Nike+ Challenge

Hi all!
I joined MFP a few months ago (at least) and while I was doing well in the beginning, the tracking is driving me nuts! I need something to motivate me again, so....
Anyone interested in doing a Nike+ Challenge? I did one a year or so ago with one of my friends and it really helped me. I'm thinking maybe a 30 day challenge, a distance goal. If there seems to be an interest in this, I'll create a challenge so we'll all be able to start at roughly the same time. Let me know, guys and gals!

(X-posted cuz I accidentally posted in the "introduce yourself" board first!)


  • longhop
    longhop Posts: 35
    I would like to do something like that!
  • SarahJaneDeschamp
    SarahJaneDeschamp Posts: 359 Member
    hi just bought the Nike+ fitness band, but don't have a HRT, i currently cant run, because of health problems with my leg, but i can walk :)
  • jeffrodgers1
    jeffrodgers1 Posts: 991 Member
    I'd be in for that! How about one mile for every pound you want to lose? (i.e. my goal is 30 lbs, so I'd run 30 miles in the month of April??)
  • pilotgirl2007
    pilotgirl2007 Posts: 368 Member
    I'm in! Let me know the info!
  • gooberr4
    gooberr4 Posts: 253 Member
    also in! i like the idea of the pounds u wanna lose. keep us updated!!!
  • thekern
    thekern Posts: 21
    I like the idea of a mile per pound you wanna lose, but I don't know how that'd work. As far as I can see, Nike doesn't have it set up like that. The only thing I could think of would be to either set up multiple challenges (since I, and I'm sure a lot of others on MFP, have a lot more than 30 lbs to lose).
    I think a distance goal of 30 miles in a month would be good for new (or begin-again) runners. What do you guys think? 30? or maybe 50?
  • pilotgirl2007
    pilotgirl2007 Posts: 368 Member
    I personally like the one where you see who can do the most mileage in 30 days. I did that with a few friends about a month ago and every time someone pulled in ahead of me it made me get out there for another run.

    But I am game for any of them : )
  • jeffrodgers1
    jeffrodgers1 Posts: 991 Member
    Well... most mileage in 30 days I guess would work? Shame we can't do it by weight.

    Just label the Nike+ Challenge so we can all find it.
  • thekern
    thekern Posts: 21
    Jeff, I agree, it'd be cool but I think Nike is more concerned with running than with weight loss. So, everyone - you'd rather do most mileage? I've done that before and it definitely lit a fire under my *kitten*, so if that's what the masses demand, that's what the masses shall receive! :)
  • gooberr4
    gooberr4 Posts: 253 Member
    most miles in 30 days seems perfect. could u post a link to the challenge/explain how to find it? I don't have any nike+ friends and i never did a challenge before. :)
  • thekern
    thekern Posts: 21
    Sure, as soon as I set it up, I'll head on over to MFP with the name of the challenge and hopefully a link. :)
  • thekern
    thekern Posts: 21
    I meant to have the start date be on Thursday, but I was too quick on the draw, so it's officially started. MFP Run Your *kitten* Off! hope everyone has fun!
  • jeffrodgers1
    jeffrodgers1 Posts: 991 Member
    I'm in... even though it looks like I need to take a few days off... Pumped out 8 Km last night.
  • thekern
    thekern Posts: 21
    Guhhhh, I totally forgot about this challenge. I got new shoes that aren't Nikes so I didn't even think to switch over my sensor. Doh!
    Looks like you ladies and gents will be pulling way ahead of me! :)
  • 1FitMom326
    1FitMom326 Posts: 228
    I am really late in the game but joined the challenge anyway. I would love to join the next one.
  • TakeOne
    TakeOne Posts: 345 Member
    Hey All!! I just joined the challenge! :smile:
  • TakeOne
    TakeOne Posts: 345 Member
    LOL...OMG...just looked at the date :embarassed: and realized that you started this a few weeks ago...ooppsies!
  • thekern
    thekern Posts: 21
    I may start one again after this one's over. I still need to get my Nike sensor in my non-Nike shoes! My family and I are planning to start a weight loss competition on May 1 so hopefully I'll be running a lot more.
  • chrisyoung0422
    chrisyoung0422 Posts: 426 Member
    I just got the nike + and new nano and love them both.

    I would be interested in taking part in this when another one is started.