can finally eat some fried food without ruining my diet...but everything fried is breaded! I'll try to try the pork rinds trick.
  • 1 month in on Keto myself. Love it!
  • Why We Get Fat and What to Do About It 2010 Gary Taubes The Art and Science of Low Carbohydrate Living 2011 Stephen D. Phinney & Jeff S. Volek Wheat Belly Lose the Wheat, Lose the Weight, and Find Your Path Back to Health 2011 William Davis MD
  • I've been on Keto for about a month now and despite not being super obsessive with that 20g count ( I'm actually more like 30g or 40g most days) I've been steadily losing. Of course, YMMV but they do say in general 50g or less is the goal so don't sweat it.
  • I've actually just started the LCHF diet myself. It took me a few days to not only adjust to items to avoid (had no idea sugar was so many carbs) but to really feel like I can handle this diet. I was such a pasta fiend before but it's surprisingly easy to pick up when you're not living off of low fat tasteless junk daily.…