joining a gym today

So, ill be joining a gym today as my topic says. It'll be my first membership. But, today was my goal day to do it. And I'm going to do it. However.... I'm doing it online because I have to work all day. But I was wondering what do I do next? How will they know that I actually paid my stuff, do I have to wait before I start going?

If it helps any, joining fitness evolution here in WA.


  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    You can workout the same day. Take your gym clothes and dont put it off.
  • Nease
    Nease Posts: 10
    Actually going tomorrow because I'm pullin a huge shift at work today. But gym clothes are already in the car!
  • _EndGame_
    _EndGame_ Posts: 770 Member
    Best thing I did this year was take out my gym/swimming poll membership, I did it in person though, a long with my reintroduction to the gym, machines, electronic key logger, ect.

    I assume if you have paid online, you will have been given an online receipt (usually sent to your email address) they will also have a record.

    The gym I attend hand out little plastic keyrings, with a barcode on that is scanned each time you come to the gym, I assume f you paid online, this will be posted out to you or you'll collect it when you attend your first session.
  • ThePlight
    ThePlight Posts: 3,593 Member
    The gym is the best choice I made in getting myself back healthy from half a lifetime of eating greasy southern cooked meals.
    I now eat healthy AND have endorphins to boot! How cool is that ;)
    Grats on your membership, by the way! You will be feeling great in no time.
  • Nease
    Nease Posts: 10
    The gym is the best choice I made in getting myself back healthy from half a lifetime of eating greasy southern cooked meals.
    I now eat healthy AND have endorphins to boot! How cool is that ;)
    Grats on your membership, by the way! You will be feeling great in no time.

    Thank you. Even at a 40lb loss so far, two pant sizes smaller.... I already feel great. Its all up hill from here.