KatyCurtin Member


  • Put the filling in a cake decorating bag. That's what I do. Keeps the mess to a minimum as well.
  • I bought 8 ounce glasses. I have one when I get up, before I even pee. Then I shower and get dressed. Brush teeth, have another 8 ounces. Two down, in small doses, and I haven't even left the house. Get to work, pour coffee and a 16 Oz water. There's 4 servings with almost no effort on my part. Another 16 Oz at lunch, 16…
  • One of my teenaged daughters classmates died this week. She thought she was "too fat." So she exercised and starved herself to death. It's sad when people can't see their perfectly healthy and acceptable bodies. For the record: I'm 5', 30# overweight and while not entirely happy with myself, I can deal with it. I had an…
  • Disclaimer: Personal experience only. The people I know who miraculously felt better when eliminating gluten from their diet were eating more fresh fruits and veggies and less prepared food. Perhaps the key wasn't so much the lack of gluten, but more the removal of additives and preservatives.
  • Regarding the stair count not being accurate: You have to gain and lose 10 vertical feet in order to count as a flight of stairs. I once ran the bleachers on other side of our football field from where I usually run the bleachers. Thirty times. And it didn't "count." It turns out that one side has one less step than the…
  • I have the fitbit one. I previously had the ultra but I drowned it in a puddle. LOVE,LOVE, LOVE. The things I love about it are that it is 100% accurate as far as my step count and it counts flights of stairs (10 feet+ of elevation per flight.) I either wear it clipped to my pocket or to my hip on my underwear. I find it…
  • I have a fitbit one that I love. It motivates me. I can glance at it anytime during the day and see where I am in relation to meeting my goals. Bonus for me, it also counts the number of flights of stairs I climb. I've had other pedometers, but none have been as accurate as my fitbit. I've been something of a slacker…
  • Another fitbit fan here. I have the one. The two most important features for me are that it records all my steps accurately and it counts stairs. I've logged 10,500 plus flights in just over a year. I check it periodically throughout the day so I can tell if I'm meeting my goals. I did have the bodymedia fit for a little…
  • Use clear cellophane bags (like the goodie bags from the party store) and tie them with curling ribbon. It will showcase your cookies and keep them fresh.
  • I'm a former smoker. I quit 5 years ago. The best thing I ever did for myself. Something to keep in mind, it's a lot easier to stay thin than to gain weight and then try to lose it later. I put on a lot of weight in a short amount of time and have struggled to lose it. I wish I'd been more aware at the time and not let it…