Steadily gained 5lbs over past three days



  • emilydinah
    emilydinah Posts: 10
    Thanks for the help everyone. I think you're all probably right, water is the most likely culprit. I am just not used to retaining unless I have completed a long run the day before and when that happens I am usually back to normal the next day. But I there's no way I ate over 7,000 extra calories every day the past three days! I'll try not to stress too much and trust things will probably normalize soon. Thanks again!
  • keithf1138
    keithf1138 Posts: 63
    Remember it was just a 3 day holiday weekend. I find on a regular weekend even while continuing to run at a calorie deficit nearly every Monday I way a couple of pounds more than Friday (I weigh in every morning before consuming anything after using the bathroom.). My routine on weekends is much different. We may eat out, we are more active. Our workouts move to morning, I may have a drink or two, etc. etc. Key is my deficit is usually about the same as my weekday deficit. Yet it takes a few days for my body to re-adjust and purge the extra water it retains each and every weekend. With this 3 day weekend it was even worse. It is rather annoying, but seems to be predictable.
  • aviduser
    aviduser Posts: 208 Member
    Funny that you notice the gain after a big run . . .

    Last Sunday I did a 100 mile bike race. By Tuesday AM, I was up 5 lbs. By the end of the week, I was back down.

    For all I know about exercise, diet, recovery, etc, I never realized that muscles in recovery hold onto water.

    That must explain it.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I did that. It took me a few days to drop it, but then I was at a new low. Made me a little crazy though.

    Check out the "Happy Scale" app if you do this often.
  • emilydinah
    emilydinah Posts: 10
    Oh yes, that one's pretty predictable for me. I'm usually up 2-5lbs the day after a long run. I'm sure a long bike, or any particularly strenuous workout would do the same thing.
  • tjthegreatone
    Over the past few months I've stopped trusting the scale AT ALL. I might hop on once every few weeks to see what's happening but the number may have been magicked out of thin air as I can never predict it.
    I've been known to gain ten plus pounds in a day and lose six of them the next. The use of the mirror and looking at photos are more helpful.
    Of course if you have body dysmorphic disorder that's probably no good either.