

  • Ok, this might sound lame, but it's something that goes through my head all the time and keeps me motivated. I'm fairly young for the position that I hold, and when I go to work things I always want to be the picture of success. So, when you're at your conference, think about how colleagues will view you when they see you…
  • Hello! I'm not really in the same place as you, (no kids...yet!) But, I love supporters and I love this site. So if you just want someone to swap stories with, I'd love to chat and share successes as well as pitfalls. Feel free to friend me if you'd like. Good luck to you!
  • I confess I'm in Accounting class right now! LOL!
  • I'm in the same boat. I will be thrilled when I reach 200, but the charts say I need to be 160. That's fine! My goal right now is 200. Once I hit that, THEN I'll start looking at 160. Don't let BMI charts, scales, measuring tapes and god knows what other devices we torture ourselves with get you down. Do it because it…
  • If you have access to a "Tanita" scale (some Dr's offices will have one,) I suggest stepping on it. You'll get a readout of exactly where all of your weight is. You'll see what's fat, what's water, what's muscle. It can also calculate your BMI and different percentages too. I agree with other posts too, sometimes it just…
  • Forgive me, I make everything by eye, so I have to measurements for you. My smoothies are usually based in fat free vanilla yogurt with skim milk. Then add frozen fruits (I like berries the best.) Use splenda to sweeten. And if you've heard of it, The Ninja Kitchen System is the best blender I've ever seen. Pricey but…
  • I need to lose much more than that, but I have the same problem sticking to diet and exercise plans, so count me in! I log on every day, so as long as you're logging in, I'll be here to shoot some encouragement your way! (Just do the same for me, ok?) :bigsmile:
  • I'm in a local weight loss group and one of our tricks is to just cut everything you eat by 1/4. So if you usually get a sandwich and chips - no chips. 2 cups of coffee? Try 1. Eating out? Ask for a "to-go" box when your meal is served and immediately pack up half of it, (money saver too!) I'm a foodie as well, so I…
  • I just started to day too! Well, I signed up in January, but fizzled. Now I'm ready to committ! I'm 27 and looking to start a family, and people I meet think I already have kids because of my shape! Feel free to add me as a friend, we can motivate each other. I've been logged on here for about 30 minutes and I've already…