Great job on making it through the first 24! I'm wondering if it's weird that I can't name ONE trigger food, it could be anything that strikes me as desirable in the moment. The other day for the first time I made sweet potato hummus and it was so delicious I couldn't stop. I did stop at half but that's way too much for a…
I hope I'm not being too controversial here, but I think weighing yourself daily for a period of time (like a week or two) can be beneficial in understanding how much weight can change from day to day and at different hours during the day so that when you go back to regular weekly/monthly/occasional weighing you can…
Don't be too hard on yourself, you're only human! Just take it as a lesson and get right back on program and you'll be fine.
One serving counts as one green, not the whole bag though (just for clarification).
I totally agree with what was said above about splitting L&G into at least 2 meals. Sometimes I'd make a chicken salad and have part on COB buns and part by itself and then a salad later. Salad also helped me since lettuce/spinach is a larger serving than if I were to just have a serving of cooked veggies, but really it's…
It is pretty easy for me so far. Hardest thing is breaking out of the MF box to realize that I don't have to live by very strict rules, just be smart about choices. Eat a little too many vegetables today? Can walk a little extra or have a little less tomorrow. And of course remember that ups and downs are normal. I haven't…
I believe they say you shouldn't use more than 1 green serving of shiritake noodles while on 5&1 because they are more of a filler than nutritious.
Was about 9 months and 100 lbs. Now in transition week 5 and hoping to maintain:smile: !
I usually go up between 3 and 7 lbs before and during ToM. Just don't weigh that week if it will get you down to see the numbers going up. Once it's over the water weight will disappear and you'll be back to where you started, or even less. Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
Prince Naveen