Orska Member


  • Before I had my gallbladder out, I couldn't eat anything greasy. It came out 7 years ago and I haven't had any problems with food since.
  • Agree with the ladies that say Enell Sports Bra. Hands down the best sports bra I have ever had. Totally worth every penny.
  • Although not common for most people, using Splenda and other artificial sweetners elevated my liver enzymes. I was going in monthly to have it checked and it just kept going up. Finally my doctor asked me to stop using all artificial sweetners for a month and my enzymes became normal. I haven't had any Splenda or…
    in Splenda Comment by Orska May 2011
  • I have a Polar FT7 and love it. It comes with a soft chest strap, which is also great. The FT7 keeps a training log for I believe 90 days, total calories burned, how long you were working out in the fat burning zone vs. aerobic zone. My friends have the FT4 and the only thing I believe it doesn't have is the calories in…
  • Also - it's important to enter your weight/height information into the machine. Overall though, I agree with the other commenters, a heart rate monitor with a chest strap is the way to go. It tracks your calories accurately.
  • We house trained our four month old pit bull with bells. We hung jingle bells next to the back door and everytime we took him out to potty, we made his nose hit the bells. He caught on in under a week and started ringing the bell himself when he needed to pee. It's important to only ring the bell when the pup is truly…