Thaeda Member


  • I feel the same way. I am up 10 from my lowest weight. My clothes are tight and I don't feel comfortable. Instead of being supportive, my friends are like "You are plety skinny, stop worrying about it"-- well here is the thing- if I stop worring about it and just wat "whatever" I am going to gain weight- which I do not…
  • Yeah-- you know maintenance is a lot tougher than I thought it was going to be. Sometimes I wonder if I didn't slack off a little just to have the extra weight to lose-- I know it sounds crazy--- but it crossed my mind.
    in I'm Back Comment by Thaeda January 2016
  • Hope all goes well! Post and let us know how you are doing when you can. :)
  • WOOOHOOOOOO!!!! Congrats!!
  • I am a horrid example...some days I am balanced, but other days I won't eat all day so I can binge at night w/o gaining. So I wouldn't recommend my food diary. :) That being said, when I am eating in a balanced way I usually have a few eggs for breakfast, then 4oz protein and 1/2-1c cooked veggies for meals. I do not do…
  • Thanks for the tips, ladies. :)
  • Howdy! I am 5'10, 178. Want to get to 160. My lowest weight this year was 166.7...have been slowly creeping up since October. UGH. I workout almost every day (running, yoga, elliptical, weights). I count calories and try to keep them at 1200 or less-- but some days I eat my face off. :( Anyway, my lack of discpline has led…
  • I know, right? I am not saying I never eat junk food, because I do, but I have to tell you it is a lot less than before and some of the things I used to eat I cannot even touch now. It gives me hope that I can keep the weight off when I think about how much my tastes have changed!
  • I know this probably sounds crazy, but I cannot STAND fast food. If I am super stuck and mad hungry, I might get Chik-fil-a since their stuff at least resembles food--- but honestly, these days I would rather just be hungry than eat fast food. Blech. I did not always feel that way. I used to love McD's--- but I committed…
  • WOW!! What a transformation!! :)
    in An Update Comment by Thaeda January 2016
  • I am with you!! In looking at my "weight report" I have been slowly (but steadily) gaining since October and I am now 12 pounds above my lowest weight (166.7). I would really like to get to 160....I know we shouldn't get hung up on numbers, but that is my dream goal. :)
    in I'm Back Comment by Thaeda January 2016
  • WOOOHOOOOO!! How exciting!! Can't wait to hear how the weigh-in goes on Monday!!
  • That does not sound trite. Sounds like you trusted your intuition-- VERY smart move. :)
  • I do not know the specifics of the 5DPT, but I did a quick Google search and found this website: Thought it might be helpful to you.
  • I have cut back on my use of them, but I still use a little Splenda in my coffee. I cannot tolerate stevia and also found erythritol to be unpalatable.
  • I am almost 2 years out- lost 135, gained back 8, but seem to be holding steady now. I did some pretty crazy stuff to get to my lowest weight (over-exercising, restricting, etc), so I am ok with where I am. Sometimes I eat junk, but I still watch my overall calories and I exercise for an hour or more just about every day.
  • Let me start this off by saying you look absolutely AMAZING. Wow! What a transformation! And yes-- what you are experiencing is common. Sounds like you are getting yourself back on track. I have found I need to be mindful-- watch what I am eating--and if I am not doing that, it is very easy to slip into old habits. At the…
  • Hope each day is getting a little better for you. :)
  • Mine was almost 2 years ago--- this community is wonderful. Jump on in-- the water's fine! :)
  • Sore, but not crazy bad. When I first woke up, it felt like a large animal was sitting on my chest- it was kind of hard to breathe and that freaked me out a little. It is OK...your chest might feel a little compressed from all the air they put in your abdomen-- resultant pressure is what causes this feeling. Just relax and…
  • Thanks much for the recommendation. I might check it out. :)
  • So glad to know I am not alone! And yeah-- I play the same game-- try to put off eating as long as I can get away with comfortably. Thanks-- and I agree with you- a big part of making this "stick" long term is figuring out how to tweak things so that this is MY lifestyle. That is why diets never worked for me. I claimed it…
  • Pat- yeah I am pretty happy that my regain is coming off steadily. I'm looking forward to being back to my usual weight so I can be a little less restrictive, but I think occasionally tightening things up is good practice. It reminds me that I am in control of me- not food (unless it involves high quality cake- in which…
  • Sometimes it is junk. Sometimes it isn't. Just being honest. I hadn't considered the possibility of losing muscle doing too much cardio. I reaaallly like cardio. I know I need to do more strength training, but I hate it. Might need to make that a NY resolution.
  • @murphyraven Yeah-- I faced the same issue-- if I eat "normally" all day, I end up with too many calories OR I end up fighting cravings all night long-- no fun at all! My favorite thing to do at the end of the day is watch TV and eat. Yes, I know-- terrible habit-- but not one I am willing to change yet. So I figure…
  • Offering an update..... Thanksgiving was fun and full of FOOD!! By the time the weekend was over I was up a total of 13 pounds above what I call my "happy place" (my "happy place" has been my average weight for 6 months before I started slowly gaining in Oct/Nov). So I panicked a little. The Sunday of Thanksgiving weekend,…
  • I agree- cold food is gross. I don't think there is any need to slow down just as long as you are not eating more than your nutritionist recommends.
  • I eat in 10-15 mins. I do not see that it is a big deal. The only issue for me is I have to go slow enough to make sure I do not get too full and vomit. I was sleeved almost 2 years ago and have never had that happen (although I came reaaaallly close once). For me, it is important to pay attention when I am eating to how I…
  • Water retention can be a real pain. What you are describing, yes- it does sound like that is what is happeneing for you. I am not sure where you are in the process (pre surgery or post), but my suggestion is that you continue to follow your plan and let things rebalance themselves-- they will! Have faith! Be good to you. :)
  • is a website of a woman who had bariatric surgery-- she has TONS of recipes and tips.