

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,820 Member
    evening ladies,
    got home in time to cook the DH dinner,even though I didnt do much it was a long day,it is an hr back and forth and sitting and waiting,I would have walked around,but I had my laptop with me and didnt want to leave it anywhere..
    went to olive garden, had salad and minestrone soup,it was awesome, and i did break down and have 2 breadsticks, now I am having a cup of chamomile tea,
    i get to go to the drs office tomorrow to renew my scripts, so that will be the first time I have been there since I started losing weight.
    I am getting a flue shot in one arm and a shingles shot in the other, hope i dont get a reaction to either...
    im really tired so im going to say good night will check in in the a.m.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Well Colonoscopy done now for 5 years! I was late getting into mine also. I was going in at the time I was supposed to be going home. Some diverticulosis wich he said is seen in 60% in people my age, 63. But all the treatment is what I am doing now in my diet so I'm doing everything I should for that. Now I just have to find out why I have such totally irregular bowel habits. I am still freezing, dont' know if it's from all the prep, not quite awake yet or slightly low thyroid. I came home and ate 1/2 crunchy peanut butter/strawberry preserve sandwich. it tasted so good.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,820 Member
    joyce- i guess it was a sh---y day for both you and mys SIL Jean lol... i dont have to go for 3 more yrs thank goodness...
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Did an hour of Bob Harper's Inside Out DVD today. I'll be leaving in a few minutes to go to the Green Room, then going to stop at one store on my way home. Tomorrow I'll go to the Humane Society and give them my aluminum and give them the coupons that I have and then take the deep water class.

    After the Green Room I did a little food shopping, Vince needed milk. Then came home and made some chocolate chip cookies for Thanksgiving (I'll just freeze them)

    Gail - great reason to change your work hours. Plus...there probably won't be as much traffic at those times

    barbie - so glad you're taking care of youself. Thanks for the info about the pedometer. I didn't know that it didn't register small steps! I always thought it registered ALL steps

    Jill - wonderful NSV

    tazgirl - so sorry about your mom. I'm sure it still hurts and probably always will

    Susan - I'm a good one for lists.

    Josie - how I really wish our Thanksgiving wasn't so close to Christmas. I can't enjoy the Thansgiving holiday because I'm thinking of Christmas. If I had more time between the holidays, I could probably relax and enjoy it more. Oh well.....

    grandmalle - I THINK I may be due for my colonoscopy, but since nothing abnormal showed up on my last one, the MD said I could wait until I was 60 (which is coming MUCH too fast for me). I'm not sure if it's been 10 years since my last one (sure doesn't seem like it) or not. Good luck to your SIL. That is so nice of you to take her out afterwards

    Heather - you always make my mouth water!

    It was so depressing at the Green Room today. I walked in and in the lobby were probably about a dozen Christmas wreaths. Then I went to the bathroom and on the way back I saw a christmas tree in its box. As I was leaving I could see that they were starting to assemble the tree. Sad. Not as many calls for tickets as I would have thought. But probably once the show starts and people tell others how it is, it'll pick up.

    marcia - hello to another North Carolinean. What part of NC are you in? (hopefully, close to me and DeeDee and sandshillsmom) You're so right -- DH stands for dear (or d*** as the case may be...lol) husband.

    florawanda - welcome and good luck on your run

    Meg - hope you enjoy the mani-ped

    howe60 - what are your YMCA's like? I always assumed they were the same.

    Sylvia - your lunch sounds really yummy

    Hearts Desire - here's hoping time permits in the very near future!

    Kathy - woohoo on such a great algebra score! I'm sure youir paper on stress management will include references to using food as a management technique. Share with us it'll be very interesting. What a wonderful thing you did for that lady and her children! I'm sure whenever they look at those gloves, they'll think of you. Congrats on the swimsuit

    grandmalle - I was told that I needed to be 60 in order to get the shingles shot, not far away...lol

    Am a bit on the tired side, so I'm going to lay down, start a crochet project. Will check in tomorrow.

    Have a great evening everyone.

    Michele in NC
  • Kalley1959
    Kalley1959 Posts: 287 Member
    I talked to my DS today and he got the new job that he had applied for. It's closer to their apartment so I guess they won't be moving closer to me any time soon. He's really happy so I'm good with it.

    DD went out to the movies tonight, she rarely goes out so again I'm good with it. She has such terrible social anxiety that it stops her from going out. She even has a hard time going to the gym without me.

    I have the apartment to myself tonight. :happy: I went to the Y and did 50 minutes on the bike. I got a really nice compliment from the woman on the bike behind me, when I was done and getting off the bike she said "you really did great on that bike, I was watching you and I couldn't keep up with you". I'm so bad at taking compliments that I didn't know what to say so I just smiled said thanks and made some sort of excuse as to why I only did 50 min instead 60. But it did make me smile all the way to the change room.

    I'm so happy that it's Friday tomorrow!!

    Enjoy your night.

    :heart: Sandy from ON
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Nov 24th. what I am thankful for. Another strange thing to be thankful for but today Ia m thankful for texture in food! I was able to eat lettuce and tomatoes and other things!!!! I have already put in my diary for my bedtime snack my granola. You never know how much you miss it and are so grateful because it is everywhere until you can't have it at all. Texture can make an otherwise boring food item exciting. it can make a kid eat it, a husband eat it. Also with texture it comes hand in hand with colorful which helps us not only enjoy our foods more but can help us make better choices in what we eat.

    My husband tells me I am wrong on the 5 years for next colonoscopy. Glad he was there to hear it. I guess I should read the instruction sheet. I have 10 years to go now. But unless my family doc can help me with my irregularity I more than likely will go back to him. He was a very nice guy. I wanted to wear my FitBit in the wrist band during the procedure so it could still register my bodies burning calories and they all thought that thing was wonderful.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • KatyCurtin
    KatyCurtin Posts: 10 Member
    Put the filling in a cake decorating bag. That's what I do. Keeps the mess to a minimum as well.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,992 Member
    :flowerforyou: I had my yearly blood test before seeing the doctor to get my cholesterol meds renewed. I hate the fast before the test, but this time it worked out better because since Jake is currently in charge of early morning dog walking, I didn’t have to deal with dog walking on an empty stomach. I stayed in bed later than usual and got the test done with less hassle than I’ve ever had. I see the doctor on the 25th. I went right to dance after the blood test (sat in the parking lot and ate my breakfast) and once again sat down during the walk-through part and got up to dance to the music. I saw the chiropractor this afternoon and he tinkered some more with my back so I’m feeling better. He seemed confident that I’d be back to long walks one of these days. So I am learning more about patience than I ever wanted to know. I did some of the dog walking today but only about 30 minutes.

    :heart: Barbie from chilly NW Washington


    “If it’s important to you then you will find a way, if it’s not you’ll find an excuse.”
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Got the house cleaned up for our company's arrival tomorrow. Had a weird dinner of grilled flounder and some low-carb yogurt tonight. Eh.... had a clementine, a pear and some leftover pasta at lunch today. Waiting for DH to get home from the pharmacy. Tomorrow he works early (9a-5p) so he'll be able to be here when the company arrives.

    Michele - I don't have traffic issues anyway. The office is less than 10 miles from home and in the opposite direction of the usual traffic. I can't tell you how much I appreciate that after working 45 minutes away (on a good day) in my previous position. I can pop home at lunch if I want, but that seems a bit silly most days. But when I need to get here to let the dog out, etc., I do it.

    Time to sit and knit a bit. I'm working on a scarf for one of my sisters. It turns into ruffles as you knit -- quite fun!

    Gail, metro ATL
  • Alicia7519
    Today, I am under my calorie goal. It has been a long time since I have been able to do this!! I am so happy!
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Hi again, it's been awhile! I've been down for a week with the crud, cold, flu, who knows, but it knocked me out good. I'm finally feeling better and was able to teach a bit this afternoon. I don't get paid when I don't work, so missing a week was painful! Oh well, what can ya do. When you're sick, you're sick. My students were very understanding.

    Home remedies for sciatica....I think Susan was asking. Get yourself a copy of "Pain Free" (subtitle: A revolutionary method for stopping chronic pain) by Pete Egoscue. I followed the exercises to a T for almost 5 months (hour each day) and was able to completely rid myself of sciatic nerve pain. I followed the exercise plans in both the Hips, and the Backs sections of the book. What an amazing recovery, I was a mess beforehand! Ouch!

    I'll try to read up on what everyone's been doing. Be well everyone!

    :smile: Joanie in Portland, OR
    Oh, just remembered! Wanted to share a poem I wrote on my blog yesterday. Yep, I watched lots of TV, old westerns :bigsmile:

    What to Do When You're Sick

    A tiny bit better, still under the weather,
    I woke to a November fog;
    All I can say is there will come a day
    When I'll stop being sick as a dog.
    A week out of work, this is really a quirk
    It's not often I have to call in;
    But call in I will, and swallow the pill -
    My pocketbook's wearing quite thin.

    One thing to do when you're down with the flu
    Is to put your feet up and relax;
    Lie on the couch, don't be a grouch,
    Take lots of tea and hot baths.
    Watch some old movies with horse thieves and floozies
    To get your mind off of your plight;
    The housework can wait until you feel great
    So, stay prone, morning 'til night.

    By yesterday noon I was feeling a boon,
    A bit of weak energy flow;
    So I gathered my power and took a hot shower
    Dressed myself good, head to toe.
    Leashed up my boys, grabbed all their toys
    And drove them right down to the park;
    Now, dogs rarely talk but they do need to walk,
    There are trees that need to be marked.

    Well, being the good cit-i-zen that I am
    I bent down to bag up a poo,
    When I stood up, my head pounded good
    And the smell hit my nose oh, it's true.
    I whirrled around and nearly fell down
    I sure wish that I could have jogged;
    But this nasty bug made me feel like a slug -
    It's too bad my nostrils weren't clogged.

    Now that I've ruined this poem with that,
    I think it's quite time that I say;
    When it comes to food, I've been rather crude,
    Eating too much every day.
    But feeding a cold is now getting old
    And I really must stop with the gains;
    Just like Hoss Cartwright, he knows how to do right
    He knows he must pull in the reins.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Heather: Chicken in white wine with tarragon and olives sounds wonderful. Do you share recipes? I enjoy a windy night at home when I’m all cozy inside, but NOT if the power goes off. I’m glad you had so much fun in London. We have started thinking about shopping for Christmas, but no actual BUYING has occurred. I suspect you may be ahead of everyone else. Good luck arranging your visit with DS #2.:flowerforyou:

    Marsha from NC: DH is, indeed, Dear Husband. Welcome to a great group. There are others in your state.:flowerforyou:

    Florawanda: Welcome. This is a wonderful group of supportive women, and several are from your homeland. There are lots of exercise strategies: walk, ride a bike, dance, and so on. Lots of them don’t require a gym membership. If your goal is to do an activity you actually enjoy you are more likely to succeed. If you are 170 it seems like 1200 calories may be a bit too low. Are you using the MFP system? It starts you according to your weight and gradually reduces calories as you lose the pounds. I was never uncomfortably hungry. Good luck. :flowerforyou:

    Sylvia: Good luck with your procedure. I’ll keep you in my heart and in my prayers.:flowerforyou:

    Alicia: Are you a teacher? I retired from teaching about three years ago.:smile:

    Vampirequeen: You are on the right track. We do what we are able to do, and gradually do more as we can. :flowerforyou:

    Kathyszoo: 98% on the Algebra final makes you a brilliant mathematician in my view. CONGRATULATIONS! :drinker: And another congrats for the swimsuit. :drinker: You are doing very well.:flowerforyou:

    Grandmallie: I hope your doctor’s office notices the good work you’ve done and gives you the praise you deserve.:flowerforyou:

    Joyce: You get to check colonoscopy off your “to do” list. Good work! :bigsmile:

    Michele: I have always loved Thanksgiving best because there was fun to be had with my family. Christmas has the burden of presents that may or may not please the recipient. :wink:

    Sandy from ON: Congratulations on your excellent win in the stationery bike race you didn’t know you’d entered. It feels good when your kids are doing well. Enjoy your weekend.:flowerforyou:

    Barbie: The patience lessons are always the worst. I’m glad you’re beginning to feel like you’re healing.:flowerforyou:

    Gardenail: The flounder sounds great, but not the yogurt. My perceptions are directly related to lactose intolerance. I can’t eat yogurt.:laugh:

    Alicia: Congratulations on being under your calorie goal. WTG!:flowerforyou:

    One of the ladies at yoga this morning was having a bad time, and ultimately went on home. Her DH is in the hospital on life support due to a bad reaction to medicine. I hope he pulls through. He had a similar problem last week. His doctor needs to find some other sort of treatment. I keep thinking of her and hoping things have gotten better as the day has gone by. A little while ago I was having a personal self-pity party because I don’t think I’ll get to see my kids at Christmas. I need to see the big picture and be grateful for my many blessings, including my own improving health, DH’s miraculous health improvements, and all of you. Have a great evening.:bigsmile: :flowerforyou:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    November goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Focus on fitness: cardio and strength every week
    3. Drink 3 or more glasses o
  • susanrechter
    susanrechter Posts: 386 Member
    thank you for the sciatica suggestions.
    Meg, as you imagined,it's hard for dad to get on the floor, but returning to acupuncture may help. I'll remember the exercise though for later use...maybe I will have to use it someday.
    jb thank you for the book title. Will look it up at B&N, see if they have it in stock at the store.
    Katla- a schnecken is a small sticky, caramel roll. Heated, it is delish! Buttery and sweet stickiness.
    Baked salmon in the oven tonight with olive oil and Cajun spice. Wow is that good protein!
    Had my seeds and nuts and golden raisins with coconut milk...addicting.
    Made chicken livers on rye for Dad with fresh sautéed spinach on the side. Haven't made that in years!
    I have honeycrisps in the fridge for snacks, very sweet. He can't eat raw apples anymore, he chokes.
    DH is in Forida playing golf with an old friend from high school.
    Went to the gym today...treadmill and weights. Planked for a minute, then watched Sabrina with Humphrey Bogart and Audrey Hepburn.
    Barbie- I hope your back improves soon. I know it takes so much longer for us to repair, but it does eventually. If I bruise myself, it lasts a month while when I was younger the bruise was gone in a couple days. My dad wears gloves at night now because he holds his hands to steady his shaking and his fingernails scratch and bruise his hands from the unintentional movement. The gloves have been protecting his shrimp-like skin and really makes a difference. The tops of his hands are not purple and scratched as they had been.
    Going to call it a day. Have a good day tomorrow, all!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,369 Member
    Today I want to appreciate all those who are struggling with health issues. There are so many!
    I admire the way you keep on keeping on when times get tough and keep your eyes on the goal of getting slimmer and healthier despite it all.
    You are great women!:flowerforyou: :drinker: :love:
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,820 Member
    im up,icing my heel and getting ready to go to the gym....having my warm lemon water.. i went over on sodium yesterday so I didnt weigh myself today, have the weekend off. and i dont know what I will do at the gym ,but will work hard at it..
    I got almost 10 hrs of sleep and im still tired, maybe i either overslept or just trying to fight something off.
    I have to thank the good Lord I have except for my heel been feeling great for a year without any sickness.
    well I will check in later
  • tazgirl1960
    tazgirl1960 Posts: 78 Member
    Good Morning Ladies: Headache has eased this morning :happy: . I am back to eating properly :bigsmile: so instead of the scale just sitting there maybe it will move . And its Friday :bigsmile:

    Hope everyone has a Blessed & Wonderful Day. :flowerforyou:

    Tina in Florida

    :smile: Anamika--Thank you for the kind words and advice, you are so right. :flowerforyou: :heart:

    :smile: Yannijannie--Thank you, Hugs back to you. I'm not sure if they are called icons or not (hmmm) I just love Norman Rockwell, and a traditional Holiday (back when Family's were together) I miss those times. Good Luck to your Daughter hope her tutor helps. Be safe in the snow/sleet.

    :smile: Granmallie--It's nice of you to take your SIL and stay with her. Enjoy your trip to Olive Garden. (I love their Gnocchi soup)

    :smile: Meg--Sorry for the loss of your Mom (hard way to start a year) With the loss of my MawMaw on Dec 23rd (5 yrs before my Mom), then my Mom, my kids are scattered all over the place, so they won't be home this year (well except for my baby Allison) I just miss all the traditions that used to be.:brokenheart: Sorry for your stress at work I hope this upcoming week is better, I know that mani/pedi will definetly help.

    :smile: Katla--Thank you, I will get there at some point in time. Your red clay frog sounds wonderful. My DD Allison just bought a live pacman frog a couple of weeks ago (yuck) but it's their new pet and they love it, the grand babies fight over who will feed it bugs (yuck):noway: . I'm sorry about you not seeing your kids for Christmas, I understand, it's very hard, Hugs to you:heart: .

    :smile: Joyce--glad all went well with your procedure.

    :smile: Michele--Thank you. Chocolate chip cookies, my weakness (okay all sweets are my weakness):laugh: but their my favorite weakness.

    :smile: Sandy--I am glad its Friday too, been a long week. Congrats on your DS new job.

    :smile: Barbie--Glad your back is starting to feel better. :flowerforyou:
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,369 Member
    Just put a photo of DGS up as my main photo. Sorry it's sideways!:tongue:
    He has been crunching the leaves in the little local park where we take him to play. What a sweetheart!:heart::love:

    Today I'm going to bake blueberry and lemon muffins. It's for the guests, in case they fancy an afternoon snack. And for DH as I struggle to fatten him up. I always put a tiny bit of lemon curd in the middle which makes them extra yummy and a drizzle of lemon icing on top. I am very lucky in that I can be satisfied with just a taste (of DH's!:laugh: ) of anything I bake. I like to check it out, but it doesn't make me want more. I know a lot of you have "triggers" so one taste would not be enough. :cry: I count myself fortunate.

    Tonight I'm going to make a pesto, olive, feta and bacon pasta dish. DS#2 calls it Mum's Pasta and says I gave it a lot to him when he was a teenager. He often cooks it with variations. It wasn't until he cooked it for me that I even vaguely remembered it! DH will have the proper tagliatelli and I will have shiritaki noodles as the sauce is fattening.:cry: Green beans with it.

    Yesterday DH did a great job on house tasks before he took me to the station. He did moan a bit, but there were a lot of Amazon boxes to crush and put in the recycling!:laugh: When I got back and was cooking the chicken he set to work and made a fabulous Moussaka for his daughter's visit before Christmas. What a treasure I have!:love::love:

    Have done all my exercises including a 3 min plank. Hooray! It is my least favourite exercise and I find myself putting it off, but I am glad when I've done it. :drinker: I am up to 27 squats with a 20 lb weight. Yikes! I can really feel it! Today I heard Oprah Winfrey talking on Womens' Hour on the radio and it made me cry. All the usual stuff about following your dreams, but it rang home. I love her idea of her special gift of being able to inspire others. It made me want to get my memoir out again and see it in a different light. I had thought of it as a bit of a misery fest as my childhood was pretty traumatic, but her interview made me think I could approach it differently and see it as a way of inspiring others. A way of saying 'you can transcend this'.
    It helps me a lot to think of it as not just a selfish confessional. I was getting depressed about it and haven't been able to carry on. Thank you Oprah!

    Right, off to make my coffee, the only one I have in the day, and get going on the muffins.

    Love from a cold Hampshire, in the bright sunshine, with the trees still turning.
    Heather UK
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Grandmallie :smile: So nice of to take you SIL for her appt. and then lunch! Good for you getting your flu shot! I`ve never had the shingles shot! Wishing you luck for no reaction for either! 10 hours of sleep:yawn: ? Wow, that has never happened to me:noway: !

    Tina :smile: So glad to hear that your headache has eased! When I had the flu, the headache part of it was horrible and lasted for days:sick: !!! I think holidays are hard for a lot of us, it was my hubbys favorite holiday, he`s been gone for 15 years:brokenheart: and I still miss him everyday, my grandchildren get me through the holidays:love: , and I`m finally to the point where I enjoy decorating again, but it`s still not the same! Sending you a hug!!!

    Josie :smile: Will give little Josie a squeeze from you:love: ! Hope you`re having a great day!

    Anamika :smile: What wonderful advice for Tina, I might need to take it as well! Thank you:flowerforyou: !

    Yanniejannie :smile: Good for you helping out such a worthy cause, your determination is admirable!!!

    Meg :smile: Hope you enjoyed your well deserved mani-pedi:bigsmile: !!!

    Katla :smile: Your frog sounds so cute, and a good deal too!!!! Hope the woman’s husband gets better, how very scary!!! I think we all have little pity parties occasionally, as long as we don`t stay there long:flowerforyou: !

    Jane Martin :smile: Hope your day is going well!!!

    Phyllis :smile: Your goals sound good!

    Heather :smile: What a cutie your grandson is:love: ! Sounds like you had a nice time in London! I have been Christmas shopping on line too, I`ve got a ton of boxes sitting in my garage right now, I need to get them open and checked out today! Hope you get times figured out for visiting with DS#2!

    Marsha :smile: Welcome!!! I`m in NC too! We`re supposed to have a warmer weekend:happy: , however rain is moving in:sad: . Your goals sound good!

    Florawanda :smile: Welcome! Congrats on completing the run/walk, great accomplishment:flowerforyou: !!!

    Sylvia :smile: Sending prayers and thinking of you today!!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Alicia :smile: It`s so good to see you back here:flowerforyou: !!! Congrats on staying under goal!!!!

    Vampirequeen :smile: What are the “mad chair lady exercises”:huh: ?

    Kathy :smile: Congrats on 98%!!!! What an awesome thing you did for that women and her children:heart: ! Congrats on the new size swimsuit!!!

    Joyce :smile: So glad your procedure is over!!!

    Michele :smile: Chocolate chip cookies….yum!!!

    Sandy in ON :smile: Congrats to DS on his new job! What a great compliment for you on your bike!!! I`m glad it`s Friday too:bigsmile: !!

    Barbie :smile: Learning about patience…it`s not easy:noway: !!! Glad you had an easier time with your lab tests!

    Gail :smile: Hope you have a great weekend with your company! The scarf that turns into ruffles sounds lovely!

    Jb :smile: Love your poem!!! Glad you`re feeling better:flowerforyou: !!

    Susan :smile: A small sticky caramel roll….yummy!!! I love the movie Sabrina, I watch it whenever it’s on! I hear you on the bruises taking longer to go away:grumble: , it`s a bit annoying!

    Sorry for those I missed, I`ve read all the post and I`m wishing everyone well:flowerforyou: !!!
    I think today will be a shopping day for me; I want to pick up a few new Christmas decorations. We have a wonderful store here called Salem Creek and they have wonderful decorations. I just love going in and looking around, it`s like a Christmas fairy land inside. They do it for all holidays, decorate the entire store, I found wonderful Halloween decorations there too!

    Have a wonderful day ladies!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DeeDee in sunny:glasses: and chilly NC
  • bjmcq
    bjmcq Posts: 304 Member
    Happy Friday, still cold in the warmest part of Eastern Canada, but the temps will be warm again on Sat.

    Wow, so much activity, so many of us all trying to have fulfilling lives while maintaining or acquiring a healthy lifestyle.
    This group always makes me stretch, to see things anew, even foods I would never touch. ( Ok, pizza is not my fav food, hate red sauce and pepperoni). But all of you just getting out there, one day at a time......thanks for this daily "just do it Moment".
    I am killing two birds with one stone today, will be caretaking an old gal, and seeing my new grand daughter at the same time...
    Have not seen them for two weeks......

    It is Friday, but not a down day. Got rid of all the papers, made some students unhappy, but then, they did not follow the guidelines...and they don't listen, and they pretend they don't know the requirements - after being papered, reminded, and given handouts. Yeah. If I was not on clean food, I would be an emotional mess about it, but with clean food comes clean thinking. I am the prof, they are the learners. It is a tough course, boot camp for uni's so to speak....but it is what it is. I especially love the recycled puerile highschool essays, as if you can't see them coming from a mile away. How to the least work possible, yet expect great results. While the real stars just plug through. lesson in life.

    Sorry for the rant......
    off to get the day done,
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Hello, ladies,

    Another cold morning but supposed to improve. Yesterday was quite successful, as one eatery donated 10 (YES,10---happy, happy, happy dance!!!) meal vouchers!!!!

    granmallie........How nice of you to drive your SIL to her test. I tried to go out to eat after one of my colon studies, but that did not work out so well, left the place in a big hurry lol.......too much food on a WAY too empty stomach!!!

    Meg.......Sorry about your bad day; I think we all still occ. use comfort food for.........well, comfort, and, I think, as long as it is just occ. it's OK. Didn't realize you grew up in a Navy family. My yoga instructor calls your tx. "TV viewing pose"!

    Katla........I really need to check out your xhose, think I could use one.

    Heather.........A fan of train travel here too...........went all the way to Az. on one in the mid-80's. As always your exercises are most impressive, 20lbs?.....I can only dream of that. DGS pic is adorable! I made lemon blueberry lemonade once and it was delish; your cooking/baking always makes me salivate!!!

    Flowanda.............10 miles; good for you!!!

    Sylvia........Thinking of you this am. I am so sorry you were unable to find someone who could do your cardiac cath through your wrist. The article on it was in our paper about 2yrs. ago and it is now done pretty commonly here. I suppose that unless people are near a really major teaching or research hospital, it takes time to spread west from the east coast after the European advances get here.............and, we sure do know most drs. ARE set in their ways!

    Sandy.........What a nice compliment from your fellow "biker"..........WTG!

    Dee Dee.................Happy shopping!!!

    Have excellent days, everyone!