

  • I struggle with this one. I am a huge Ryan Braun fan and when he went through his little dramatic event recently I had this conversation with many people. Part of me says "may the best man win!" If you are willing to spend extra money, time, or risk your fertility to be the best athlete you can be, who am I to judge? The…
  • I would disagree with this. Alcohol is a depressant, even if someone appears happy while they are drinking, it's still a depressant and often that crash comes later on. I am a very positive happy calm person, when I drink I am happier and love everybody, once I start to come down though, I crash hard emotionally.…
  • I don't think either of them are attractive nor would I ever even look twice at someone like that in terms of wanting to get to know them or date them. I couldn't get turned on by rubbing someone and feeling mass amounts of veins. Sorry guys lol!
  • I assure you that the FDA is the biggest enemy we have. I refer to 99% of medications as nothing but bandaids that the government gets rich off of. Let's treat a headache with medication that will cause high blood pressure that we will treat with blood pressure medication that will get the pattern here. If…
  • I say go for it! If my gym in my town had childcare I would be there every day, no lie! Before we moved here my boys and I spent 2hrs a day 6 days a week at the YMCA in our town that offered a fabulous free child care center. I know it's just a psychological thing for me, but when my workouts at home don't "count" for me…
  • I do agree with this, and it's the part that I struggle the most with. I am a candy girl and I do believe it is my biggest enemy with my stomach.
  • My stomach is also my major problem area. I have found that doing HIIT is the best thing for it, although I struggle with being able to do it consistently. When I do though, my waist trims down well. And as an above poster mentioned, plank plank plank. My boyfriend has the most defined insane abs and he actually planks at…
  • I'm sort of in the middle with this. My boyfriend uses estrogen blockers/testosterone boosters which I refer to as steroids, he does not LOL. I have nagged a bit about them not being healthy, but in the end, it's his body, not mine and I respect that. He expresses his concerns to me about my obsessions with my weight but…