

  • You're right, I've started buying things that I can snack on at work. I'm a phlebotomist and my mornings are CRAZY so I have to start forcing myself to get up early enough to get some breakfast in me cuz when I get to work I don't have time. I grab a cup of coffee, never finish it, and drink 16 oz of water then it's lunch…
  • Congrats!! I think the first step to any 5K is to register! Once you get it in your mind and you register then it's on! I was a lil ambitious and I have a dear friend that started out at 404 lbs and is down to 298 lbs (wooohooo) and she is doing a 15K in March and another one in April so I've registered for the one in…
  • Do you heat this up in the morning before eating it? Also, do you put the oats in raw or cooked, because looking at the recipe it looks like the oats will absorb the juice. I would like to try this recipe because it sounds yummy. Thanks
  • Okay, goal time.... This week I'm going to work out with my trainer Monday, Wednesday and Friday - Monday's done :) Walk at least one mile or ride my bike at least two miles on Tuesdays and Thursdays Drink at least 64 oz of water a day No Starbucks before work. My reward will be a grande non-fat white chocolate mocha with…
  • YAY! Thanks, I'll weigh in tomorrow before coffee and almonds let ya know how I'm doing so far. I'm right on my way to my goal this week, I went and met with my trainer yesterday and worked out for an hour.....goal 1 met (phew!) now I just have to get all my water in my big ole belly....4 glasses down. Have a great day!
  • Just joined the site today...can I join the challenge? I'll work my butt off (literally ;) and try to make the 10 down by March 1 challenge. I'm training for a 15K on March 26 so I'm working out pretty consistently so I think I can do it. Besides it will be great motivation! Lemme know and I'll post my stats. I weighed in…
  • I'd like a copy