CariTJR Member


  • Nichole - Totally. I will be so bloody pleased when that clock strikes 12 at New Year, 2016 has sucked big time! Oh and don't be fooled, that pic was taken from a very flattering angle lol
  • So much to catch up on it would take me a week to reply to everyone individually, but I do have to say i'm so sorry you're going through another hard time right now with your sister Nichole (@ngolden3320), the Universe has a funny sense of humour at times, just when you think everything is beginning to calm down, something…
  • So, London was great, we went to a Cuban restaurant for dinner, then up to The Shard for drinks and the main attraction - the view. The picture below shows Tower Bridge, the Tower of London to the left, and the big ship on the Thames to the bottom is HMS Belfast. Stunning. I do love my home town. <3
  • Saw this today and it made me laugh. :D
  • Rachel – Well here’s the thing, usually I do exercise moderation for this exact reason – I can’t handle hangovers anymore, they last for days and I’m a wimp and I just can’t be arsed with feeling like crap forever after. So normally I’m the sensible one, I drink, but I know my limits and will stop before I get too far…
  • I know, I’m over it, I’m just hoping this weekend isn’t the same – my OH is a pain in the butt for last minute ‘get- togethers’, it drives me mad, he never plans anything, just suddenly says “oh lets do this” and before I can say anything he’s on the phone inviting half the UK round. Exactly. I spent most of the day laying…
  • Hi everyone, well what can I say, the weekend was a total disaster! My carefully planned weekend ended up being a bingefest of the highest order and it's all my OH's fault (that's, my excuse and i'm sticking to it!). In my head it was going to go like this - Friday - OH out on his bike, I do the housework and have one of…
  • Thank you. It's start in the right direction, just got to keep it up now! I used to run 3x's a week, once with club and twice on my own, but this fell by the wayside along with my healthy eating, however, i'm ready to get back to this now, i've taken my time to sort my head out and i'm feeling positive about things again.…
  • On a ski slope? That's sounds like hard work! The very best of luck to you, i'm sure you'll ace it. :smiley:
  • Me too, add away!
  • Well, i'm 3lb down this week, I know it will mainly be water weight, but i'll take it. That puts me back to 1 stone lost since January, i've just got to work hard to lose the remaining 11lb i'd lost up to April and then regained, and then i'm back on track towards my goal weight. OH is out on his mountain bike with the…
  • Ok, so I'm back to re-starting the C25k, I haven't been running since April (my Mum died, it was horrible) and I went out for my first run in months last night and it nearly killed me. It's amazing how your fitness level drops when you don't exercise for ages! Anyway, I ended up doing intervals as I was struggling really…
  • So, I went for a run, my first in over 2 months now, and it was such a struggle - it's amazing how fast your fitness level can drop when you eat crap and sit on your butt too much. Anyways, I tried, but I was finding it hard just to run for 3 mins straight, so I switched to 1 min intervals. I manged a total of 4.46 miles…
  • Hi Guys, i'm still here, i've been popping in to read everyone's comments, just not checked in myself. Well, finally things are starting to calm down again. We've cleared my Mum's house and returned the keys, and this weekend I finished going through all her personal paperwork and belongings (there was literally bags/boxes…
  • Hi Guys, sorry, been MIA for a while now, i'm really struggling both mentally and physically. We STILL haven't cleared my Mums house out, long story short, my brother moved into his new flat and just didn't bother clearing the rest of the house, 'out of sight, out of mind' so it's been a slow process trying to get him to…
  • Jeez Louise! What is going on right now? Talk about life majorly sucking at times! Nichole - So sorry you had to deal with all that on top of everything else. They do say "it never rains, but it pours" and it certainly seems like it's doing that for your right now. I'm just very pleased to hear your Mum's alright despite…
  • Urgh, rubbish weekend again, and it's not helping that the Euro 2016 football tournament is on, because all anyone wants to do right now is go down the pub to watch the games and eat junk. I'm failing miserably :( Nichole - so glad the service went well, it's terribly hard, I really do feel your pain right now. My brother…
  • @Rebecca - Don't be so down on yourself, i'm only 5'3 and I weigh nearly 2 stone more than you! At least you're only just over the line into 'overweight' i've got a long way to go to get where you are. We all struggle for different reasons, but don't be too restrictive with yourself, try and lose the weight at a sensible…
  • Well done @chasidee, that's an amzing loss so far. @Rachel - 6 miles! You're so good, you're always so positive and manage to turn things around. @Janet, I know it's amazing isn't it, when I was working from home I was lucky to be doing around 4k steps a day. It's not much better being sat in an office all day but at least…
  • Thanks guys, I have amended my weight to reflect the gain - booooooooo! But like you all say, motivation to get it back down again!
  • @Janet - I've just set it back to what it was before, 60 extra calories is pointless, I'll just have to try and stick to my daily goal and if I go over a bit in the next few weeks try not to get too annoyed with myself about it, just ease myself back in gently... Oh yes, Fitbits are good motivators, I know a lot of people…
  • And now i've just realised my Fitbit has been unconnect from my account for 2 weeks and I didn't even notice - oh dear!
  • @Janet - I just thought the same, so I went into settings and put my current weight and changed the setting to give myself a higher daily calories intake, but it's only given me 60 extra calories a day! Hardly worth it. I can't seem to find a way to set it myself...
  • Hi all, i'm still around, just needed a bit more time than I first anticipate to give myself a little breathing space, but I got on the scales today and i've gained 10lb, so it's time to put this trend into reverse and get myself back on track properly, no excuses. I'm going to up my daily calories for the time being…
  • Hi guys, happy to see you all doing so well. :smile: I'm still around, just severely lacking in any motivation right now, everything has been so mad over the last few months what with Mum, then weddings, my 40th Birthday and a weekend away, i'm struggling to get my head back into the game... Had a lovely weekend in…
  • Nichole – So glad your Dad is getting better. I totally understand how drained you must be feeling, make sure you take some time for yourself whilst trying to help everyone else. Rachel – Don’t sweat it, as we all know the scales aren’t the only indicator of how well we’re doing, and you kick butt in all aspects of healthy…
  • Still trying to get back into a routine, finding it very hard though, my brain just isn't with it right now. I did however go back to RC on Monday night, and bugger me it was hard, we did intervals for 4 miles, with the running parts being quite fast (for me anyway), we had to sprint up a big hill at the finish and quite…
  • Just under 4 miles on Monday night at Club. It was really tough after not running for a month, but I did it! :smile: