Thank you. Even at a 40lb loss so far, two pant sizes smaller.... I already feel great. Its all up hill from here.
Actually going tomorrow because I'm pullin a huge shift at work today. But gym clothes are already in the car!
I dont really think so. I always lay in bed and massage it, havnt noticed a change. while I have been over weight all my life. and now working hard to lose it. I want to remember what it felt like. just incase if I do get the chance and opportunity to share my success with others. when and if my body does change. seeinv…
bumping this because it is exactly what was going through my mind, and a lot of great information on here for others if you havn't read this already, and or experiencing this as well.
count me in, I'm alread at 17 miles so far this month. my goal is 25.