Steroids and Dating and Attraction



  • antoniosmooth
    antoniosmooth Posts: 299 Member
    Personally I've never used and never intend to use. I do understand the reason some men and women use steroids. It's pretty much the same reason some people would prefer to cook their meals in a microwave (convenience and speed) rather than use their oven/stove top.

    It is very interesting and sad to read what some people are saying about steroid users. Its as if steroid users previous or current are second class citizens in their minds.

    I've never been one for short cutting hard work which is why for me, I put steroid usage, gastric bypass, and HGH in the same boat.
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member

    Yes I agree it applies to anything that becomes abuse, or like an addiction.

    Date someone who uses steroids safely? I already do (although he's not using them anymore) He took them for around 1-2 years and stopped around a year ago. I wasn't happy about it, but as long as he was as safe as he could be, then I'm not going anywhere. He took the proper safe dose, did cycles on and off as recommended, and promised me it wouldn't be a long term thing (and has stuck to his word) I was mainly worried about long term health implications of continued use, and I didn't want that sort of thing still happening when we have children.
    In honesty, I think he'd still be taking them if it wasn't for me, I encourage him that he can get really strong naturally, that it just takes a lot more time, food, effort, especially for someone his size (really small build)

    I suppose someone who was using meth or coke safely is okay too? Those types of steroids are illegal drugs, in case you didn't know. Everyone is different. What may be considered "safe" for one person could be deadly for another.

    In the UK (which is where I'm from) they are not illegal for personal use.

    Of course it depends on the person, if you have unlying health problems, such as heart issues etc if would most definitely not be safe in the slightest to take steroids. I don't think steroids are safe to take at all BUT unlike meth or coke, steroids have a recommended amount that if you do take them, that is the amount which is seen as relatively low risk.
    The problem lies when men decide they want to ignore those limits and take more and more and more (pretty stupid individuals - but this is quite common) It is here that most cases of a healthy person dying through steroid use comes from.
  • mackdaddymisa
    nope, na , never!
    im almost 26, been doin sports since my memory takes me back...i look nothing like those "perfect" lets be honest no one naturally would cz we all have different bodies genetically and different types of muscles etc etc
    iv been given the opportunity to use em a few times before at gyms...guys would come up and offer a dose...and once what i saw left an image, some kid took the large syringe between his toes straight into his vein...some random fluorescent yellow gel that apparently "dries up fluids and destroys flabby fat turning everything into pure hard rock muscle"...what the jerks forgot to mention is that u need to drink tons of water immediately as u do it or else your body get dehydrated in the most unnatural way...the kid almost died on spot within a few minutes
    i never even thought of taking anything before then and that day just confirmed how stupid ppl can be just so they "look gd"

    so ppl plz stay natural and healthy and live sports by giving your max and work hard to earn and deserve evg
  • Lolli1986
    Lolli1986 Posts: 500 Member
    No, I would not date or marry a man who used steroids. Firstly, I do not find big muscles that attractive. I am attracted to the sort of strength that comes from a hard day's work, and the athleticism that comes with running or hiking and regular strength training. I admit that I am not attracted to stringy, but lean and fairly lanky are hot.

    However, it is indeed a moral issue. If I date guys on steroids I feed into the idea that steroids get you girls. No! That's a lot like men encouraging breast implants... it makes the issue bigger and more pressing. If I date someone on roids I might all well be in for the pound and date someone with a schlong extension. Fostering the kind of society that seems to think men running around madly pumping weights and shooting themselves in the butt due to insecurities created by being unable to compete with other guys on roids is just..... yuck.

    Also, the level of insecurity that goes into the choice to use steroids is frankly unattractive. Insecurity is, fairly or unfairly, a particularly unattractive trait in a man.

    Honestly, I don't think guys pump up for the sake of girls (oh they think they do)...from what I see it looks more to be misguided infighting. It's a bit like girls competing in fashion trends in an attempt to look the best out of the line up..... never mind that men think that particular cut ALWAYS looks horrible.

    Additionally, I have never even met a girl who is fussy enough about men's bodies to warrant the roid rage. No woman I have ever known has said anything remotely like 'i will only date fit men with big muscles' in the same way that I have heard many men say they will only date slim fit girls with minimal cellulite. Usually the women have said they don't care too much about how he looks, as long as he is healthy... a little bit fat or long and lean, both are fine.
  • Punktorian
    Punktorian Posts: 224 Member
    I have a ton of respect for bodybuilders. People give steroids and HGH way too much credit. For every coleman there are tons of skinny weaklings who put a needle in and don't do any work and don't get results. Roid rage is BS, a lot of the people I have seen talk about it say that it may happen but it's more of a case of making a jerk more of a jerk. If you are an easy going nice person roid rage is probably going to be non existent. I should add that most of these confirmed cases of roid rage in murders and stuff is the same crap as finding a Marilyn Manson CD is someones room and saying it was the music that caused them to kill 10 people. Correlation does not equal causation.

    I don't like when people use them expecting easy results. It is entirely different when people hit that wall and want to take their body to a level impossible to achieve without steroids/HGH.

    There is not very much evidence regarding steroids in terms of the larger things like heart trouble or inability to produce hormones after using them. This is mostly because they are illegal making it difficult to set up a realistic study. Abuse is obviously bad and will lead to the things the media screams at you about life threatening side effects.

    Would I use them? Honestly, I probably would if there were legal in the states at some point. HGH, no thanks...having an alien looking gut is not something i'd like to have. Not much for muscle gains but the strength gains.

    I would not date a girl who uses steroids, the manly jawline and deep voice are a total turn off. I would definitely date a girl who is just ripped like Dana Linn Bailey though.

    True Life did a show that pretty much sums up what happens when you take roids for quick and easy results, not surprisingly, not much happens at all. Aside from some injuries and overall failure due to inexperience and lack of understanding.
  • FlynnMacCallister
    FlynnMacCallister Posts: 172 Member
    Nope, steroids (beyond neccessary medication) are an absolute no, and a steroid-enhanced body type is actually pretty repulsive to me. You mention Christain Bale, and that any woman would do him. Sorry, but no.
  • SqautsAndOats
    Roid rage is BS, a lot of the people I have seen talk about it say that it may happen but it's more of a case of making a jerk more of a jerk. If you are an easy going nice person roid rage is probably going to be non existent. I should add that most of these confirmed cases of roid rage in murders and stuff is the same crap as finding a Marilyn Manson CD is someones room and saying it was the music that caused them to kill 10 people. Correlation does not equal causation.

    Yep, if i remember correctly there were only 8% who reported any attitude change from steroids. Roid raging is about as common as the mythological "creatine rage". Most reports are just cocky idiots who think "I'm on the juice, now I know how to fight!"
  • SqautsAndOats
    The fact that many guys using this stuff have killed their wives and children in a roid rage induced psychotic frenzy makes me very anti-steroids. So no.
    I would love to see the study you read on exactly how many people have killed their wives and children. Stop pulling BS out of thin air, its not attractive.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,708 Member
    Nope, would not date a man using steroids. I'd rather he just be healthy.
    There are many healthy men on steriods. Not the pro or amateur bodybuilder I'm speaking of here, but average men (many in executive positions) on HRT. Steroids doesn't necessarily mean that the man is unhealthy.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal & Group FitnessTrainer
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    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,708 Member
    too much muscle is a turn off for me so... no.

    aside from the addict side of things.
    Taking steroids doesn't just put muscle on. AIDS victims and people who suffer from major burns take them too.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal & Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    The fact that many guys using this stuff have killed their wives and children in a roid rage induced psychotic frenzy makes me very anti-steroids. So no.
    I would love to see the study you read on exactly how many people have killed their wives and children. Stop pulling BS out of thin air, its not attractive.

    See point #6. I never said it was common, but it does happen. I also remember Chris Benoit's roid rage induced murder-suicide:

    Also, anabolic steroids are not the same as steroids used to treat most medical conditions. They are chemically different and act upon different receptors in the body.
  • SqautsAndOats
    a steroid-enhanced body type is actually pretty repulsive to me.

    I hope you hate all science as well and not just picking on one demographic: birth control, plastic surgery, reconstructive surgery, protein shakes, multivitamins, the list goes on... man you must be repulsed by anyone using knowledge to improve themselves.
  • xHelloQuincyx
    xHelloQuincyx Posts: 884 Member
    first off, im not attracted to that look AT ALL. i mean some bulge is okay, but i really dont like anything thats showey. (thinking about guys from jersery shore tv show. EW). 2nd i wouldnt date anyone if they used steroids. its bad for your health, i want kids, its a waste of money, its for superficial reasons. oh, and i would rather not die of roid rage.
  • SqautsAndOats
    The fact that many guys using this stuff have killed their wives and children in a roid rage induced psychotic frenzy makes me very anti-steroids. So no.
    I would love to see the study you read on exactly how many people have killed their wives and children. Stop pulling BS out of thin air, its not attractive.

    See point #6. I never said it was common, but it does happen. I also remember Chris Benoit's roid rage induced murder-suicide:

    You said many, that sounds like a lot, but lets see what your article says:

    a. Although it´s highly rare (less than 5%)

    b. Can steroids be to blame for anti-social, psychotic, "roid-rage" type of behaviors? Probably not. The evidence just isn´t there to support that such theories.

    c. It was found was that no participant in the study had become violent as a result of the testosterone injections they had been receiving
  • SqautsAndOats
    Call officer Jenny! we're got a wild one here!
  • r1ghtpath
    r1ghtpath Posts: 701 Member
    i would not date or marry someone that used steroids. i would not marry christian bale, he has issues!

    i was married to the guy that worked out hard, fixated on his diet, and had the body to show for it. at 19, i was very attracted to that and to him. however, after realizing that his type of dedication to fitness comes with some other personality traits that i was NOT ok with, nor crazy about, i became turned off by that type of body!

    it's one thing to look at and admire, but i'm not physically attracted to those men anymore. i stay far away. mainly due to fear of what could be lurking under the surface....... there could be nothing. they could be an amazing man, but, i'm not taking the chance again.......

    i just want average. someone that enjoys being active and physical and can keep up with me. they don't have to live in the gym nor look like they do!!! i don't want someone that is obsessed with their diet nor do i want someone that doesn't care at all. just middle of the road :-)
  • jeni3004
    jeni3004 Posts: 9
    I'm sort of in the middle with this. My boyfriend uses estrogen blockers/testosterone boosters which I refer to as steroids, he does not LOL. I have nagged a bit about them not being healthy, but in the end, it's his body, not mine and I respect that. He expresses his concerns to me about my obsessions with my weight but never puts me down for it so it goes both ways.

    I will say though that while I don't know exactly what he was taking, there was a few month stretch last year where whatever he was on made him awful. He was irritable and would snap off. I don't monitor his medicine cabinet but after one snap at one of the kids that was the end of whatever he took, I didn't even have to say a word. I'm grateful he recognized it and is no longer taking whatever it was. It just goes to show how that stuff really CAN mess with you on many different levels and I can see how people using them end up severely hurting those they love. each their own but proceed with caution :)
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    The fact that many guys using this stuff have killed their wives and children in a roid rage induced psychotic frenzy makes me very anti-steroids. So no.
    I would love to see the study you read on exactly how many people have killed their wives and children. Stop pulling BS out of thin air, its not attractive.

    See point #6. I never said it was common, but it does happen. I also remember Chris Benoit's roid rage induced murder-suicide:

    You said many, that sounds like a lot, but lets see what your article says:

    a. Although it´s highly rare (less than 5%)

    b. Can steroids be to blame for anti-social, psychotic, "roid-rage" type of behaviors? Probably not. The evidence just isn´t there to support that such theories.

    c. It was found was that no participant in the study had become violent as a result of the testosterone injections they had been receiving

    I agree. I could use better wording and should not have said "a lot", but the fact that it happens period is unacceptable to me. I used to workout at a powerlifting gym, and I know guys who use or have used anabolics. Most of them were very aggressive, rude, and sometimes backhandedly threatening. It doesn't mean I think EVERYONE who does them is going to be that way, as certainly not all the guys there were (again, poor wording on my part in my original post), but I don't think it's a good idea, and I would not be too keen on someone I'm dating doing them either. It would be a dealbreaker for me.
  • SqautsAndOats
    I like how people say they are so dangerous and unhealthy, next time a new medicine commercial comes on TV actually pay attention to the side effects at the end, someone then are pretty scarey.... yet our kids grow up watching this, they don't think anything of it.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,708 Member
    I don't know if I'd date someone on steroids--I just assume they'd have roid rage and would be deliberately harming their body and that's not attractive.
    Roid rage is a myth. If a person was an *kitten* before steroids, it'd only make them a bigger *kitten*. You would have to define deliberately hurting their body. There are men on HRT that take them to increase libido.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal & Group FitnessTrainer
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    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition