Traveling for a Conference.....I don't want to fail!

abroughton1978 Posts: 36
edited September 26 in Health and Weight Loss
So I have been doing so great and am super proud of myself for the commitment I have had towards a healthy lifestyle (healthy food choices, exercise, staying in my calorie range, and overall a great attitude about my life!). I have to travel Tuesday-Thursday this week and am having some serious anxiety! I DON'T want to stop what I am doing now and fall into a deep pit while I am gone! I know that if I get off track it affects all of me, not just the scale results....but I get very depressed! I have planned to take my workout gear b/c the hotel is bound to have an exercise room, right? But conference food is always so BAD! I need some ideas to help me through these days. UGH! I hate traveling! Oh, and my better half won't be with me...he is a HUGE support!!


  • jreese5226
    jreese5226 Posts: 328 Member
    I just got back from being on travel for business and managed to loose a pound during the week I was gone. My biggest recommendation is WATER. Drink lots of it. Eating "on the road" food will be bound to be high in sodium. You will likely make good choices food wise, but if you don't drink lots of water the sodium will catch up with you. Best of luck... and cheers!:drinker:
  • gozdeh
    gozdeh Posts: 59
    I know what you mean! Try to eat fruits and vegs. They should be available. If there are any pre packaged snacks you like bring them with you. Grab some nuts, dried fruit etc if you can. The challange is to eat as plain as you can. Good luck! Hugs!
  • jkees4854
    jkees4854 Posts: 10
    Ok, this might sound lame, but it's something that goes through my head all the time and keeps me motivated. I'm fairly young for the position that I hold, and when I go to work things I always want to be the picture of success. So, when you're at your conference, think about how colleagues will view you when they see you as a success at your job, as well as in your personal life. Like, "Wow, she does all that and she's still committed to exercise and she's in such a great mood!" (Remember - exercise improves your mood, which is why you may get depressed when you don't. Exercise releases the same endophins that doctors prescribe for depression.)

    View yourself as an inspiration to others, like your better half is to you. If you visualize yourself as the total success that you are, others will too.

    Good luck! You know you can always post again if you need a friendly pick-me-up. :flowerforyou:
  • ShapeUpSidney
    ShapeUpSidney Posts: 1,092 Member
    When you check in, ask if there's a mini fridge in your room. If not, request one. Then stock up on healthy breakfast and snacks you can stash in your purse. Snack when you can, so that you wont be starving around meal times. It will make it easier to make healthy choices.

    The Courtyard Marriott always gets me with their damn Belgian Waffles. I have to buy a good cereal or yogurt to eat a decent breakfast.
  • That was perfect and I could totally visualize that! Thanks!
  • I have to travel alot for work. The good thing about conferences, though, is that they usually have "HEALTHY CHOICES."

    The last conference I went to I focused on drinking only water (except for breakfast when I NEED my coffee for the protection of all conference attendees), eating a meat/vegetable/complex carb (usually fruit at conferences). Stay aways from the "PIG IN A BLANKET" type meals. And if you just think "high protein, high vegetables, moderate fruit" you will be okay. Also, keep in mind that going a little "off" won't hurt you. The week I "CHEATED" I lost 3lbs. I'm assuming the calorie juggling helped and my body doesn't feel deprived. Good luck!!
  • twooliver
    twooliver Posts: 450 Member
    I lost 4.5 pounds after two weeks away! One week was a conference and I was a mess the first couple of days!! But I managed to make good choices...stay close to the veggies, the protein (grilled and eggs for breakfast), and take your own snacks! I make my own mix with mixed nuts (almonds, cashews, and pecans) with dried fruits (bananas, goji berries, raisons) and I add some dark chocolate chips and allow myself a forth cup twice a day (app 150 cal). So I made some up and took a bag with me and that helped so much!! Also, they had a gym and I took a workout DVD in case they had a DVD player - and a couple of days I walked the city.

    You can do this! Check in if you can!
  • bugnbeansmom
    bugnbeansmom Posts: 292 Member
    I had the same issue about a month ago. I just made sure I ate salad first and filled upon that before even thinking about the toher choices. I know how you feel. Stay strong! I also found that I felt the pressure to eat well because those I work with were so over the top about the loss that I felt like I had to set a good example!
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