Steroids and Dating and Attraction



  • 99cherrypie99
    99cherrypie99 Posts: 205 Member
    We raise our own chickens and they free roam and we eat their eggs - extremely healthy with much less fat and cholesterol then what you buy in the store.

    "Won't allow" was probably bad phrasing. It's not like he reaaaaalllly wants to use them and I won't allow it....
  • dukes418
    dukes418 Posts: 207 Member
    Never used roids. Never had any desire. Never wanted to mess up my body trying to change, transform or develop it. No hard work, no dedication, no point.
  • BiscuitsNDavy
    BiscuitsNDavy Posts: 212 Member
    My ears are bleeding...thanks. lol
  • TheBraveryLover
    TheBraveryLover Posts: 1,217 Member
    I dated a guy who admitted to using them. It bothered me. Would I date another guy who admitted to it? Maybe, but only for something short-term/casual. Not a real relationship. It'd make me question his morality too much to take him seriously as a potential mate.
  • liog
    liog Posts: 347 Member
    Sure, I'd date a guy who had used them in the past, as long as he was no longer using them. I really am not attracted to muscular guys. Healthy and fit, yes. Very muscular, no. Mr. Universe muscular, blech.
  • SqautsAndOats
    Most of these girls/people are extremely ignorant, steroids have been around for SO long, ever used and inhaler, or taken a pill form birth control? Guess what those are steroids as well. If you think they are safe why can't anabolics be just as safe? Steroids are just like exercise when done correctly, and with a sense of understanding the chances of being hurt or negative side effects are very minimal.

    Go read a book kids, your views on steroids are very dim. Not all steroids get your HUGE, angry, pimples, bald, damaged liver, etc, there are over 100 different kinds of anabolics, each one has its own chemical property and effect.
  • SqautsAndOats
    everyone says they wouldn't date a man who used steroids... how do you know he has used or uses???

    I know some pretty muscular people and didn't use, they just have good genetics, I know others who have bad genetics, and have used... Yet both people are about the same size.

    This exactly, there are a few for sure signs that someone is currently cycling or just finished, but for the most part a steroid user and a gym rat can both look exactly alike. Most users don't fess up publicly because of the general populous' ignorant attitude.
  • Nopedotjpeg
    Nopedotjpeg Posts: 1,806 Member
    Most of these girls/people are extremely ignorant, steroids have been around for SO long, ever used and inhaler, or taken a pill form birth control? Guess what those are steroids as well. If you think they are safe why can't anabolics be just as safe? Steroids are just like exercise when done correctly, and with a sense of understanding the chances of being hurt or negative side effects are very minimal.

    Go read a book kids, your views on steroids are very dim. Not all steroids get your HUGE, angry, pimples, bald, damaged liver, etc, there are over 100 different kinds of anabolics, each one has its own chemical property and effect.

    My biggest issue with steroids is the "cheating" aspect. Especially in strength sports or bodybuilding. I know they drug test, but from my understanding there is plenty of roids that can have you test negative. You shouldn't have to use steroids in order to actually have a chance of ranking in a meet or competition.
  • SqautsAndOats
    Just look at my picture, am I on steroids? How can you be sure?

    If I said yes would you say "I KNEW IT"
    If I said no would you say "wow you must have worked hard"

    You can't take steroids and get strong by sitting on the couch, you have to train just as hard, if not harder, as a natty lifter.
  • bdhoward87
    bdhoward87 Posts: 86 Member
    Maybe this has already been said cause I didn't read through everything but that photo of Christian Bale does not mean he has taken steroids. The image on the left is one taken when he starting doing Batman Begins the picture on the right is from The Machinist. For The Machinist he purposely lost weight and muscle mass in order to portray the character and for Batman Begins he was on a workout plan designed to add muscle to make him fit the role of Batman.

    With that being said no I've never thought about taking them and no I do not respect those who do because it's just taking the easiest path.
  • BarbWhite09
    BarbWhite09 Posts: 1,128 Member
    "Okay let's face it, women love muscles and are immediately attracted to a strong looking male - sociobiological theory and whatnot."

    Where did you get your information at, sir? As a woman...I disagree. Don't start your opening sentence with such a generalized statement.
  • Nopedotjpeg
    Nopedotjpeg Posts: 1,806 Member

    You can't take steroids and get strong by sitting on the couch, you have to train just as hard, if not harder, as a natty lifter.

    Freudian slip? How would you have to train harder than a natural lifter?
  • Taylerr88
    Taylerr88 Posts: 320 Member
    cycling aas is a lot safer then people think..With the use of proper pct's and whatever else goes into a cycle.. you come out as healthy as you went in.. Yea you have moron's who run cycles have no idea what they are taking.. these are the people that do little to no research and end up killing them self's...

    and i can't believe how you people think... i am not talking about the muscle aspect of someone who juices. If you don't like muscles cool.

    The fact you instantly think they are a bad person.. BLOWS MY MIND... that is like me saying .. if you smoke.. your are potentially killing your self... your a terrible person...... oh you drink... well i might as well stay away from that individual because 10 years from now we'll be on a waiting list for a new liver...

    and "omg"... why do people think if you cycle u become jay cutler... it blows my mind... 99% people probably couldn't tell the difference between a user and a non user anyways..

    .... and people who juice train just as hard as someone who doesn't... as a natural lifter its kind lame seeing people gain all this "juice" muscle but w.e its their choice... you can't take away from their training.. they eat just as good. they train just as hard.. they sleep just as much..

    then their is the morons who do nothing.. and run a cycle and look the same 3 months from then..
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Would you ever date/marry a man who has used/uses steroids or prohormones?

    The fact that many guys using this stuff have killed their wives and children in a roid rage induced psychotic frenzy makes me very anti-steroids. So no.
    Would you be able to respect them? Because after the first impressions of physical attraction, a conscious effort has to be made to overcome that, once knowing he shoots himself in the butt with steroids lol.

    No. I'd respect him if he became the best he could be without them whatever that may be even if i'ts not his "ideal". That, to me, says that he's dedicated, wise, and takes his health and wellbeing seriously not just his physique. When it comes to a lifetime together, I want my husband to be healthy and care about his quality of life not just what he looks like.
    Would that be morally a dealbreaker for you? Granted, this may be a morality issue, as I'm sure lots of people here use recreational drugs and whatnot and steroids can be arguably defended as safer than prescription pill poppers looking to get high.

    Yes, it is a dealbreaker as is recreational drug use and smoking for me. Binge drinking is also a dealbreaker.
  • dawnkykong
    dawnkykong Posts: 64 Member
    Not everyone that uses/used steroids is 'bulky' or 'huge'... I know a guy who is extremely athletic looking (not even a little bulky, just really cut up) and he's used them...Does he use them all the time? No. He just takes them sometimes. You don't have to be an 'addict' to have used or use steroids. If my husband wanted to try them out, I'd say go for it... as long as it's not an all the time thing and he doesn't abuse them. He works hard in the gym and has been working out for a few years now... He's def not the same build as he was when I met him. I wasn't attracted to muscular/athletic looking men before we met or even after we got married...But now he has muscles and I think its dead sexy. I love him and if having muscles makes him happy, then I'm happy. If he wants to experiment with steroids, go for it...Just don't abuse them.

    And just to clarify, he's not 'bulky' or 'huge'...Just muscular or athletic looking, I guess. I don't know what exactly you'd call it Lol... he's not as defined as he'd like to be but he's working on it.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Never used roids. Never had any desire. Never wanted to mess up my body trying to change, transform or develop it. No hard work, no dedication, no point.

    You look fantastic. Great work man!
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    No, I likely would not knowingly become involved with a guy currently using steroids. I've dated enough drug users/instability in my life. I'm kinda done with that. The fact that I'm just not into the overly muscled is secondary.

    As far as someone who's used them in the past, it would have zero bearing on whther I'd date them now. I've made msitakes,. We've all made mistakes. I try not to judge people on their past.
  • nutandbutter
    cycling aas is a lot safer then people think..With the use of proper pct's and whatever else goes into a cycle.. you come out as healthy as you went in.. Yea you have moron's who run cycles have no idea what they are taking.. these are the people that do little to no research and end up killing them self's...

    and i can't believe how you people think... i am not talking about the muscle aspect of someone who juices. If you don't like muscles cool.

    The fact you instantly think they are a bad person.. BLOWS MY MIND... that is like me saying .. if you smoke.. your are potentially killing your self... your a terrible person...... oh you drink... well i might as well stay away from that individual because 10 years from now we'll be on a waiting list for a new liver...

    and "omg"... why do people think if you cycle u become jay cutler... it blows my mind... 99% people probably couldn't tell the difference between a user and a non user anyways..

    .... and people who juice train just as hard as someone who doesn't... as a natural lifter its kind lame seeing people gain all this "juice" muscle but w.e its their choice... you can't take away from their training.. they eat just as good. they train just as hard.. they sleep just as much..

    then their is the morons who do nothing.. and run a cycle and look the same 3 months from then..

    ...and then they get pissed that their steroids didn't work.

    I don't really care if someone uses or not. That's their decision and it doesn't affect me. But I know it's not an easy way out and they are just as dedicated as someone who's not on a cycle.

    Also I :heart: muscles and wouldn't ever date a skinny guy (not that I could date any guy since I'm married and my husband would frown on that).
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,449 Member
    The comments regarding steroid use are interesting. I wonder how many of these people feel about dating somebody that has a couple drinks a week, smokes regularly, or maybe even smokes Pot. Are steroids really worse or are they different because our country has made them illegal? Despite the fact they can be safely cycled much of that information never comes out. People that abuse steroids are obviously putting their body at great risk but isn't that the same as abusing anything else? What about men that are on Testosterone Replacement Therapy? Their effectively taking steroids and maybe even estrogen blockers. Is that bad too?

    I am not in support of steroids (former use sure, current, no thanks). But on the same token, I am not 420-friendly. I think cigarettes are gross, smoking is smoking in my book, but Pot > Cigarettes. I drink rarely (1-2 drink max, 3 drinks a month typically) so if you are a drinker, we aren't compatible. It is all in the same boat for me, but steroids seem to have more dire consequences for your personality and long term health than occasional drinking or pot smoking. (I am of the after school special generation, this was a popular topic.)
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    Okay let's face it, women love muscles and are immediately attracted to a strong looking male - sociobiological theory and whatnot....
    Okay first off.. I can't stand overly bulked up men... Eww.
    Some one who is fit and toned is nice, a physically capable man is nice, but never went for the body builder type...
    There is no doubt that I have physical reactions to men I find attractive, and looking at my dating history my exes all have very different physical characteristics, but similar personality attributes... creativity, integrity, humor, drive, confidence, From this, for me at least. way more about who YOU ARE, your behaviors and attitudes

    There may be women out there who judge you on your body alone. Is this who you want? Maybe? Depends on who you are.
    Is this type of woman going to make you feel good about you ? Will her affection be conditional?
    QUESTION FOR THE WOMEN: Would you ever date/marry a man who has used/uses steroids or prohormones? Would you be able to respect them?...Would that be morally a dealbreaker for you?
    I would be afraid of:
    1) long-term effects on liver kidneys and vital organ
    2) 'roid rage I'm speaking from limited experience here, but I've heard the use of steroids affects mood and behavior. Could you possible your genuine self? I kind of expect that would be far more off-putting than the benefit you expect of initial attraction...
    If you can attract someone, but not be your true self or have the capacity to maintain a relationship... what good does it do you?

    Also I hold the belief that our bodies job is to serve us.
    I've got a form follows function kind of outlook on this.

    Body as SUBJECT nor OBJECT.
    I don't want to be a slave to my body for vanity sake.
    I want my body to serve me to be able to run and hike and kayak, to play tag with my nieces & nephews, to dance, to swim in the ocean, to climb a tree, to hop a fence, to rock it in the sack, to live my life.

    I want my body to be healthy and exuberant and energetic so I can work and play.

    I somehow expect that steroids would diminish that.