

  • I agree - my so-called "ideal" BMI would leave me looking like Kate Moss. NOT my idea of healthy OR sexy! I prefer NOT looking prepubescent and knock-kneed at 36 thanks!
    in BMI Comment by waterbug920 June 2013
  • Hiya Pinky! I have many of the same problems - I am 5'1" (on a good day!) and on the roundish side, LOL. I always joke that my ancestors were Hobbits. I enjoy exercise, it's finding TIME to do it, esp with kids. I have an 8 yr old daughter and a 5 yr old son and work full-time as well so time is limited. Which also means…
  • I did not weigh in this week - but I'm sure it wasn't good! I had a vomiting 3 yr old last week and the boss was out of town , which means that me and the other doctor pick up appointment hours. Plus it was my Fri/Sat. All-in-all a poor week performance-wise! One thing I definately need to work on is dealing wiith weeks…
  • Here's my weekly stats: Start Weight = 150 Current Weight = 145.3 Goal Weight= 130 (I think that was my goal weight.... LOL) It's been a very hectcic week, and i haven't logged my food too much. Glad I weighte din yesterday morning BEFORE we went to the rodeo though, cause I was bad and had a burger and some fries! But…
  • Well, I haven't done a great job tracking my food this week, but I HAVE been paying attemtion to what I'm eating, even if I'm not getting it logged. Doing well with P90X, lots of strength training involved! I like those two challenged for the week, and I'm actually a little excited for weigh-ins, cause my pants are loose!!…
  • I'm still here too! I did P90X stuff every day but Sun (X-country skiing instead) and Thursday. Thursdays aren't good - I work till 6:30 or 7:00 then have choir practice from 7:15 - 9:30. But here's my stats for the week: Nicole (waterbug920) Start Wt: 150 Current: 146.7 So I'm back down a little bit and less frustrated.…
  • Not to be redundant, but me too! It's the easiest way, because individuals do burn calories VERY differently. You may be different depending on the day also. It depends on just how hard I push myself that day. Good luck - I love P90X!
  • Thanks - good to know someone else had this problem too. It's such a bummer when it happens, but you're probably right about buildin up new muscle. Thanks again - I kinda needed the 'pick me up'!
  • Well, I pretty much SUCKED on the sodium levels last week - was better by the end of the week, but still a little over. AMAZING how much sodium was in my diet. Since the flu hit last week, I did not get to exercise much early in the week, but I started P90x on Friday. I really like the program - but be ready for an…
  • Finally got to exercise today - hope I didn't overdue it! . That stomach flu kicked my *kitten*. After logging what I was eating the last couple of days I've decided that the "bland" foods we eat when we dont feel good are NOT necessarily low in cals, fat, OR sodium! Dang! Back on track today though and ready to go. We…
  • Check out Hungry-Girl.com - she has these great "Egg Mug" recipes. Scrambled eggs (egg beaters) in a coffee mug sprayed with Pam - add your ingredients, pop it in the micrwave, stir, microwave again, and you're done! All the stats are already done for yoou also!
  • Sorry - I didn't post my weight Mon- 145.7. I have been down with the stomach flu the last 2 days (uuuuggghhhh....), feeling better today - hoping I can exercise a little tomorrow. NOT a good way to lose weight!
  • Hmmm, after reading p_cake's post, I switched my settings to look at Sodium - and I'm WAYYYYYY over !!! Never really thought to track that! I'm usually so set on Cal, Fat, Prot, Fiber & Sugar. Never really kept track of sodium. I didn't make it to the clinic to weigh today - I'll post tomorrow - we went to the Winter…
  • If you want great low-cal recipes, check out Hungry Girl (www.hungry-girl.com).... she LOVES egg beaters. You can sign up for a weekly e-newsletter with new products and recipes. If you're cooking for your family, you have to do some calculating, cause alot of them are for 1-2 servings, but still great stuff.
  • I met my water challenge every day - a big thing for me...I think I must walk around in a state of perpetual dehydration! LOL Calores - I did better thought I would. I will have to post weight tomorrow. I actually don't have a scale at home, I use the one at the clinic where I work and I didn't work today (Hallelujah!!),…
  • I've been on track for my water all week, but the calories just isn't happening. We've been so busy at work and the kids have needed alot of face-time (everyone getting cabin fever here in the great white north) We get out for an hour yesterday to sled-ride, but with wind-chills in the negative teens, it's tough. Hoping to…
  • Well, I'm getting down the water pretty well, especialy during workouts. But I'm probably not going to to make the calorie burn this week. I'll try my best, but I didn't even get a workout in Sun OR yesterday (slacker - I know!!). I did run 3 mi this AM and 1 hr Zumba tonight, so that'll help. Hope everyone had a great day!
  • Good Luck on your first Sprint Tir! I ran my first last June and LOVED it! I'm completely hooked now. If I can helop out in any way,let mem know!
  • I started this week also! I ran several 5K's last year, but I really didn't go much further than that. When I started running, I would get this feeling too. A friend (triathalete) told me to increase my protein in-take if I was running every day. Sometimes you actually need to increase you caloric intake a little to meet…
  • Wel, I didn't do TOO bad last night - had a nice big salad before we left. I had a small bit of buffalo chicken dip (at least Amy made it with healthy versions of the ingredients!), but I did manage to drink a whole bottle of Merlot..... LOL feelin it a little bit this morning. Haven't done my measurements yet, but weight…
  • OK, I need a little motivational support! I'm going to a friends surprise Bday party tonight where there will be a ton of good (ie, GUILTY) food and a good bit of drinking.... "Lord help me to not stuff my face and drink too much beer!" I think I'll take a bottle of wine to share and when that bottle is gone, I'm on to…
  • Still taking Newbies, I hope?? I just joined MFP the other day and this group sounds perfect! I like the idea of weekly challenges (cause I really need the extra motivation!) Name: Nicole Age: 33 Goal Date: Memorial Day Current Weigth: 148 Goal Weight: 130 I just did my measurements for the first time this afternoon - it…
  • For active women that work out consistantly, a common problem is over-strengthening of the lateral thigh muscle which then pulls the patella laterally (toward the outside), creating friction along the femoral crest. A knee brace with a patellar stabilizer really helps. If it gets worse I would definately see an "orthopod"…
  • Thanks for the warm welcome everyone! It's hard to get back on track when I've been shlubbing it for the last few months, but I think being on here will really help. I did weight watchers after my second child was born and I lost 30 lbs - so I was REALLY excited to find a free format. @ doutri2 - have you heard of the…