Fat turning soft and weird feeling - what is up with it?



  • aprmay
    aprmay Posts: 216 Member
    Bump. Old post but good stuff.
  • bump
  • MissCaroline71
    MissCaroline71 Posts: 24 Member
    Im a daily weigher (but have learned not to obsess) - and ended up on this email thread as my tummy is getting v. squishy, and I have remained at an identical weight for 4 days. (I normally fluctuate a few pounds day to day).

    Previously - "when dieting" - If I had stayed at the same weight for 4 days - I would be decreasing my calorie count over the next few days to such an extent that I would binge a week later, then give up for a few weeks, and start again.

    And "now" is why I love MFP...........

    Since MFP and the forums, I realise my eating is fine for my weight loss goal - HOWEVER, thanks to MFP - I really think Im about to "Whoosh" - my weight is steady, my fat is getting squishy, my jeans felt like "1 day old" straight from the dryer.......

    I will definitely drink some extra water over the next few days - and let everyone know if I whooshed past my previous low.... *fingers crossed*
  • JessicaJVRadcliffe
    JessicaJVRadcliffe Posts: 201 Member
    I still have some pieces like that around my lower abdomen. I think it is from stretching. I have had 3 pregnancies in less than 4 years, and the pregnancy in the middle was twins. Needless to say, I stretched, shrank, really stretched, shrank, stretched, and shrank again. As a result, my lower belly is a little lumpy, but with exercise I am hoping it will go away.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    I've been wondering if massages or body wraps would help in this process. OR like those lipo massages they have at spas. In essence anything to help break down the bumps faster. Don't think I have them yet, but I have been massaging the heck out of myself and so I dunno. Maybe i'm not down enough pounds or will never be, but this was just a thought I had in anticipation of something like that. I figured it wouldn't come off all easy and smooth and the cells might become uneven at some point.

    So...bottom line....Massages? Yay, or nay?
  • dawnsjourney
    dawnsjourney Posts: 80 Member
    I figure when it goes squishy like that, it's like having a bean bag that's lost some of its stuffing. When it was full, you didn't notice each indvidual lump. Now that there's room in there, you can feel the lumps that are left. This is good! It means there's less in there than there was to start with!

    Perfect! I also use the comparison of bubblewrap. The more bubbles you pop the squishier it gets.
  • Lazygal53
    Lazygal53 Posts: 294 Member
  • italral
    italral Posts: 31 Member
    It is correct that you are burning fat, but the fat cells themselves need time to shrink as well. Its called reset, your body needs time to adjust to the weight loss before loosing more fat. Just keep on keeping on. Water is the most important thing you can do while loosing weight, and thereafter. I would advise against any compression, as you want to promote circulation. Get a body brush, and rub your stomach in a circular pattern every morning for a minute or so. You can do the rest of the body too, but brush in one direction towards your heart. But number one, water, water, water!
  • ctpeace
    ctpeace Posts: 327 Member
    ok so what changes have you noticed since posting this?

    Honestly belly shrank for a bit and it's doing it again, which means hopefully it'll shrink some more again.It'll be the 3rd cycle of this happening, first two I dropped an inch like that once the whoosh was done... Legs and about every part of my body is having this phenomenon happening now. Except on my arms where these weird hard big bumps that move when my arm moves have formed.

    Biceps? Congrats on the woosh!
  • squall88c
    squall88c Posts: 69 Member

    Very helpful topic as I'm experiencing it now.
  • johnguitarman
    johnguitarman Posts: 56 Member
    What role does water play with the 'swoosh' effect? Ho much should we drink? My stomach got squishy last week but I have not yet experienced a sudden drop in weight.
  • Nease
    Nease Posts: 10
    bumping this because it is exactly what was going through my mind, and a lot of great information on here for others if you havn't read this already, and or experiencing this as well.
  • RoseDarrett
    RoseDarrett Posts: 355 Member
    So helpful to know!! I'm glad I came across this!!
  • mimieon
    mimieon Posts: 182 Member
    All my weightloss was like that, its funny because I know where I will lose mostly before I "really" lose it. However, in my case it always meant good things were happening. The jiggle isn't very nice maybe at first, but now I rejoice when I feel it somewhere.

    Edit: Just want to emphasize that it is not loose skin. My skin is always tightly around it, never loose or floppy.
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    same thing happen to me about 30 pounds ago. felt really gushy, and like there were little bumps and balls of fat inside... I felt gross just seeing / touching it... around the same time, I started jogging. in the last 3 months, my belly flop, gushy-ness, and the bumpy balls of fat have disappeared... I now have a tummy that is coming together nicely after 5 pregnancies and being almost 100 pounds over weight at one time... just work through it, it will get better!
  • babyluthi
    babyluthi Posts: 285 Member
    Does anyone know if massaging it helps it along at all?


    1st GOAL: 100kg (6JUN13)
    13.2kg lost / 22.2kg to go
  • Nease
    Nease Posts: 10
    Does anyone know if massaging it helps it along at all?


    1st GOAL: 100kg (6JUN13)
    13.2kg lost / 22.2kg to go

    I dont really think so. I always lay in bed and massage it, havnt noticed a change. while I have been over weight all my life. and now working hard to lose it. I want to remember what it felt like. just incase if I do get the chance and opportunity to share my success with others. when and if my body does change. seeinv how it feels "now". next month when I'm doing the same. ill hopefully notice the changes in my body.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
  • maundrelle
    maundrelle Posts: 39 Member
    I have been told in the past that hard or firm fat is fat that has not had much blood going round it in a while. It goes soft when your body is pumping blood through it more often or in other words using it.

    So as i understand it firm fat > soft fat > gone fat.

    This! :)
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    The skin isn't really loose, I don't know how to describe it well... picture say a balloon, and fill it full of sand that is really compacted. That is a way to describe my belly, now pictubelievehat balloon, put in styrofoam balls of varying sizes not ultra compacted, and fill the rest with water. That is about the only way I can describe it. My belly has only lost about 1.5 inches in total, verses all other parts are up to around 5-6 inches gone. So I don't think it's just hanging skin because there hasn't been enough lost to really hang. It's also not something that has always been there, it's a noticeable difference when I run and stuff.. It sloshes kinda like it didn't use to wiggle when I ran so much.. I may just be crazy.

    I know exactly what you mean. My DH used to describe that same squishy thing you're talking about. Over the years, he's managed to yo yo a bit while I never did lose, so I had no idea what he was talking about.

    Now that i know metabolic dysfunction is my problem and have taken corrective measures, the weight is not only coming off, but doing so easily.

    He showed me literally last week how jiggly etc and made the same complaints, but then said that this is the last part, after it gets like this, it goes really quickly.

    Yeah riiiight.

    This week, i'll be damned if his stinkin' non ever having to carry a baby kangaroo pouch just sucked up and went away! :noway:

    I'm hoping I'm next! My shape has changed greatly from apple to the pear shape i had in my 20's and like you, I've lost everywhere but have more about my middle than anywhere else to lose. I do believe he's managed the fabled whoosh, and pray I'm next and I suspect you will be too . :drinker: