808haoleboy Member


  • I use my retired NB minimus. No compression needed!
  • Strong arms+women=sexy. Keep on, keeping on!
  • "it was $5 and I like it..." LOL.
  • torture. Lots of fun. Do it with... -body weight squats -push ups -pull ups -dips -chin ups -mountain climbers -hand stand push ups -sprints -suicides -etc, etc, etc.
  • I have exactly the same situation. No explanation either!
  • I pay $20 a month for mine, month to month, no contract. I'm too lazy and hate traffic to head to the military bases (one of the many benefits of being a reservist.) My gym is fully stocked with everything but a pool. I'd say anything less then $40 be good deal ESPECIALLY if you use it. If you never go, its not worth it.…
  • Lovely figure! Definitely made a hell of a lot of progress. Dress looks great on ya! Your legs look great also!
  • I am training for my first marathon so I'm just going with what my body feels ok with. So far, I run M, W, TH, SA and lift HEAVY on TU, FR, SUN. So far, so good. If I am feeling really burnt out, I sacrifice my lifting on Tuesdays which hasn't impacted my lifting much or at all.
  • I've been lifting for years and know exactly what you're talking about. I actually don't tend to get sore anymore, but I am also pretty damn happy with my body changes and gains. I seem to hit new PRs about every two weeks having moved back noobie gains. Oh...if noobie gains lasted forever... Anyways, yup. The mind is a…
  • Heavy lifting (deadlifts, squats, bench, push press, power cleans) and running. I'm doing the Honolulu Marathon in December so training for that takes time and dedication. I add in gymnastics training and tabata workouts to fill in the gaps. Short, quick and fun. I never like to workout more then an hour total if can.
  • Headphones. Work out hard. Ignore people. Move on.
  • I got short, wide feet with high arches. New Balance Minimus has been my faithful shoe for the last few years. Love em to death. Won't ever go back to a "regular" running shoe again. No pains from running anymore! NBs seem to be pretty accepting of people with wide feet. My brother wears them also for the same reason.
  • Cheese is my crack. Its in the same area as peanut butter for me (all nut butters actually.) Its hard to stop. The fat, the protein, the SHEER JOY... Ever since I started doing this MFP thing, I stopped eating cheese. i actually had a delicious chunk of pepperjack mold while I neglected it. So, keep it in small doses. Its…
  • Funny Post. :) I cannot STAND ANYONE WHO DOES FREAKING CURLS IN THE SQUAT RACK! ITS A SQUAT RACK!!! Go do curls in front of the mirror!
  • And...she didn't get bulky. Keep sharing your results! One person after another and the stupid rumor that women get "bulky" by lifting heavy will hopefully DIE. GREAT RESULTS!
  • First off, f*** anyone who would say anything negative to you. You're all there to be healthy and fit, so your goals are aligned in that aspect. Seriously consider hiring a trainer and being taught how to do basic compound movements (bench, deadlifts, squats) and then once you got it dialed in go for it. Everyone is at…
  • Not entirely useless...Its great for putting your towel on, and front dips are easy on it also. Squatting though, ya...no good.
  • Honestly, I used to have that problem also when I switched to that technique. I used to try to practice with just PVC pipes but couldn't get it. Once I had the barbell (45#) loaded, it somewhat forced my hands down and elbows up. I kept at it and now can easily front squat AND get my hands in proper position (elbows up)…
  • Squats, squats and more squats. Past parallel if can.
  • Youtube. FREE...better then cheap. Figure out what kind of workouts you want to do and what kind of equipment you need and then use the powers of youtube to get the workouts free. Plenty websites got free workout plans also, so utilize everything.
  • I'll second compound lifting. Deadlifts, Squats, Bench, Push Press, Power Cleans. Also Olympic lifting like clean and jerks and snatches. Gymnastics training is pretty fun also!
  • I bought the P90x videos from them. They barely worked and BB wouldn't swap them. Kind of a bummer. I enjoyed P90x for awhile. You're not alone in them failing.
  • The smith machine is good for putting your towel on it when working out, and um, maybe doing pull ups on it if nothing else is available. Also can be used for doing front dips on. Its not good for squats though. Otherwise, familiarize yourself with the squat rack. Its a glorious and wonderful place to be. You will be…