

  • Hello, you Do understand that MFP calculates your number of 1710 (which you posted) 500 calories LESS already... So your already not consumeing 500 calories even when you dont go to the gym. Its important you know that.
  • V8 Fusion.. Drink that.. Its WONDERFUL... but dont get the *light* The Light one adds sugar and is not 100% all natural. although it has less calories. ITS GREAT!
  • Sparkling, Spring, Distilled, ect... They are all lables of how the water was "Bottled" or "Purified"
    in Water Comment by Hillbox February 2011
  • Hi, How much money are you actually gonna save per Month? I personally would not cancel my membership... even though I have been running/walking/jogging and Riding and have not gone to the gym in a few months. I like knowing that I can go Whenever I want. Keep the membership....