

  • I second this. We didn't have a DJ, just a speaker and a playlist and only one couple danced, that I remember.
  • LOL, I think I love you. I haven't been to any HORRIBLE weddings, but I've been to some where I've "called it" - when I don't think they'll last. Things I hate at weddings: Cash bar - tacky. I don't even drink and I hate them. When you can't hear the bride and groom say their vows - that's what your guests are coming to…
  • I have nose, eyebrow, labret, and ear piercings (9 in one ear, 4 in the other) along with two tats. The only body jewelry I wear anymore is the nose ring but surprisingly, all but the ear cartilage piercings are still wearable.
  • If money and a babysiter weren't a consideration, I'd be going on a European cruise haha. That'll have to wait a few years.
  • I've seen that website you've talked about and I pinned it on Pinterest but it disappeared. This website allows you to enter in weight, height, clothing sizes and body shape to find what other women look like with those measurements:
  • My little monster just turned 8 months last week and it's been hell trying to get anything done, She insists on being held the majority of the time, and always takes her naps on me. It helps to do things with her, like pop her in a stroller for a walk or carry her (or wear her) while performing other activities.
  • Daaaayum! I've heard p90x has good results; I'll have to get it! You can even see results in your face. Good job!
  • One of the few things I actually remember from my kinesiology class is max heart rate. Max HR = 220 - (age). Apparently, there was a 20 year study that found that this isn't a very accurate formula. I believe the target heart rate (thr) should be between 50-85% so, yes, 97% is too high.
  • I don't think it's weird. (At least, I hope not!) I'm not super fond of breakfast food, and I usually don't have time to eat it anyway, so I usually skip it. When I do eat breakfast though, I get hungry a lot earlier too. Hopefully a nutritionist or some other expert can give us an answer!
  • Oh no, I haven't even thought about the fact that people could be submitting incorrect info! I'll definitely have to keep my eye out for that kind of stuff a little better. You can be sure I'll be tagging things as incorrect if I see them!
  • I may start one again after this one's over. I still need to get my Nike sensor in my non-Nike shoes! My family and I are planning to start a weight loss competition on May 1 so hopefully I'll be running a lot more.
  • Guhhhh, I totally forgot about this challenge. I got new shoes that aren't Nikes so I didn't even think to switch over my sensor. Doh! Looks like you ladies and gents will be pulling way ahead of me! :)
  • I meant to have the start date be on Thursday, but I was too quick on the draw, so it's officially started. MFP Run Your *kitten* Off! hope everyone has fun!
  • Sure, as soon as I set it up, I'll head on over to MFP with the name of the challenge and hopefully a link. :)
  • Jeff, I agree, it'd be cool but I think Nike is more concerned with running than with weight loss. So, everyone - you'd rather do most mileage? I've done that before and it definitely lit a fire under my *kitten*, so if that's what the masses demand, that's what the masses shall receive! :)
  • I like the idea of a mile per pound you wanna lose, but I don't know how that'd work. As far as I can see, Nike doesn't have it set up like that. The only thing I could think of would be to either set up multiple challenges (since I, and I'm sure a lot of others on MFP, have a lot more than 30 lbs to lose). I think a…
  • As soon as we unpack ours, I try to put them all inside one bag and hang them on the door handle with my purse for the next time I go to the car. If they're in the car already, I have no excuse not to use them!
  • Yay, that gives me hope! I'm a 40DD right now; can't wait to be a 34C (like I was in high school) once more. Get rid of these dang ginormous over-the-shoulder-boulder-holders once and for all! :)
  • Is your weight also going down? If so, it's most likely from that. You weigh less, so your body burns fewer cals