Kittyvicious1 Member


  • Thanks for the recommendations. I love eating too!
  • Just logged in today after a long stretch. My story is very similar. Three boys 15, 9, and 3; fulltime job and husband who also is looking to lose 100 lbs. My husband has never been one to join the gym, but I finally have him on board. I lost six pounds last month just eating salads for lunch. I dropped from 203 to 197.…
  • Thank you for all the sound advice. There is a lot of work to do to as in all relationships. My husband and I have been together for 16yrs. Counseling may be in the cards by now. As well as making him feel #1. I am guilty of ignoring his needs hence running around with our three boys, going to school for my Masters,…
  • Dont make a big deal over his weight, this way his feelings and self perception are not hurt; he is only 7. Implement sports and lean meats, eliminate soda and candies; allow every now and then. He will eventually grow into his height and normal weight. I have three boys,my oldest was the same way. He when he was younger,…
  • Sent friend request! Started almost a year ago, did very well before adding friends. I'm an introvert. Lost my father so I took time off to mourn. I've been exercising for 2& half months now on my own. I'm turning back to MFP to help monitor my calories and motivational support. We all can use the motivation. I started at…
  • Same boat as you. Been back and forth on MFP, it helps to keep me in line. I too have a hard time juggling family work and health. I do very well in the summer, than in the winter. I am a very strong minded, motivated person. I just seem to get gloomy during that time of the year. We can pull through together.
  • I give my picky eaters 2 options: Eat was is being served or go to bed. Their choice. They tend to eat rather than go to bed at 6 pm
  • I like to dip corn tortillas with avacado in my soups.
  • I'm 31 and 5'4 and I thought maybe my breast would look bigger as I lose weight, but to me they look like they are shrinking even after 3 kids. I'm blessed they don't look like deflated balloons they are a nice firm shaped.
  • Gems such as places to eat or gyms to workout??? Been in the valley 8years and tons of Mexican cuisines, not good for the dieter. Of course the usual Road House, Chili's, nothing special I have found. I'm sure there is, I don't get out budget with kids and all.
  • Walk in 15-20/Run 8mins. I built endurance running in increments... 30 mins: Walk 5mins run 30 secs...4.5mins 1min...4mins 1.5mins and so forth
  • Three months in to losing weight, life struck, I lost my father and I was in my second semester of my Master's program at school. I finished the semester with A's but was running on fumes. People may do better if they plan or manage losing weight around life occurrences. In the two months I took off I gained ten out…
  • Love, love, love all the support. I hope everyone meets theirs goals!!! After all we deserve it!!! Happy New Years to everyone????????????????????????????
  • love the idea of a piercing and panties, they would pair nice with my new breasts. Lol
  • Perhaps you are consuming too much fiber, mushrooms send me running back and forth. Hope nothing serious.
  • Ha, funny...I don't want a broken back. Lol
  • Those are all great rewards! I'm thinking more of a 32C cup, I'm barely an 32 A cup. I don't want to look gigantic, I want to fill my blouses and dresses better.
  • At 31, I have a bulging disc...not at the point of surgery, but must lose weight to release pressure on spine and nerve; laser knee surgery to fix the tear, a year of therapy did wonders; and most recently fractured my ankle playing racquetball. The ankle is healing now, it has been a month.. I just climb back on the bike…
  • That is how I eat my burgers these days, bunless. The bread makes you twice as full than just the patty cheese and toppings. Yesterday night I made spaghetti, looking for the sauce in the cabinet I came to find out I forgot to buy some. Plan B went into effect, homemade spaghetti sauce. Luckily, by surprise I had all the…
  • There definitely will be UPS and DOWNS, but stay with it, keep motivated, make changes accordingly to your schedule. At first you may not see any changes or fall into a plateau, we all have, be patient, make no excuse, there are no good excuse not to take care of yourself. To be honest I had a very rough three months, and…
  • Oatmeal is great but sometimes boring. I like to start with a hearty breakfast such as eggs, biscuit, sausage and gravy. This meal keeps me full along with water for a good few hours. Oatmeal is like a snack for me. Other snacks which are quick and easy is Greek yogurt and fruit mix in. As far as soda goes, I hate the…
  • I don't get out to eat much. I find the best place for me to eat is my kitchen. I have control in what I buy and how I cook my food. Although I don't do much of the cooking, my husband does, he knows my diet and what I should eat and not eat. In the past I suffer from gal bladder attacks, so I eat high fiber and low fat…
  • I am also originally from San Antonio, been in the RGV for about 8 years as well. I'm in Edinburg, and I study at UTPA earning my MPA. I joined MFP back in May this year and it has worked for me. I have been kind of absent last few months due to school and mourning my father who past in Sept. Then the unthinkable happened.…
  • I fractured my ankle and I have no more jiggle in my bum
  • Lots of weighttraing will help firm and if you still feel the way you do once you hit your goal, reward yourself with the surgical removal. You've earned it!! Good luck
  • Well ladies I have no proof because I did not take pics when I first started, but my belly has been shrinking in from the sides. My pants are lose and have been able to get into some of pants sucessfully where my pouch did not look so flattering at one point. I have not given up yet, and neither should any of ya'll. We…
  • The same here, but I lost inches not pounds. I worked out 5-6 days a week rotating cardio and weights. Iried everything adjusting my calories/meals, intense exercise etc... I stopped doing weights and did just cardio, the pounds starting dropping. Stop weightlifting for a week or two maybe a month and see the difference.…
  • Ya'll are the reason I love MFP. Thank you for all the encouraging words and advice; I really needed them. Thanks