

  • I'm just finishing up day 10. This is my 2nd Whole30.
  • I started my 2nd whole30 today. I had really good results with the first one I did in January. I fell off the wagon pretty bad though. I like to say that I fell off and was trampled by the oxen pulling it. I also have been following IF so it will be interesting to do both at the same time.
  • Finishing up my first whole30 next week and I will be starting my 2nd round on February 16th or 17th depending on how valentines day weekend pans out.
  • It appears that I am not alone. I do not run for fun, never have. But I hate that I am so bad at it.
  • I lost 40lbs by just taking classes and eating right. Spinning, zumba, yoga, body pump, body bar, kettle bells, boxing. The only classes I never tried were the ones in the pool because I felt like they were aimed towards people that weren't able to move quite as well. If I had to work out on my own it would never get done,…
  • But I want to enjoy it!! I am just horrible at it, it hurts and is uncomfortable. I'm also very competitive and I hate that there's something that I seem like I'm not able to do. So maybe there is hope. I hope it gets easier. Even just running the 200 meters for my warm up makes me feel like I've been working out for a lot…
  • It took me 2 years to finally suck up the price tag and join. I had been admiring from afar for a very long time. I decided I wasn't going to get where I wanted to be by my current gym because I was bored. I love it and I look forward to seeing what the work out is going to be every single day whether I planned on going to…
  • So there may not be any hope for me :(
  • I made it through my first class today! This is definitely a victory for me because for the past week I kept coming up with excuses as to why I couldn't go that day.
  • I mix chocolate whey protein powder with plain greek yogurt, chia seeds and strawberries, it's actually pretty yummy.
  • Absolutely get in contact with them! Mine offered a free into class which was pretty much a fitness assessment. Then I signed up for 5 one on one sessions where the trainer goes over EVERYTHING. My last one on one is tomorrow and then I get to begin the actual classes. If your gym (box) offers these sessions I would…