

  • I have experienced a similar phenomenon: I didn't up my caloric intake, but I did incorporate interval training several times a week. After about two months of this, I gained a little weight, but my measurements remained the same. However, when this has happened to me, I didn't continue to gain. I tend stay somewhere…
  • I usually use several different calculators and average the numbers. Caloric burn data consensus can vary quite a bit from activity to activity as well. I personally find that MFP estimates 10 more calories burned for a 6.4 mile run than other running calculators, but their estimate for the elliptical trainer can be…
  • Hi, sorry my diary settings are now public
  • Thanks for the advice everyone! I will definitely try averaging.
  • If you're just beginning an exercise program, it may be a little too much too soon. It's great you're thinking of training for a 5K! If you know you want to set the 5K as a primary goal, I would focus on training for that first. Once you've completed your race, you can experiment with adding the other regimen into your…
  • Oh yes, that one's pretty predictable for me. I'm usually up 2-5lbs the day after a long run. I'm sure a long bike, or any particularly strenuous workout would do the same thing.
  • Thanks for the help everyone. I think you're all probably right, water is the most likely culprit. I am just not used to retaining unless I have completed a long run the day before and when that happens I am usually back to normal the next day. But I there's no way I ate over 7,000 extra calories every day the past three…
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