June = 30 Day Shred... who is with me?



  • Guessing the reason I look back on level 1 so fondly is that by the end I could really manage it. Not saying it was easy, but I knew what was coming and that I could manage it all in one go, without breaks and with my weights and I no longer felt like I was going to die. So really it's a good thing this level is hard, means I'm not phoning it in as Jillian would say, I am working for every little victory.

    Keep it up guys :happy:

    What a great way to look at it! I have heard folks in the past say that Level 3 was easier for them than Level 2 though....maybe its because they had gotten through Level 2 so their body was built up better then? Who knows!
  • Just checking in....L2, D8 complete....almost to Level 3!!
  • arania15
    arania15 Posts: 31
    Just finished L3D4. I skipped again yesterday. I don't know if it's simply that my motivation is lacking or if I'm just terrified of this workout. L2 kicked my butt and L3 is not really any better for me. While I definitely have seen improvement in arm strength, it doesn't necessarily make up for that which I need to complete some of the exercises. I think I'm just annoyed with myself for "needing" to take so many rests. It's not that I don't want to do all the mountain climbers, it's simply that my arms are about to give way about halfway through the reps. Yet. On a positive note: I *know* I have gained arm strength. I *know* I have lost some of my hips/booty fat. And I *know* I can make it through these next 6 days. You all can too. (Anybody else having similar issues in a lack of motivation or a lack in upper body strength?)
  • GallwayGrl
    GallwayGrl Posts: 60
    Just finished L3D4. I skipped again yesterday. I don't know if it's simply that my motivation is lacking or if I'm just terrified of this workout. L2 kicked my butt and L3 is not really any better for me. While I definitely have seen improvement in arm strength, it doesn't necessarily make up for that which I need to complete some of the exercises. I think I'm just annoyed with myself for "needing" to take so many rests. It's not that I don't want to do all the mountain climbers, it's simply that my arms are about to give way about halfway through the reps. Yet. On a positive note: I *know* I have gained arm strength. I *know* I have lost some of my hips/booty fat. And I *know* I can make it through these next 6 days. You all can too. (Anybody else having similar issues in a lack of motivation or a lack in upper body strength?)

    My main issue is boredom. I start Level 3 tomorrow so I know I can finish it. It's just the 10 more days aspect that I'm having a hard time with lol. I'm also not noticing results. I took before measurements and pictures. I'll just have to wait until Day 30
  • I'm on day 3 of level 2 30ds and it feels great! I love her workouts:)
  • VegKate
    VegKate Posts: 55 Member
    Finished Level 1 Day 8 this morning. Before the shred I was just doing yoga in the mornings and walking a couple miles a few days a week. My calories are set at 1550 a day. Ever since I started the shred, I am so hungry all the time! Anyone else have this problem? I'm seriously considering temporarily upping my calories, because obviously my body is craving them from the intense workout. I've already lost about 3 lbs since starting, and I don't need to lose that quickly.
  • Stlarenas
    Stlarenas Posts: 90 Member
    Level 2 day 2 tonight. I hated day 1. I felt like I was just barely going through the motions...no of them felt like I was doing them right. They were all so hard.

    And it is making me Love the off days when I get to run.
    Level 2, Day 18 completed.
    I almost forgot to post my completion again.

    I wonder if I'm the youngest person doing the 30DS >_> ...
    Knees didnt hurt as much and I've gotten better at some of them.

    I don't know your age but sometimes my 10 year old joins me (without weights) and my middle schoolers said they did level one in PE class one week last year.
  • pkbryant28
    pkbryant28 Posts: 146 Member
    Just an FYI, remove your rings when completing level 3. Learned this the hard way, completed day 1 of level 3 yesterday and the push-up (plank) weight lifts hurt if you have rings on, :sad:
  • L1D5 Today. Feeling good...very energetic. It sucks getting up early to do this but it wakes me up and I feel awesome all day!
  • Terpnista84
    Terpnista84 Posts: 517 Member
    L1D9 today. I actually don't dread the workouts as much as before. I put my laptop on my tv console and watch t.v. while I do the exercises- it makes it much more enjoyable lol.

    I wanted to combine cardio with 30DS to maximize my results, but I haven't had a lot of motivation to jog because my calories are so low. I eat about 1,200-1,300 a day. And with the 30DS burn my deficit is sizeable. Should I up my calories and add cardio or am I okay doing what I am doing? I figure either way I have a deficit so it may not matter.
  • GallwayGrl
    GallwayGrl Posts: 60
    Just an FYI, remove your rings when completing level 3. Learned this the hard way, completed day 1 of level 3 yesterday and the push-up (plank) weight lifts hurt if you have rings on, :sad:

    ^^^^^^^ Thank you for this! I start Level three tomorrow morning :sad:
  • pkbryant28
    pkbryant28 Posts: 146 Member
    Just an FYI, remove your rings when completing level 3. Learned this the hard way, completed day 1 of level 3 yesterday and the push-up (plank) weight lifts hurt if you have rings on, :sad:

    ^^^^^^^ Thank you for this! I start Level three tomorrow morning :sad:

    You are very welcome. If your weights are larger with enough room for you to hold the weight against the floor and your hand not touch the floor, it shouldn't be an issue. Mine are smaller so my hand is squeezed between the weight and the floor when I did the push-up weight lift.
  • rhinosfan
    rhinosfan Posts: 29 Member
    L2D8- done.

    Maybe because I gave myself the little pep talk yesterday today was better. It was still hard going but just kept telling myself that its only 2 more days left and I have already done 7 of this level so I know I can do it.

    Was still laid on the floor in a sweaty mess at the end :-)

    I have started counting how many of the squats I can do each time so I can see if I am improving. Turns out its more than I thought I was doing so am happy about that.

    Oh and since I did it in front of a mirror today to check my form I noticed that my waist is pulling in a little and I have abs!!!!!!!Just the top row of them, but you can see the definition of them clearly *jumps around room* now just need to shift the tummy fat that is obviously hiding the rest ;-)

    Keep up the good work everyone.
  • shemyg06
    shemyg06 Posts: 84
    finished level 1 day 9, start level 2 in two days, wish me luck people, I am a little scared.
    I also do cardio with my shred, I have been doing c25k and on on week two of that, really kicks my butt, expecailly since I do it after the shred, but I don't really count my calories, so I do it to be safe, I try to eat a lot of healthier stuff, I don't drink pop, no fast food, almost no fried foods, rarely eat candy.
    mainly chicken breast, fruit smoothies, boiled eggs, special k protein bars, some for of nuts... thing like that comprise most of my diet
  • Level 2, Day 19 complete!
    I'm getting better at those V Squat thingies...which I still hate, but I got
    better at :'D

    By the way everyone, I see some of you are upset at not having any motivation.
    But just remember its like a 20+ minute workout that is benefiting YOU. You will
    feel so much better reaching your goal and completing this. We all will.

    On a positive note, I weighed in and found out I lost another 2 pounds and another inch
    as well :bigsmile:
  • Level 2 day 2 tonight. I hated day 1. I felt like I was just barely going through the motions...no of them felt like I was doing them right. They were all so hard.

    And it is making me Love the off days when I get to run.
    Level 2, Day 18 completed.
    I almost forgot to post my completion again.

    I wonder if I'm the youngest person doing the 30DS >_> ...
    Knees didnt hurt as much and I've gotten better at some of them.

    I don't know your age but sometimes my 10 year old joins me (without weights) and my middle schoolers said they did level one in PE class one week last year.

    Oh, I'm 19 :)
    And how awesome is it that your 10 year old partakes in it as well with you! <3
  • pkbryant28
    pkbryant28 Posts: 146 Member
    Level 3, day 2 done! :happy:
  • Tiffanie0407
    Tiffanie0407 Posts: 112
    day 2 level 1
  • TheMiddlePath
    TheMiddlePath Posts: 230 Member
    Hey there! I'm the OP but I haven't updated on here for a bit. So many new people added me as a friend that it's hard to keep up with everyone!

    I've completed Level 2 Day 9 so one more day to go til Level 3. Level 2 has been really tough for me because of a previous injury to my right shoulder. It was so bad I had to stop yoga and spinning because I can't put prolonged weight on it so while I do it because I started this thread, I don't feel like I'm getting the best workout. But I'm doing other things like Stronglifts, bike riding by the beach, and the Santa Monica stairs.

    I'm glad to see so many people on board. Hope you are all doing well!!!
  • GallwayGrl
    GallwayGrl Posts: 60
    L3D1 complete this morning. It flew by but I think I sweated more than I have on all the other levels!! I do like it better but she really jumps in hard right at the beginning. Whew...tired today