

  • smwert
    smwert Posts: 300
    not only did I not lose weight this week 'I actually gained half a pound. I am feeling very stressed waiting for the surgery on Nov 26 so perhaps that is why. I will have to be more diligent with logging and measuring my food and exercise and vow to do better this week. Slept 10 hours last night and now feel too groggy. this must be what depression feels
  • phoo513
    phoo513 Posts: 231 Member
    Blessed Sunday, Ladies!

    Wow! It has taken me over an hour to catch up since I was here last on Thursday! I need to focus and keep myself on track better.

    I have been struggling, but that is just the way it is. Part of the problem is that I have a list of things to do that is a mile long, and I can't seem to get started on any of it! Another part of the problem is trying to take care of my little friend and make sure she is safe & well. That will be better because her family had to step up to the plate after the Dr made it very clear that she could no longer live alone without assistance. That was a great relief for me. Now, it is up to them to take the appropriate steps to make sure she is cared for, or the Dr will call in the authorities. That is one good thing about living in a community that is heavily "senior"; they do have many authorities and facilities and programs available when needed.

    I am also fighting a bad tooth. :grumble: I have no dental insurance, so . . . . Right now I am using a clove & coconut oil paste to numb it.
    Tomorrow, when the dentist offices are open, I will try to deal with it. (I am going to be a toothless old lady soon!)

    Michele- Don't say the S*** word out loud! It draws the S**** fairies and they just deliver more of it! :tongue:

    AnneCarol- Oh, the ambulance ride and surgery! What a terrible experience! Glad to hear that you are through it and back home to recuperate. Take care and get strong & healthy, soon.

    Susan- I had never heard the term "potato sandwich" before, but I surely could turn into that myself! Your Father is lucky to have you there to help him stay healthy.

    Katla- Oh, you did suffer for changing up the poor little dog's diet, now didn't you? We do learn our lessons the hard way. I have learned to not give my old boy more that 2 Tbls of wet food or I will be washing it out of the carpet. Hard lessons learned.
    Red wool pants? Congratulations for getting back into them, but where would you wear them, unless, of course, you were going hunting?
    I didn't realize you had a son on active duty. Prayers for his safety & well-being, and prayers for your peace of mind.

    YannieJannie- Your daughter and her situation with micro-bio, well, that was me with the required pass-this-math-test-or-do-not-teach- test. I took it 13 times, luckily, the professor knew it was a test anxiety issue and was accomodating. That is only to illustrate that there is always an alternative route to the same goal. Your daughter probably does need to drop some work hours and concentrate on the class, but she could start the process by talking to the Prof and seeing what suggestions he/she has. (I was a single Mom going to college, and there were lots of other things getting in my way; I needed that Prof on my side, and God provided that. )

    Donna- Welcome!:flowerforyou: I love the name "Foxspots", it makes me think of a wonderful short story called "The Red Dog" (and, no, it is not about the cartoon dog, it is about a pet fox)

    Katiebug- I have an ongoing battle w/ my SO over the dining room table. He seems to think that if we just pile everything in the world on it, we will always know where everything is. I don't like that system! :huh:

    Sandy- Over 70 lbs lost! Wow! :flowerforyou: :drinker: :flowerforyou: You are doing so well, I am so happy for you! The scrapbooks for the kids sound like a fun project, have fun with that!

    Tammy- Welcome!:flowerforyou:

    Sylvia- So glad to hear that you are having a good time at the lake. The trails sound lovely, but, up hill both ways? Sounds pretty challenging. As for your 6 a.m. visitor, my SO's Siamese cat is the officially hostess at his hunting and fishing camp. She visits all of the cabins, all of the campers, and greets everyone who drives into the yard. He had one man, who was traveling by bicycle, sleeping in a small pop-up tent finally take her inside his tent one night so he could get some sleep. Silky kept climbing up onto the top of the tent, and, of course, that collapsed the tent!

    Smwert- That half pound will disappear quickly. Do not beat yourself up over it.

    Ok- Time to get ready for church. We are singing at the late service, so it has been nice to be able to drink coffee and catch up on all of you. Have a great day, and be happy today, My Friends.

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Have a great sun all.Going to church.Hopefully,they will know details for the 2 members that died yesterday.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,979 Member

    This is for Veterans' Day and Remembrance Day
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,979 Member
    :flowerforyou: I just finished reading an article about Diana Nyad who swam from Florida to Cuba at age 64. Her mantra is “Find a way” and she used it to get through the tough challenges one minute at a time. When asked how high she was, having overcome the obstacles, she said, “Actually, the satisfaction that I never gave up is stronger than the joy of making it.”

    :bigsmile: My back feels better today but I’ve decided to continue to take it easy until after I see the chiropractor tomorrow morning…..this is a huge challenge because I tend to think that walking will cure everything.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    :heart: Barbie from drizzly NW Washington


    "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT."

    “If it’s important to you then you will find a way, if it’s not you’ll find an excuse.”
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,799 Member
    afternoon ladies,
    ran around like a crazy woman today, the DH did the windows,i did 2 loads of laundry went and bought dog food and grocery shopped, came home put it away, oh yea before that went to the gym,,came home and made a pina colada bread pudding for the DH,
    just made baked chicken and roasted potatoes, sitting for a few minutes then off to finish the laundry...
    hope the scale is on the way down....
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Nov 10th, what I am thankful for today. I am so thankful for the world of books. If you have a book, you can go anywhere. I wasn't a good reader when I was a little girl so my Mom would sit me on the kitchen counter and have me read to her as she was cooking. I guess that's why I never learned how to cook!!! But as a preacher's family, the library is free, good exercise to walk to it and you have to learn how to take care of some one else's things, return it in time or pay the consequences. She she taught us a lot of things by teaching us how to read. At the library you can discover so many genres of books that you would never consider on your own. Personally I have settled on romance, historical romance, Christian romance,mysteries, started out with Nancy Drew and the Hardy boys, love Robin Cook medical thrillers. Oddly enough I also like some history books about some of the atrocities that we have put on others such as slavery and the Halocost. I love the 'coffee table' books where I can just go to far off places and visit castles, oceans, galaxies, all of Gods creations. I was so glad that both my girls took after me instead of their Dad and also loved reading. My grand kids are worse than me! The oldest, Trinity, kind of reminds me of myself, nose always in a book. Mom always kept a big old crock in the bathroom that would be filled with books or magazines of some kind that you could just go some where else. usually that meant that you weren't in the kitchen washing dishes also. My youngest brother learned that trick. Notional Geographic, The World Book encyclopedia, anything. They went in that crock for us to read.

    I don't know how I am having bowel movements without my high fiber this week but I'm actually going to have to cut out my stool softener out so that I don't have so much diarrhea. But hey, at least I'm moving.

    When they would have those patriotic services around this time of year and play all of the anthems for the different branches of the military, we were so proud as a family. We stood up for each anthem. My Dad was so proud of his service in the Army/Air force. He wanted to be a pilot so bad but was color blind so he was stationed in Guam and kept the planes in good repair. he did see his good share of what was could do with everything he had to clean out of the planes when they came back down. I was glad that my husband didn't see any active duty during the Vietnam war. those veterans just weren't treated right and have so many horror stories. He joined the Navy, trained as a medic but the Marines needed medics so they took him and he was stationed here in the states on different ships or Marine bases. My ex SIL is still in the Army National Guard and I know has PTSD but they still take him. My brother was a lifer in the Navy. He served as one of the guys that ran whatever was in the nuclear subs. all we know is that there were many times when he was totally off the radar which meant that they were in trouble and had to go down to the bottom of the ocean so as not to be detected. He still is not able to talk about what all he did. Not that he isn't can't emotionally but legally it's classified.

    Sylvia, you lake retreat sounds so wonderful. You make me want to go right up there and be your own personal nurse until you get your procedure done.

    As I was driving home from the Y today I was thinking about all the things you guys are doing to fix up, shut down or waht ever and it made me realize that I need to make a list of what all needs to be done here. Some of them are just little things. Others are BIG. But they require DH to open up that back pocket and spend money. He thinks we can redo our kitchen for about $1000. HA HA. Add another zero to that and it still won't be done the way I want it. And I saw that the neighbors behind our house has added a very simple screened in back porch. Oh, how heavenly to sit back there with a book, my cat and maybe a little heater if needed. Enough zabbering for now.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • jackson7478
    jackson7478 Posts: 700 Member
    Hi ladies.

    Haven't checked in for a while. My sister is in the hospital since Tuesday, she kept falling. Her M.S. flared up, so she's getting IV meds that are helping, and today she was transferred to the rehab hospital. We take care of her at home, she doesn't want to go into a nursing home. The doctor wants to start her on daily meds then, so hopefully she won't have these flare-ups a couple times a year.
    Tomorrow, I will be going out for a free dinner, courtesy of Applebee's for disabled vets, so I'll have to watch what I have for my other meals. Golden Corral used to do it, but we don't have one around here anymore. So Applebee's has taken over.
    Today I made a turkey and beef meatloaf for dinner. I wasn't sure I would like an all turkey one so I made half & half. Turned out pretty good. Of course, my snoopy brother only took a couple bites. Oh well, I'll have leftovers to freeze for later.

    Prayers for all
    Take care

    JB from PA
  • Kalley1959
    Kalley1959 Posts: 287 Member
    Today was a great day. Went to Aquafit this morning while my DD worked out on the elliptical machine. I dropped off my medical note so that I can book another session with my personal trainer now that she's back from vacation.

    Did the grocery shopping, cleaned the fridge and did a bit of cooking. DD did all the laundry today.

    I had a nice chat with DS, he's looking for a new job. The company he works for just brought in the union and he's not happy with the changes that are going on. His gf found another job and is bartending.

    It's going to be another busy week.

    Have a great night.

    :heart: Sandy from ON
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    Today I am thankful for Sunday afternoon naps. My body needed the rest. We went to church, then for our regular 2.7 miles, then I snoozed off and on while reading a James Patterson novel. Dave cooked a roast in the crock pot for supper . It has been a totally relaxing day.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    JB, I'm sorry your sister isn't doing well. What kind of MS does she have and what medicine is the doctor wanting to put her on. I have really benefited from the IV cortisone when I have my flares if that is what she is taking in the hospital now. If I can be of any help to you or your family please PM me. I have had MS since 1997 and am on Avonex and am doing well. But my MS is the RRMS so I do OK. I also belong to an online group just like this one which really helps me have contact with other people with the same challenges I do. Best wishes to you, I admire you for helping her in her care. It must mean so much to her. I don't know if you have children or not but it is also such a lesson for them.

    Tomorrow many places are offering free meals for veterans. Usually the line at Golden Corral is very long and they stand in line for hours to get in.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • Anamika703
    Anamika703 Posts: 202 Member
    Hello ladies!:flowerforyou:
    Back from a wedding during the weekend. I am very glad to share my NSV...... I didnt have any sweets during any of the functions :). Its not that I avoided it, I confronted it, realised nothing appealed to me and walked away from the dessert counters, each and every time.:love::drinker: :bigsmile:
    The wedding functions were full of fun and gaiety met lots of old friends and danced like there was no tomorrow..... ( the only workout I got, apart from some yoga )
    Have so many posts to catch up!
    Have a great day all
    Anamika from Mumbai:bigsmile:
  • Alicia7519
    Hello everyone!

    It's been awhile since I have participated on this thread. I used to be 4Dogmom, but now I have only three dogs. Several months ago, I had to put one of my babies to sleep. So, now I am Alicia7519.

    The last six months have been chaotic. In August, I had surgery to have two tumors removed from my back. At first my surgeon thought it was one and when he performed the surgery, he found another tumor right below the original one. Both masses were the size of hockey pucks. Luckily, for me, they were benign. Since the surgery, I went back to my awful old eating habits and stopped exercising. As a result, I gained back 15 of the 30 pounds I had lost.

    I am going to go at it again. My husband has to change his eating habits. He has gained quite a bit of weight. He finished the work he was doing one his family's farm and as a result, he went back to his sedentary lifestyle. Unfortunately, his cholesterol went to heck, so now he has to watch what he eats. This is great because he has a ton of willpower and when he sets his mind to eating what is good for him, he's successful at losing weight. He's back to taking a hike on a daily basis and has cut back on his meals and drinking wine. This will make it easier for me since, I am the one who cooks all of our meals.

    Today, I went to the grocery store and loaded up on veggies, fruit, La Croix sparkling water, and healthy snacks.

    My goals for November are:
    Drink 8 8oz, glasses of water daily
    Do yoga 5 times a weeks
    Cut out the regular Coca-cola, and regular chips.
    Log my food intake everyday.
    Try to get some cardio done.

    Thank you Barb for creating this space. I hope you get to feeling better soon.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,799 Member
    finally ~ hot diggety dog lost 2 oz. i havent logged my weight because I haven't lost a darn thing, what a plateau that was, I am hoping now the scale decides to move in the right direction, was awake quite a bit last night ,so didn't get to the gym, im icing my heel and having my warm lemon water, then I will put some chili in a crockpot and go for a walk..
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,351 Member
    Alicia - welcome back! So sorry to hear about your op. Sounds really debilitating. It's good news that your DH is on board with the new regime. Just take it slowly, don't try to do it all at once and you will get there.:flowerforyou: You've done it before, so you know how.:wink:

    I was thinking today of all the things I admire and appreciate about this great group of women. Most of them are things I find difficult myself. I have quite a list,:laugh: , but I thought I would start with saying how much I admire those of you who have full time jobs. You work so hard and still find the time and energy to keep going on the weight loss and fitness path. I truly admire your energy and resolution.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    I will appreciate some others tomorrow.:happy:

    Today my back was feeling a bit delicate so I decided to give the weight training a miss and did a bit more on the elliptical and bike. Then I did some back stretching and some balancing. Yoga tomorrow, which should help.

    Quiet day today. I did a bit more online Christmas shopping yesterday and today will do an online grocety shop, using my £10 off voucher which is about to run out. We have visitors for 3 days next week so it will be good to get supplies in. I promised the wife I would cook her a special 3 course meal in thanks for a lovely plate she bought me when we visited them in Cornwall. It is on the table next to the TV. Beautiful colours. She doesn't eat a lot of red meat so I think it will be based on chicken. She is also very keen on going for a long walk on the South Downs, but I'm not sure the weather is friendly. Nor the ground underfoot as we have had a lot of rain recently. We will have to look up some walks that have proper paths! I am not a great walker because of knee, hip and foot problems, but I am better than I was. As long as it's not uneven underfoot. The views from the top of the chalk hills are great. I spent my teenage years near the Downs and had geography and history lessons on them at school. They were the site of Stone Age encampments and flint mining, which was a surprisingly big industry! Also a lot of Iron Age settlements.
    The Wednesday of their stay is our 9th anniversary, which could be the day we go walking. A pub evening meal seems to be in order!

    Love to all. Heather in drizzly Hampshire UK
  • Kookyk9s
    Kookyk9s Posts: 259 Member
    Have not checked in for while. Got bummed out because with all the steps I was recording with my new fitbit, the scale decided to go on strike and did not move for the past ten days. Finally moved this morning and I am down 2 additional pounds. YEAH!! Also took someone's or many persons' advise and took measurements 10 days ago and am down inches also today. I attribute this movement to my decision to drink more water and to track the water drinking, Feel like a puffer fish with all the water I have put into myself for the past day and this morning. But the scale moved. How that can be with all the water going in , I do not know because it seemed to come out as fast as it went in, Am going to keep the water thing up. My skin is so dry and winter is hardly here so more dry air in store for me. Water cannot hurt me even if I feel like a puffer fish and it may help my skin,

    The syncing with fitbit and MFP is not working correctly as of this moment. I see from the help that the powers that be are working on a solution. Funny how I miss that and have only had the fitbit for about 10 days. Does seem to keep it in the top of my mind to move more, Changed my parking at work so I now have to walk up a big hill to get my vehicle at the end of the day. Downhill in the morning, Am trying to remember to park at the far end of parking lots and walk in. Not too appealing with wind and rain we have been having. I keep telling myself that I am not the wicked witch of the North and am not water soluble so suck it up buttercup. Some days more successful that others on this one,

    I have been reading everyone's posts and am thankful that my health issues are minor compared with those I read here, Helps me keep perspective and be thankful for the life I have - could be much worse. And those struggling with the worse are an inspiration to me. It is also helpful to know that everyone has their own struggles. I know this intellectually but it helps to see the details and know that this is not just a philosophical truth - it is reality.

    So I am motivated for today and I wish everyone motivation to stick with their goals

    Linda from Severn Bridge, ON
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,387 Member
    Did an hour of a belly dance DVD today (Sun). I'm putting another beginner one on my wish list at Amazon. Tomorrow is yoga, holding my plank, and then the extremepump class. Before the class I'll probably stop at Lowe's Foods on the way to get the items they have on sale. They don't have much, but they do have the cream cheese with greek yogurt that I like

    Jessica is going to make dinner tonight. Vince suggested baked ziti. I'll have a bit of it, but I'd like to add some broccoli to mine. I made a chocolate pudding pie for dessert. Needed to cool it in the fridge and when we got back from the store where we got the ziti, cheese and noodles, Jessica put the onion and meat in the fridge. Unfortunately, I had to leave the pie uncovered so that it would cool and the plastic bags from the onion and meat got into the pie. I took them out, the pie will still taste fine. I now put the cover on it.

    Tammy - welcome. I like your goal of "enjoy the journey". That's something we all need to do

    Tina - give water aerobics a try. Especially if it's in the deep end. That is certainly something you can do with your knee. Exercising in the deep end doesn't put any strain on the joints, there is a little in the shallow end

    Heather - I've never heard of Raymond Blanc. I'll certainly keep my eyes open for shows about him

    Katla - I don't trust myself, either, to log my food in my head. I'm so afraid that i'd forget something. I so admire belly dancers. It really is such a workout. I took a bellydance class a while ago (like maybe 8 years ago) and a few things really impressed me. One was that the women in the class were so very comfortable with their bodies. And let me tell you, there were some LARGE women, but that didn't stop them from wearing the skimpy tops. Another thing that really impressed me was that there was a sort-of comraderie between the women. It's hard to put a finger on, but I definitely got the feeling of "if anyone tries to hurt one of our sisters, they'll have to deal with ALL of us". My father was 83 years old, I was living in my third house, had three children, but I was still his little girl. He'd get very upset if I didn't call him the absolute minute that i got home from driving from his house. i one time told Bryan that when I die I'm coming back from the grave to worry about him. Even tho he doesn't talk to us, I still worry. A lot of restaurants will serve you coffee, but not tea. So I always keep some teabags in my pocketbook. Why they'll serve coffee and not tea is beyond me.

    I just heard this funny sound and realized that it's Loki snoring on the bed!!!!

    smwert - seriously, I wound't be real concerned about the fact that you haven't lost. Stress will definitely put weight on you. Right now I'm dealing with the stress of not hearing from Bryan, and, to be honest, I really don't know exactly how to eliminate that stress. For the last two nights, I have been totally exhausted. Lack of sleep will add weight, too. Trust me.

    Pat - what a relief about your friend!

    Jessica made dinner tonight -- baked ziti. I had broccoli with my baked ziti. I had to listen to a little of the "you never used to eat like this before" and some "how rude to the cook". I still had some -- just on top of my broccoli. I started to have some of the chocolate chip Teddy Grahams that I got for Vince, but you know something? To me they weren't very good at all. Actually, I wound up putting half of them back! Felt good

    Vince, Jessica and I went to the bank, Vince needed to pick up a prescription at CVS, we went to WalMart where Vince needed to pick up a prescription and Jessica and I bought things for dinner tonight, then we went to Lowe's Hardware where Vince got some more PVC pipe for the Christmas decorations. Then home.

    Joyce - I like the Robin Cook books, too. My father was in the army Air Force, too, as a mechanic! Of course, this was before there was an Army and an Air Force....lol A kitchen redo for $1000???? Maybe 100 years ago you could have done it for that much

    Anamika - woo hoo. Isn't that a great feeling, when sweets just don't appeal to you? Last night I had a bit of this chocolate pudding pie that I made for Vince and Jessica. I just had a small piece, mainly to try it out. Then Jessica said "here she goes with her fruit". A cup of grapes, to me, is a wonderful dessert

    Alicia - I'm so sorry about your furfriend. I know how hard that can be. And then the tumors! Goodness, girl, you've certainly had your share. Thank goodness they were begnine! How wonderful that you have such a great support system!

    Heather - happy anniversary! What a cook you are!

    Linda from ON - congrats on the 2lb loss! Good for you changing your parking!

    Michele in NC
  • bjmcq
    bjmcq Posts: 304 Member
    Good Monday Morning..... I am so grateful for all those who have fought during the last major wars . Their sacrifice kept my wonderful culture free from "isms" impinging on my individual rights. I fear "isms", wherever they come from!

    Barbie, thanks for posting that beautiful copy of "In Flander's Fields", Dr. McCrae was from Guelph, Ontario, and his simple work remains central to our understanding of the war veteran's sacrifices.

    It will be a busy busy day today, a lot of tears and fears as I return essay marks. You have to get over 70 in my course to get into
    a competitive degree here...and their pressure gets put onto me to give marks. Whew! I will have to miss our national ceremonies, so grave and solemn, this year. It is the year of the Korean war veteran here in Canada.

    There will be snow this evening, and frankly, that is ok! A fresh layer of snow makes everything so new!

    Off to the teaching wars....right after I email our friend Major Geoff to thank him for his service!

    BJ, SWOntario
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning! I had a nice surprise this morning. For a week I thought I was at 216.2 pounds, that was the number in my head, so when I saw 217.6 the last few days I thought I had gained. Well, this morning I was at 216.0 and I thought at least I lost .2 pounds. So I went to log it and found that I had not been at 216.2 at all, I had been at 217.8! So I actually lost 1.8 instead of the .2 I thought I lost. (Dancing the skinny dance!). So, if I can't even log my weight in my head, there's no way I could log my food in my head like some of you do. I have too many senior moments.

    Last night the kids came over for supper and we made a really easy meal. I'm supposed to be taking it easy till my heart thing on Friday. Hamburgers on the grill, french fries in the oven, and baked beans from a can. And pudding cups for dessert. All on paper plates and plastic cups. Hubby ran the grill and cooked one burger for me with no salt, but I did have a bun and a pudding cup. Anyway, it was so nice not to have a big elaborate meal with lots of cleanup. After we ate my son and I went outside with the kids who wanted to play basketball. It turned out that they had more fun playing in the leaves, making big piles then jumping in the piles. Son and I sat on the porch talking. The weather was great, too. It was a really wonderful evening.

    My four year old grandson has some speech problems so he started in a special preschool with a speech pathologist and last night he was pronouncing his S's and F's better. He can now say Spider-Man and feet instead of Diderman and deet. He was so happy about it, too. My husband even commented on how much easier it was to understand Ian last night, and he never notices anything.

    Our weather is supposed to start getting cold this afternoon. I'm not sure I'm ready, but oh well. Here it comes. It's been a really nice autumn this year. Some years it seems to skip fall completely and go right to winter. Fall is my favorite season.

    I hope you are all having a great day!

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,979 Member
    :flowerforyou: I’m off to an early morning spiritual meeting followed by and 8:20 appointment with the chiropractor. Jake walked the dogs and I enjoyed my usual breakfast----Isagenix chocolate shake with a bit of almond milk, walnuts, and ground flax seed. Many things are closed today for Veteran’s Day so I was surprised that the chiropractor was open and the receptionist said, “We honor our Veteran’s by being here to treat them”.

    :brokenheart: JB from PA, sorry to hear about your sister’s troubles. Be careful with the free meal…..that’s a natural temptation to overeat.

    :bigsmile: amika, it is a great accomplishment to stay away from the sweets. I found that when I became more focused on eating for health, it was easier to stay away from foods that did not promote health…….dancing instead of eating is another way to enjoy an event without overindulging.

    :flowerforyou: Alicia, it took me many false starts before I created the healthy lifestyle I have today……having your hubby on the same path will make it even more satisfactory.

    :flowerforyou: Heather, I hope you have some great walks with your friend. A few years ago in November I had a visit from a great friend who is a competitive tennis player and works out with a personal trainer. I was so excited about all the walks we would take together. Instead I ended up building a fire in the fireplace and staying in the house because she’s from the south and thought it was too cold here to go out.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
