Steroids and Dating and Attraction



  • BiscuitsNDavy
    BiscuitsNDavy Posts: 212 Member
    The comments regarding steroid use are interesting. I wonder how many of these people feel about dating somebody that has a couple drinks a week, smokes regularly, or maybe even smokes Pot. Are steroids really worse or are they different because our country has made them illegal? Despite the fact they can be safely cycled much of that information never comes out. People that abuse steroids are obviously putting their body at great risk but isn't that the same as abusing anything else? What about men that are on Testosterone Replacement Therapy? Their effectively taking steroids and maybe even estrogen blockers. Is that bad too?

    Yeah I agree, society makes them to be this big evil thing. There is a documentary on this on netflix... forgot the name of it. i know someone will remind me here.

    I've seen it. That's when I "fleetingly" thought about it.
  • Nopedotjpeg
    Nopedotjpeg Posts: 1,806 Member
    I'm ambivalent about roids. The thing that bothers me the most is that it seems like cheating. Unfortunately, I have no idea if the best in lifting are all on roids or they're just genetically gifted as well as extremely dedicated.
  • Silverkittycat
    Silverkittycat Posts: 1,997 Member
    Pick your poison. :wink:
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    There's a big difference between what turns my head and what I really find attractive in a dude.

    Alexander Skarsgard is beautiful. I enjoy looking at him. But if he had the personality of a dishrag, I'd have no interest in him at all.

    In my life, I've dated geeks exclusively. I love a brainy guy. I've dated skinny geeks, chubby geeks, average build geeks, and one buff geek, but he wasn't nearly geeky enough so I had to throw him back. I married a chubby geek. I never knew what any of them looked like without their shirts on (no clue if the had pecs or moobs) until I was already pretty intimately involved. And I never cared.

    I wouldn't want a guy who did steroids because I wouldn't want a guy more into his appearance than I am. :laugh:
  • 99cherrypie99
    99cherrypie99 Posts: 205 Member
    I don't date drug users, period. Ginormous muscles are disgusting to me. I won't even use or let my husband use protein shakes...
  • ashley67203
    I unfortunately work in an business where looks are important and work with men who are actively using steroids. I have watched them throw chairs, punch holes in walls, scream like crazy people and physically attack anyone who gets in their way during the inevitable rages. I actually had to deal with one of these last night and could hear the guy screaming obscenities at an older female coworker clear from the other side of the building. So no, I would never consider dating someone on steroids.
  • Silverkittycat
    Silverkittycat Posts: 1,997 Member
    There is a difference between appearance and behavior. I believe the original poster is referring to behavior. I might be wrong, please feel free to correct.
  • ShrinkRapt451
    ShrinkRapt451 Posts: 447 Member
    But all of you would marry Christian Bale. LOL

    Oh hell no. Not with that temper (and general lack of ability to be socially appropriate).

    I would not date, never mind marry, a man who is using drugs (including smoking cigarettes) or abusing alcohol or using steroids. Period. As to the steroids in particular, a short list as to why:

    1. They cause pretty severe depression, emotional instability, and rage.
    2. Which often leads to physical aggression. Against self, girlfriend/boyfriend, etc. Sometimes jail time for that.
    3. They cause testicular atrophy (AKA "boy bits become smaller boy bits" -- LOL at the phrasing)
    4. Which leads to reduced sexual drive and performance. Yes, I care about that.
    5. Anybody who is so insecure that he feels the need to use illegal substances to boost his self-esteem by building his muscles is not the guy for me.

    And Testosterone Replacement Therapy is to REPLACE the testosterone because the organs that make it (the testicles) aren't there or don't work. The goal is to achieve testosterone levels in the normal range for a male of that age. Anabolic steroids are intended to boost testosterone levels ABOVE the normal range. Hence all the short-term and long-term consequences. BIG difference.
  • canucmene1
    I agree with the comment about abusing steroids is the same as abusing any substance or nurturing any type of addiction.. anything in excess is damaging to your body, mind and soul. But I think the real issue is the deep seated obsession with appearances, as if what you look like is going to land you the dream girl/guy and lead to ultimate happiness and the dream house & car!!! Looking after yourself is good for you, yes. And taking an interest in what you look like is healthy, and exercising does wonders for the whole you ... but only in moderation! Anything taken to an extreme becomes an unhealthy borderline neurotic obsession, which believe me, is not attractive to anyone. What girl wants to live with a guy who hogs the mirror more than she? And what guy wants to live with a girl that's obsessing over what she looks like in bed?

    My point is, obsession with our appearance, ruins all the good things about our character. It robs us of seeing so much more, and of being so much more to some one else, because our focus is on ourselves!!

    Spoken by a voice of far too much experience! x
  • shanahan_09
    shanahan_09 Posts: 238 Member
    I don't date drug users, period. Ginormous muscles are disgusting to me. I won't even use or let my husband use protein shakes...

    I don't understand--Do you think protein shakes will cause ginormous muscles, or they are a drug of some sort? They aid in repairing torn muscle from strength training and yes, will help make them grow with the benefit of weight training. People take shakes because they are a lot faster than making up some chicken, fish, or another valid protein source after a workout. I myself have been taking protein shakes for years, and trust me, my muscles are not huge. Being a woman, I'd have to USE steroids/testosterone to get to that point.
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    The comments regarding steroid use are interesting. I wonder how many of these people feel about dating somebody that has a couple drinks a week, smokes regularly, or maybe even smokes Pot. Are steroids really worse or are they different because our country has made them illegal? Despite that they can be cycled much of that information never comes out. People that abuse steroids are obviously putting their body at great risk but isn't that the same as abusing anything else? What about men that are on Testosterone Replacement Therapy? Their effectively taking steroids and maybe even estrogen blockers. Is that bad too?

    The way I see it there's a difference between using and abusing. I think (although there are obvious health risks to using) that the majority of serious problems are caused by abusing them. Many guys take them, and become addicted. They will say a big "f-you" to do "safe" limit and take more and more and more, because they are not big enough, not strong enough. That is just plain stupid in my eyes.
    Taking TRT is prescribed by a doctor isn't it? Therefore it would have a recommended dose, and be under control, unlike the majority of steroid users.

    As to your earlier questions. I wouldn't date someone who smokes, because IMO it's a filthy habit and I can't stand the smell (or the hacking cough I get from being around them)
    I would date somebody who drank, but not someone who drank to excess.

    Agreed, good points. Doesn't that really apply to abuse of anything? How many relationships end because some men get so involved in on-line video games (World of Warcraft for instance) that's definitely abuse. Would you date somebody that did it safely?

    Yes I agree it applies to anything that becomes abuse, or like an addiction.

    Date someone who uses steroids safely? I already do (although he's not using them anymore) He took them for around 1-2 years and stopped around a year ago. I wasn't happy about it, but as long as he was as safe as he could be, then I'm not going anywhere. He took the proper safe dose, did cycles on and off as recommended, and promised me it wouldn't be a long term thing (and has stuck to his word) I was mainly worried about long term health implications of continued use, and I didn't want that sort of thing still happening when we have children.
    In honesty, I think he'd still be taking them if it wasn't for me, I encourage him that he can get really strong naturally, that it just takes a lot more time, food, effort, especially for someone his size (really small build)
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    When people mention roid rage and aggression, I do feel like I have to point out that that also depends on the character of the person beforehand. Steroids will rarely turn a mild mannered person into some raging, aggressive person who can lash out at any moment. Usually they have that character to begin with, but to a lesser degree, either that or they hid it well!

    I understand that sometimes many women don't want to take that risk, but I do find it annoying, that most people just assume men who use (not ABUSE) steroids are going to turn abusive and aggressive, it doesn't work like that. Some of the nicest, calmest guys I have ever met before are bodybuilders/powerlifters, whereby many of them have openly admitted to taking steroids.
  • liftandcycle
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • Silverkittycat
    Silverkittycat Posts: 1,997 Member
    When people mention roid rage and aggression, I do feel like I have to point out that that also depends on the character of the person beforehand. Steroids will rarely turn a mild mannered person into some raging, aggressive person who can lash out at any moment. Usually they have that character to begin with, but to a lesser degree, either that or they hid it well!

    I understand that sometimes many women don't want to take that risk, but I do find it annoying, that most people just assume men who use (not ABUSE) steroids are going to turn abusive and aggressive, it doesn't work like that. Some of the nicest, calmest guys I have ever met before are bodybuilders/powerlifters, whereby many of them have openly admitted to taking steroids.

    I love that you said this. I was just telling a friend that several baseball players that I'm friends with MIGHT take steroids. I don't know and I really don't care. They've never been anything but great friends - calm, honest, caring and so on. They're like the older brothers I've never had. Cheesy, I know.

    If they take them, they do. It hasn't affected me at all.
    Would I rather they be healthy and not take them? Of course.
    I'm not going to police their actions. All I can do is hope that they have researched the advantages and disadvantages before choosing.
    I'd prefer not to judge them.
  • KatKatatrophic
    KatKatatrophic Posts: 448 Member
    But all of you would marry Christian Bale. LOL

    I have to ask: Who is Christian Bale's?
    Lol. That really tan guy though, third picture, pretty sexy xD
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    When people mention roid rage and aggression, I do feel like I have to point out that that also depends on the character of the person beforehand. Steroids will rarely turn a mild mannered person into some raging, aggressive person who can lash out at any moment. Usually they have that character to begin with, but to a lesser degree, either that or they hid it well!

    I understand that sometimes many women don't want to take that risk, but I do find it annoying, that most people just assume men who use (not ABUSE) steroids are going to turn abusive and aggressive, it doesn't work like that. Some of the nicest, calmest guys I have ever met before are bodybuilders/powerlifters, whereby many of them have openly admitted to taking steroids.

    I love that you said this. I was just telling a friend that several baseball players that I'm friends with MIGHT take steroids. I don't know and I really don't care. They've never been anything but great friends - calm, honest, caring and so on. They're like the older brothers I've never had. Cheesy, I know.

    If they take them, they do. It hasn't affected me at all.
    Would I rather they be healthy and not take them? Of course.
    I'm not going to police their actions. All I can do is hope that they have researched the advantages and disadvantages before choosing.
    I'd prefer not to judge them.

    That is exactly how I feel. You can't judge a whole person's character based purely on if they take them or not, nor can to tell a person what they can and can't do with their own body.
    If it's people you care greatly about, all you can do is let them know of the risks, and hope they are being as safe as they can be in the situation.
  • Taylerr88
    Taylerr88 Posts: 320 Member
    But all of you would marry Christian Bale. LOL

    I have to ask: Who is Christian Bale's?
    Lol. That really tan guy though, third picture, pretty sexy xD

    thats zyzz and very dead because he had a bad heart and cycled hard.
  • TheMerryPup
    TheMerryPup Posts: 186 Member
    OK. I've 'dabbled' a little in the past. But it hasn't affected me.


  • anggC
    anggC Posts: 15
    I have to ask: Who is Christian Bale's?
    Lol. That really tan guy though, third picture, pretty sexy xD

    that's Zyzz. <3 Bodybuilder who tragically died last year of a heart attack. :( He had a heart condition, so it definitely was not in his best interest to use steroids.

    To answer the question, yeah, I would. Who am I to judge someone's past actions. I would only hope that they didn't do it long term because of the obvious health risks involved. I've known guys that juiced before, it doesn't make me look down on them for doing it.
  • HorrorChix89
    HorrorChix89 Posts: 1,229 Member
    I wouldn't even date a man with big muscles, let alone a guy using steroids. I'm not attracted to muscles at all. I don't find them sexy or anything. But that's just me