No snacking...*types up post*

I am on day 3 without the cigarettes. Last time I quit I filled the void with food, which of course turned out badly, so this time I am battling the craving with exercise. If I keep this pace up I am either going to be super buff or in the hospital. Crossing fingers for buffyness (it’s a new word-shh). My mind is now flipping between smoking and eating a jar of peanut butter. Option 3 to the rescue; time to go for another walk!

There a few seconds of distraction and refocus to keep the unneeded AND unwanted food out of the hands. If anyone else would like to ramble a bit, lets hear it!


  • Docmahi
    Docmahi Posts: 1,603 Member
    very proud of you keep it up!!!!!
  • tlab827
    tlab827 Posts: 155 Member
    I just started Chantix today. I'm also hoping not to replace one bad habit with another.
  • HiKaren
    HiKaren Posts: 1,306 Member
    OMG Great Job. You can do it... I actually tried last Saturday, and made it up until 8:30pm.. Then I caved. But I'm trying again. Have the NJoy fake cigarette, and nicorette lozenges.

    And I do NOT believe it leads to weight gain. I actually lost 89 lbs right after quitting smoking in Dec 1986
    There ARE other ways to cope without smoking that do not lead to weight gain.
    I firmly believe this.

    Last Saturday I turned on misc videos on Youtube, and danced around like a crazed woman to avoid smoking. Its like you have to distract yourself with something else.. And keep distracting. Sometimes stomping feet, jumping jacks, screaming into a pillow. Haah. Just until it passes.

    Keep Going!! You can do it.
  • BigBrunette
    BigBrunette Posts: 1,543 Member
    So glad you're quitting! It's one of the best things you can do for your health. :flowerforyou:
  • lorim200
    lorim200 Posts: 38 Member

    I read this online book and haven't smoked since Jan. 22, 2013. I put on 10 lbs in the first month then I started paying more attention to what I was eating.
    I joined my fitness pal in March and have never felt better. Check out the book, it is very informative and not preachy. All smokers know preaching at a person just causes you to smoke more.
    Best of luck on your new life style. Keep up the good work.
  • robdel302
    robdel302 Posts: 292 Member
    It sounds like the smoking maybe linked to dopamine. This maybe why the little bit of exercise is helping to supress cravings as exercise is a natural way to release dopamine. This is also why anti-depressant style drugs are used to treat smoking ie welbutrin, zoloft, etc. These medications help your brain produce dopamine which helps to supress cravings. Ironically, because dopamine is so involved in "reward seeking" behavror, it can often blunt cravings in many people. It's the main reason why a lot of kids with ADHD don't eat as much when they're on the meds. It's not suppressing their appetite, it's merely preventing them from wanting food as a stimulus. I take welbutrin for ADHD, does wonders for the diet. :)
  • KatyCurtin
    KatyCurtin Posts: 10 Member
    I'm a former smoker. I quit 5 years ago. The best thing I ever did for myself.

    Something to keep in mind, it's a lot easier to stay thin than to gain weight and then try to lose it later.

    I put on a lot of weight in a short amount of time and have struggled to lose it.

    I wish I'd been more aware at the time and not let it get out of control.
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    Snack on baby carrots and strawberries. You'd have to eat an obscene amount of either to make any substantial calorie dent.
  • x_cinder_x
    x_cinder_x Posts: 118 Member

    I read this online book and haven't smoked since Jan. 22, 2013. I put on 10 lbs in the first month then I started paying more attention to what I was eating.
    I joined my fitness pal in March and have never felt better. Check out the book, it is very informative and not preachy. All smokers know preaching at a person just causes you to smoke more.
    Best of luck on your new life style. Keep up the good work.

    Nice. I will check it out!
  • x_cinder_x
    x_cinder_x Posts: 118 Member
    It sounds like the smoking maybe linked to dopamine. This maybe why the little bit of exercise is helping to supress cravings as exercise is a natural way to release dopamine. This is also why anti-depressant style drugs are used to treat smoking ie welbutrin, zoloft, etc. These medications help your brain produce dopamine which helps to supress cravings. Ironically, because dopamine is so involved in "reward seeking" behavror, it can often blunt cravings in many people. It's the main reason why a lot of kids with ADHD don't eat as much when they're on the meds. It's not suppressing their appetite, it's merely preventing them from wanting food as a stimulus. I take welbutrin for ADHD, does wonders for the diet. :)

    The whole dopamine thing is an interesting concept and I am going to read up on it some more. Hopefully, find some other ideas to trigger the ole' dope with out a smoke or crunch=). I did try Welbutrin a few years ago, but I just felt awful on it, like I was in a bubble. I can't do the med route (I don't even like to take Tylenol). Going to just keep at it El' Natural. Awesome its working for you!

    Great tips and encouragement here. Thank you everyone! :drinker: