

  • well I was supposd to run today, forgot to charge my phone lastnight and about 10% which I didn't notice until I got to the park, so I didn't run, will run tomorrow though
    in couch 2 5k Comment by shemyg06 June 2013
  • another day complete, 12 burpies done!!!
  • you done necessarily have to wait 10 days, it really sais to move on when you feel comfortable, and if its too easy theres no point so I would move on day1 level 2 complete, well I took some serious breaks, lets hope I do better tomorrow.
  • and 11 burpies done today. now time to shower and get ready for work.
  • day 10 done, starting level 2 tomorrow, a little scared but I will persist, I will not stop, hey, only 20 days left right!!!
  • congrats on the 2.19, I was suprosed I made it that far, especially since my last run was shorted. but im really not worried about pace now, working more on endurance and being able to run a couple minutes at a time, I can get my speed up later. still at it though, day off today, so went to park with friend, did a few…
    in couch 2 5k Comment by shemyg06 June 2013
  • just finished level 1 day 10, level 2 starts tomorrow, wish me luck yall, im already getting beat down, and I hear level 2 is no walk in the park.
  • sorry to hear that your day went like that, but still glad to see that you pushed through. im about to start my workout now.
  • well week two brings 90 second runs with 2 minute walks in between, which I just did today, week 2 day two completed. it was rough, but I saw improvement from week 2 day one, meaning only that I pushed myself harder, went 2.29mi, maybe not a lot for some of yall, but you can look at my pic and tell im out of shape, so that…
    in couch 2 5k Comment by shemyg06 June 2013
  • another day down, day 9 for me, it hasn't really gotten easier, but I push though, tomorrow is last day of level 1, My goal is no breaks, and no fumbles, gotta finish strong, I am better than her, lol wish me luck people and to everyone here, good job so far, and keep going, its all in the mind, you have to convince…
  • another day done 10 burpies!!! yah me and it was not that they were killing me that I took that day off, I had to go out of town on fathers day and missed a day, spent most of it driving, or being beaten up by toddlers. and the toddlers are more than enough exercise for me, lol also to anyone who struggles with push ups,…
  • finished level 1 day 9, start level 2 in two days, wish me luck people, I am a little scared. I also do cardio with my shred, I have been doing c25k and on on week two of that, really kicks my butt, expecailly since I do it after the shred, but I don't really count my calories, so I do it to be safe, I try to eat a lot of…
  • yeah, just finished day 8, and proud of it, although in 3 days I start level 2, I am afraid, but I will survive,
  • thanks, and I just did my 9 burpies today, this isn't getting any easier, lol. but I wouldn't have it any other way
  • well today is a rest day so went for a 15 minute treadmill walk, I may walk another 15 after work though, feeling some type away about tomorrow, week 2 day 1 beat me up so bad I am afraid, but I will still enter the ring head held high, lol
    in couch 2 5k Comment by shemyg06 June 2013
  • just finished day 8 of the shred, and again I was beat, I don't even do the ending stretch, I just lay there for a while and call that my cool down, lol I kind of feel the same, I do know in the that muscle will burn more calories helping you loose fat in the long run and its slimmer, so even if you gain weight, if it is…
  • lets all remember this board should be motivational, we will all have out off day, hard to go 100 days without missins a beat, right don't know if yall noticed but ive already missed one day, lol but lets all just keep up the good work
  • look at you mel, lookin how you lookin im proud of you and your progress. congrats today I do day 8 of level 1, almost through it, then on to the hard stuff, lol wish me luck
  • well you keep taking them placebos, and we'll keep telling you they are real, lol congrats agaon to everyone and theyre progress
  • I have no scale, and therefore I don't ever record my food, my breakfast is usually 3 large boiled eggs with a fruit smoothie and 2 chicken sandwiches each chicken sandwich is a small boneless skinless chicken breast grilled on a George foreman and placed on a piece of wheat bread with half a piece of cheese, the and some…
  • day 7 done for me, started using 5 lb weights, I was using 2lb and felt I was cheating, but 5 is definitely enough for the first squat exercise with the shoulder press and for the side lunge thing, my shoulders be dead, only thing giving me major problems now is static lunge since I tend to loose my balance all the time,…
  • I was told the challenge has 100 days, I prolly wont make it that far, but day 8 was just completed for me, I cant do a pull up yet so ill hold off on that exercise until I can sir
  • I myself was a serious couch potato, spent most of my free time playing halo and call of duty, and my job is a desk job, but I have started it, albeit im only in week two, actually just completed week2 day 1 but im trying I run on a track as well, when it gets longer ill have to switch to a trail though, I know when I hit…
    in couch 2 5k Comment by shemyg06 June 2013
  • these boardsare for motivation and venting, personally I don't mind it all, if you tell me how easy it is, I will probably quit, as I want a challenge, tell me it is hardm but that you complete it, even it you had to take breaks, and that will be my motivation
  • day 7 done for me, started using 5 lb weights, I was using 2lb and felt I was cheating, but 5 is definitely enough for the first squat exercise with the shoulder press and for the side lunge thing, my shoulders be dead, only thing giving me major problems now is static lunge since I tend to loose my balance all the time,…
  • just completed day 6, no rest days so far, and it hasn't gotten any easier for me, I struggle in all the same places, but I keep pushing, it wont hold me down, not even jillian can do it, lol
  • day 7 complete for me gotta keep going you cant stop me so don't try
  • well today waan off day so I went on another 30 minute walk, might just take tomorrow as a real rest day since I start week two on Monday... and don't hold off, no real reason too, I don't run by any means, I jog and am still beat after it, just pace yourself, I feel like once I can build the stamina to run 20 minutes…
    in couch 2 5k Comment by shemyg06 June 2013
  • yeah you guys are my motivation I was considering skipping today seeing as its so late, but then I was like, I cant let everyone daow, so day 6 has been completed. however, I gotta make a trip out of town tomorrow, and may legitimately not be able to do this tomorrow, please forgive me everyone if I miss day 7 also If I…
  • for me I started at one, but the first few days are really easy, you can start with more if you want