Steroids and Dating and Attraction



  • gdunn55
    gdunn55 Posts: 363

    So if I still have to put in all that I'm doing now, what's the steroid do?

    Makes you recover faster.
    Makes you stronger.
    Takes you beyond your genetic potential.

    You still have to put the work into it, but they can allow you to go to the next level that might not have been attainable naturally.
    That makes sense. And I'm assumig if you dose and cycle correctly that those are the benefits.
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member

    I don't have to cite sources...that's not an 'unknown'. Growth hormone causes everything to grow...organs, bones. That's why men like Ronnie Coleman have abs over what looks like a pregnant belly. Their organs (and usually brow bone) become enlarged.

    Also, the difference between use and abuse IS dosage.

    You need a source if you're making false claims.
    Steroids and HGH are two different things.


    A steroid is any hormone that can enter a cell and cause transcriptional changes in the nucleus. Which includes HGH. And testosterone. And corticosteroids.

    Now you have proven you have no idea what you're talking about, so you should probably stop.
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member


    A steroid is any hormone that can enter a cell and cause transcriptional changes in the nucleus. Which includes HGH. And testosterone. And corticosteroids.

    Now you have proven you have no idea what you're talking about, so you should probably stop.

    The discussion was clearly about anabolic steroids FFS.
    We obviously aren't talking about corticosteroids.

    HGH and anabolic steroids might do similar things, but they're different.
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member


    A steroid is any hormone that can enter a cell and cause transcriptional changes in the nucleus. Which includes HGH. And testosterone. And corticosteroids.

    Now you have proven you have no idea what you're talking about, so you should probably stop.

    The discussion was clearly about anabolic steroids FFS.
    We obviously aren't talking about corticosteroids.

    HGH and anabolic steroids might do similar things, but they're different.'s like saying milk and yogurt do similar things but they're not both dairy. They do the same thing!
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Only difference is that one is less likely to give you gynocomastia.
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    Options's like saying milk and yogurt do similar things but they're not both dairy. They do the same thing!

    it's like you saying yogurt is milk.
    Just because they do the same thing doesn't mean they are under the same catergory.

    They're both performance enhancing drugs. But they aren't both "steroids".
    HGH and anabolic steroids are two different things. Feel free to google.
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Options's like saying milk and yogurt do similar things but they're not both dairy. They do the same thing!

    it's like you saying yogurt is milk.
    Just because they do the same thing doesn't mean they are under the same catergory.

    They're both performance enhancing drugs. But they aren't both "steroids".
    HGH and anabolic steroids are two different things. Feel free to google.

    Yogurt IS milk...

    Anyway, I don't need to google crap I've been studying for six years. They all cause hypertrophy and that's all reliant on mTOR and when that system runs unchecked, you get ubiquitous over-expression and hypertrophy outside of the muscle tissue.
  • RonnieBigGunz
    I can't believe some of the responses in this thread.
  • thefuzz1290
    thefuzz1290 Posts: 777 Member
    Ronnie Coleman is a cop, and has never denied steroid use (which makes me wonder how he became a cop....).

    Now onto HGH and Steroids. Human Growth Hormone and Testosterone are two different substances that do similar things, though HGH can actually cause your bones to grow, when testosterone does not. HGH can cause muscle growth, even without lifting weights (but weight training does enhance it), but testosterone, if not used, turns into estrogen. As for the pregnant body builder belly, I've always read that it was the steroids that produced it, but pro-body builders abuse HGH and steroids so much that it could be either.

    I would argue that HGH is more dangerous than anabolic steroids due to the fact that many of the effects of HGH are irreversible. Look at Barry Bonds, he head actually can't shrink your bones.
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    I'm on a cycle of 5aOHP and M1P. I have no problem admitting it. I'm using it while cutting slightly. It's cut my weightloss back but I have seen big gains in muscle hardness and BF loss.

    When I drop another 40-50 pounds I plan on moving on to some Epi and Beast-drol, and super-drol runs. Maybe throw some X-tren in there for fun.
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member

    So if I still have to put in all that I'm doing now, what's the steroid do?

    Makes you recover faster.
    Makes you stronger.
    Takes you beyond your genetic potential.

    You still have to put the work into it, but they can allow you to go to the next level that might not have been attainable naturally.

    The recovery time on gear has been one of the best parts.
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    If they used prescriptive steroids, yes. If they abused steroids, probably not, because they cause SO many health problems. It's not even a respect thing, but more of have an enlarged heart/liver, shrunken testicles, propensity for early heart attack, etc.

    #1. If it's non-meythlated you aren't going to hurt the liver. The damage would be so little if any. Heavy ones like Super-Drol can put a strain on the liver, that is what the support supplements are for.
    #2. The testicles come back after PCT. That is why after a run you go the time of the run + PCT before you go back on PH or AAS.
    #3. Heart is possible but a very very rare side effect if you are dosing properly.
    #4. It's not for everyone, and there are too many people that just dose and don't research and properly use them.

    Now here is another key point that people don't really realize.

    Pinning Injectable Steroids are even less harmful on your body than the orals and PH. Much easier on your liver as well.
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    Only difference is that one is less likely to give you gynocomastia.

    Run an AI and then if you have issues have a SERM like Nolva or Clomid on hand. Part of being prepared via your PCT.
  • Nopedotjpeg
    Nopedotjpeg Posts: 1,806 Member
    Let's just clear one thing up. When people talk about abusing and overuse, that means the person is not using the proper dosage or cycling. So stop arguing that point.
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    Anybody who is in the steroid/AAS/PH talk in here that hasn't seen Bigger, Stronger, Faster needs to. Amazing documentary that covers a lot of the myths and issues..
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    Let's just clear one thing up. When people talk about abusing and overuse, that means they are not using the proper dosage or cycling. So stop arguing that point.

    Correct. If someone is doing a 60/80/80/80/80/80/80/80 cycle of SuperDrol and then cries when their liver is shot, they abused the PH and basically OD'd on it. That isn't the drugs fault as much as the user who took too much.. If you pounded down tons of Valium daily you are going to have bad sides and maybe death as well.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,692 Member

    My fiance and I met in a video game and started talking, talking more, flirting, and eventually calling each other, then of course it was on to the pics. He was buff. He worked out twice a day and appeared healthy and happy. I wasn't into working out at all, but he really did look great, and so I didn't at all mind his being busy for up to four hours a day at the gym... it was just his thing. I had my own things.

    About a month after things got serious he, with no provocation (as I had no idea), came out and said "I need you to know that I'm taking steroids. I don't want you to not feel the same way about me because of it." Did that change the way I felt about him? Absolutely not - I'd fallen head over heels and wasn't getting up. Was I surprised? Yes. Granted he did look buff and did spend lots of time at the gym and did have a competitive streak to him, so the pieces fell into place pretty easily after the initial surprise wore off; it made sense. I did not condone it. I got worried. I didn't know anything about them aside from what I had heard about from sports, so being a good little bookworm I did some research in medical and biochemical journals. I found a lot of information and shared it all with him so I could have a conversation with him about it. He loved that I was concerned, but didn't quit... not for some time. The articles were inconclusive about the resultant harm that could come from use, but they also spoke loudly and clearly about dependency issues; steroids themselves aren't necessarily addictive, but they do build up in the system so that in order to get the same effect as you did initially, you have to use more. Users (including my fiance) talked about "cyclical" use: one cycle "on" and one "off" to reduce that buildup effect. He was sure he wasn't doing himself harm no matter what I made him read. I was concerned. I wanted him to stop, but knew what would happen when he did.

    He did stop - but not out of concern for his health; instead, he stopped because he couldn't afford it any longer after losing his job. He became very, very moody. He gained weight. He got depressed and let it affect everything in his life, even our relationship, for a time. Then we moved in together, he found a job, and he cheered up a bit.

    He's still not the carefree happy-go-lucky person he was, partially because he feels like without the steroids he doesn't have motivation to work out... and working out makes him feel better about himself. Part of my journey on MFP is to prove to myself AND him that drugs are unnecessary when it comes to feeling better about yourself! He's starting to see it, which is awesome, and his life is generally becoming sunnier... I'm seeing hints of the Real Him beginning to shine through again and it makes us both so much happier.

    The point is: steroids take a LONG time to get over.

    And to answer the OP's questions,
    1. Yes, I would obviously date/marry a guy who used steroids. I would also and did encourage him to stop.
    2. Yes, of course I respect him. He respects me, and I've made a lot of bad choices in my past.
    3. Morally not a dealbreaker. My morals revolve around doing good and seeing people benefit from good. I don't think drugs factor into that because people don't take drugs to be "bad." Dealing is another issue, but he's never done that and wouldn't.
    4. Steroids ARE safer than prescription pill popping. When I was depressed I'd take way more painkillers than I needed. Never again... it nearly killed me. Steroids don't kill. They just depress when removed after extended periods of use.

    ...and as a related aside, I'm still terribly attracted to my fiance even though he's not as "buff" as he was when we met. :)

    CLARIFICATION: he was doing the injections, not pills. I love him still and I loved him then.
    Thanks for sharing. And looking buff without steroids is possible. It still take hard work and dedication. I'm buff the way I am because of that dedication. If you want it bad enough, you'll do what it takes to achieve it. Tell him to keep his chin up.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal & Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • MrLeeParker
    Ok, let me present a question.

    Many of you have said you would date a guy who has used steroids in the past but doesn't any more. So, what if you were dating a guy who hasn't used in years but says he does not regret it and would do it again if he had to go back?

    Just curious.
  • moya_rargh
    moya_rargh Posts: 1,473 Member

    Never taken them, but last resort to look attractive for once beckons..
  • purplishblue
    purplishblue Posts: 135 Member

    Never taken them, but last resort to look attractive for once beckons..

    If you feel you need steroids to be "attractive for once", it's not lack of muscles that is the problem, it's lack of self esteem. I highly suggest working on that, rather than sticking yourself with needles hoping girls like muscles.

    Personally, I don't even like muscles. Steroids would be a turn off. Plus knowing the person would have roid rage, mood swings, etc,