Steroids and Dating and Attraction



  • theoriginaljayne
    theoriginaljayne Posts: 559 Member
    I would probably still date a guy who had used them in the past, because I'm in no position to judge someone for making mistakes earlier in their life.

    But if he was currently using them, or wanted to use them again... then no way.

    Yes, I like muscles. Muscles are hot. But vanity isn't attractive. A great body, in my opinion, comes from an active and varied lifestyle, not countless hours in a gym.

    Edited to clarify: working out in a gym isn't bad in and of itself. But when other areas of your life suffer because of your obsession with it... that's when it becomes bad.
  • Silverkittycat
    Silverkittycat Posts: 1,997 Member
    Stay on topic, ladies!

    We ALL like athletic men.
  • shanahan_09
    shanahan_09 Posts: 238 Member
    Have a friend who did steroids...went from skinny to huge within a matter of months. Now years later, he just looks bulky. Personally speaking, he would have looked a hell of a lot better from just taking the time to build up his muscles instead of taking the short cut route. IMO a man looks more attractive who puts in the hard work and dedication to having a nice physique....not from a shortcut solution which in turn may have health consequences down the road. To each their own, much is one willing to gamble for vanity?
  • Chipmaniac
    Chipmaniac Posts: 642 Member
    I would never take them because that's effectively cheating. I also wouldn't have plastic surgery or anything like that. The closest I've come to cheating nature is to have laser eye surgery. That wasn't about vanity but about convenience. I hated having to futz with glasses and contacts.

    Edit: I should have clarified that I've never wanted a body-builder type physique. I want to be toned and balanced, something like the picture of Bale before he lost all the weight for "The Machinist". Thus, I may not be a representative example.
  • Tourney3p0
    Tourney3p0 Posts: 290 Member
    That said, the temptation of anabolic steroids or prohormones or anything of the sort is pretty strong amongst men, whether they admit it or not

    As a male who hangs out with many other males, I'm gonna have to go ahead and disagree here.
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    If hed made mistakes in the past fine, but wouldn't date someone who was using. X
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    No, I wouldn't even go on a first date with a guy who is using steroids (if I knew). They can make some people dangerous after using a while. Of course I don't understand why a guy would want to addict themselves to something when it's against the law and it isn't something they *need* to sustain life. Also, taking steroids to stay buff may be an indicator of very low esteem in a man and jealousy and abuse may be down the road.
  • elcieloesazul
    elcieloesazul Posts: 448 Member
    That said, the temptation of anabolic steroids or prohormones or anything of the sort is pretty strong amongst men, whether they admit it or not

    As a male who hangs out with many other males, I'm gonna have to go ahead and disagree here.

    I think the OP is saying being muscular is the equivalent to being manly in our society. It's similar to the way women have to deal with the message of thin = beautiful.
  • Kell_Smurthwaite
    Kell_Smurthwaite Posts: 384 Member
    Nope - no steroid users for me. And I prefer nicely toned over muscley. :)
  • BiscuitsNDavy
    BiscuitsNDavy Posts: 212 Member
    That said, the temptation of anabolic steroids or prohormones or anything of the sort is pretty strong amongst men, whether they admit it or not

    As a male who hangs out with many other males, I'm gonna have to go ahead and disagree here.

    I think the OP is saying being muscular is the equivalent to being manly in our society. It's similar to the way women have to deal with the message of thin = beautiful.

    Yes, that is what I meant. Thanks for the clarification.
  • Tourney3p0
    Tourney3p0 Posts: 290 Member
    I think the OP is saying being muscular is the equivalent to being manly in our society. It's similar to the way women have to deal with the message of thin = beautiful.

    I guess so. Lots of things can make you thin, but it would be a ridiculous statement to say "Whether all women admit it or not, they are constantly considering taking up meth", then clarifying "What I meant is that they wanted to be skinny." Two completely different statements.
  • BiscuitsNDavy
    BiscuitsNDavy Posts: 212 Member
    I think the OP is saying being muscular is the equivalent to being manly in our society. It's similar to the way women have to deal with the message of thin = beautiful.

    I guess so. Lots of things can make you thin, but it would be a ridiculous statement to say "Whether all women admit it or not, they are constantly considering taking up meth", then clarifying "What I meant is that they wanted to be skinny." Two completely different statements.

    Well by the sheer number of girls with EDs, I digress.
  • elcieloesazul
    elcieloesazul Posts: 448 Member
    But all of you would marry Christian Bale. LOL

    No, I wouldn't...Also I wouldn't date anyone that uses or has used steroids.

    how would you know if they used or not??

  • BlueInkDot
    BlueInkDot Posts: 702 Member
    I wouldn't want to date someone who took steriods regularly simply because it's a sign that he's obviously struggling inside with something very serious. The same way that some girl will struggle with self-hatred and develop an eating disorder, a man might struggle with hating him body and his image and turn to steriods. It's a red flag for someone with some serious issues that I wouldn't want to have to deal with in a boyfriend.

    Either that, or he's completely vain, pompous, and too steriod fueled to even think straight - uhhhhh not attractive!

    Have you seen "Natural" Body Builders? They look fabulous! I would much rather see a man who does natural body building than that unnatural, vein popping, ..... eugh... gross. XP

    Like others have said, if it was a learning experience, then that's fine. Everyone makes mistakes, and it's good if a person is willing to learn from their mistakes rather than let their mistakes rule their lives.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    currently using NO. i did that twice and both guys were a little oversensitive and overly aggressive

    used in the past but now see the errors in his ways, yep.

    and for the record i dont want an overly muscular physique, or anything that requires multiple hours a day in the gym or a super restrictive diet.

    and i wouldnt want to marry bale. have sex with yes, but definitely not marry :laugh:
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,871 Member
    But all of you would marry Christian Bale. LOL

    No, I wouldn't...Also I wouldn't date anyone that uses or has used steroids.

    how would you know if they used or not??

    I'm fairly certain she means it would be a deal breaker for her. Perhaps KNOWINGLY date is better phrasing. There are tons of potential issues that one might not think to discuss when first dating.
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    The comments regarding steroid use are interesting. I wonder how many of these people feel about dating somebody that has a couple drinks a week, smokes regularly, or maybe even smokes Pot. Are steroids really worse or are they different because our country has made them illegal? Despite the fact they can be safely cycled much of that information never comes out. People that abuse steroids are obviously putting their body at great risk but isn't that the same as abusing anything else? What about men that are on Testosterone Replacement Therapy? Their effectively taking steroids and maybe even estrogen blockers. Is that bad too?
  • elcieloesazul
    elcieloesazul Posts: 448 Member
    I think the OP is saying being muscular is the equivalent to being manly in our society. It's similar to the way women have to deal with the message of thin = beautiful.

    I guess so. Lots of things can make you thin, but it would be a ridiculous statement to say "Whether all women admit it or not, they are constantly considering taking up meth", then clarifying "What I meant is that they wanted to be skinny." Two completely different statements.

    Well by the sheer number of girls with EDs, I digress.

    I dare say the effects of bulimia nervosa might equal those of meth. The long-term emotional and physical damage are present. Here are a few symptoms of both: ulcers, mouth sores, dizziness, stroke, heart attack, dry mouth, tooth decay, eye complications, constipation, risk of death, etc.

    EDIT: My point is meth, EDs, and steroids are all extremes and forms of manipulating the body; they really do share more in common.
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    The comments regarding steroid use are interesting. I wonder how many of these people feel about dating somebody that has a couple drinks a week, smokes regularly, or maybe even smokes Pot. Are steroids really worse or are they different because our country has made them illegal? Despite that they can be cycled much of that information never comes out. People that abuse steroids are obviously putting their body at great risk but isn't that the same as abusing anything else? What about men that are on Testosterone Replacement Therapy? Their effectively taking steroids and maybe even estrogen blockers. Is that bad too?

    The way I see it there's a difference between using and abusing. I think (although there are obvious health risks to using) that the majority of serious problems are caused by abusing them. Many guys take them, and become addicted. They will say a big "f-you" to do "safe" limit and take more and more and more, because they are not big enough, not strong enough. That is just plain stupid in my eyes.
    Taking TRT is prescribed by a doctor isn't it? Therefore it would have a recommended dose, and be under control, unlike the majority of steroid users.

    As to your earlier questions. I wouldn't date someone who smokes, because IMO it's a filthy habit and I can't stand the smell (or the hacking cough I get from being around them)
    I would date somebody who drank, but not someone who drank to excess.
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    The comments regarding steroid use are interesting. I wonder how many of these people feel about dating somebody that has a couple drinks a week, smokes regularly, or maybe even smokes Pot. Are steroids really worse or are they different because our country has made them illegal? Despite that they can be cycled much of that information never comes out. People that abuse steroids are obviously putting their body at great risk but isn't that the same as abusing anything else? What about men that are on Testosterone Replacement Therapy? Their effectively taking steroids and maybe even estrogen blockers. Is that bad too?

    The way I see it there's a difference between using and abusing. I think (although there are obvious health risks to using) that the majority of serious problems are caused by abusing them. Many guys take them, and become addicted. They will say a big "f-you" to do "safe" limit and take more and more and more, because they are not big enough, not strong enough. That is just plain stupid in my eyes.
    Taking TRT is prescribed by a doctor isn't it? Therefore it would have a recommended dose, and be under control, unlike the majority of steroid users.

    As to your earlier questions. I wouldn't date someone who smokes, because IMO it's a filthy habit and I can't stand the smell (or the hacking cough I get from being around them)
    I would date somebody who drank, but not someone who drank to excess.

    Agreed, good points. Doesn't that really apply to abuse of anything? How many relationships end because some men get so involved in on-line video games (World of Warcraft for instance) that's definitely abuse. Would you date somebody that did it safely?