couch 2 5k



  • faith_76
    faith_76 Posts: 199 Member
    I'm on week 7
  • shemyg06
    shemyg06 Posts: 84
    today was my rest day, so went for a 30 minute walk on the treadmill
  • MrsJ1105
    MrsJ1105 Posts: 34 Member
    Ready to do W1D2 today. I just counted the weeks...if I do not repeat any weeks, I will finish on my birthday. MORE motivation. I'm stoked!
  • shemyg06
    shemyg06 Posts: 84
    lets see it happen then MrsJ, im behind you
  • literatelier
    literatelier Posts: 209 Member
    I also just started, today I am doing day 3! Really liking it so far, I'm surprising myself with actually being able to doooo it!
  • dougii
    dougii Posts: 679 Member
    I completed C25K last summer and now run 7 - 8 miles everyother day. It is a great program and I found my passion for running by the time I had completed it. My hat is off to all of you! Stay healthy, run strong!
  • shemyg06
    shemyg06 Posts: 84
    thanks doug, im trying
    and lets go literateliar, my day 3 is tomorrow
  • If you've looked ahead you've probably seen Week 5, day 3 looming ahead of you. 20 minutes running, non-stop. It looks impossible. Before this the most you'll have done will be 8 minutes at a time. 20 minutes is 4 minutes longer than even the longest running day you've had so far if add up the running (8+8, 3+5+3+5, etc.).

    Well I just got back from that run and am happy to report that what everyone else says about it is absolutely true. It is 100% mental. Physically it feels about the same as running 8 minutes...just...for longer. Your body will get into a rhythm and if you keep your pace steady you can do it.

    To put this in perspective, I'm a 27 year old male, 6'1", and nearly 300lbs or 136kg. Yet, I was still able to do it. Your body will absolutely be ready for it. Trust the program, and trust your body.

    Also another tip for the program, is don't worry about your pace per km/mi. If you use an app like runkeeper turn the audio prompt for pace off. The key to c25k is simply to run the time/distance they suggest, regardless of how fast you are. I have no experience running and like I said, am 300lbs and I run about a 12 minute mile. Some beginners run a 13, 14, or even 15 minute miles. Some run a 9 or 10 minute mile. In c25k that is completely irrelevant. Once you're able to run a 5K in distance then you can start worrying about improving your pace.
  • russellbrand69
    russellbrand69 Posts: 132 Member
    mattdsoares post is great. Just want to add one thing - by the end of C25K, I wasn't running 5K, just 4K, but I was running for 30 minutes, as the program requires.

    I finished C25K a couple of months ago, and I run 6km now, 3 times a week. I love it, it's changed my life totally.
    I was very much on the couch end of business when I started, but now I eat better, drink far less booze, and go to bed earlier because I want to give the best I can to running, so I've lost lots of weight and feel healthier than I ever have in my life!
  • WRXymama
    WRXymama Posts: 342 Member
    I completed it, then slipped on my running routine :/ I started back again yesterday on Week 6 Day 1 working back up again.
  • eggyeaster13
    eggyeaster13 Posts: 20 Member
    I just finished week 2 and I have improved a lot since staring, I'm running more comfortably and I didn't look at the countdown timer at all during todays run, next week though is a whole different story I have to start with 3min runs, 90 seconds have been interesting so we'll see how I go on that.

    Stick with it I've noticed a difference in such a short time.

  • marise1113
    marise1113 Posts: 82 Member
    My niece & nephew started this in the Fall and ran their first race this month. They look and feel great !
  • shemyg06
    shemyg06 Posts: 84
    thanks for all the support guys, just finished day 3 myself and it beat me down, well I also workout at home before running which is part of my problem, But in the end it will only make me stronger, I just gotta keep pushing

    I plan to go to vegas in September and one of my gaols is to get back to the weight I was when I went the last time, back then I was 220, when I started working out in april I was 261 and now down to 245, so ive made progress, still got a ways to go though, wish me luck guys
  • jwhitch
    jwhitch Posts: 51 Member
    I finished week 3 this morning but I think I'm going to repeat it because I don't think I have the stamina to do week 4! I looked ahead and saw that I'm supposed to run one segment for 6 minutes and I've had a hard enough time doing the 3 minutes. I don't know if I should just forge ahead & try it but my common sense is telling me I should take another stab at week 3 before moving forward. Also, I'm a lot older than most of you!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I finished week 3 this morning but I think I'm going to repeat it because I don't think I have the stamina to do week 4! I looked ahead and saw that I'm supposed to run one segment for 6 minutes and I've had a hard enough time doing the 3 minutes. I don't know if I should just forge ahead & try it but my common sense is telling me I should take another stab at week 3 before moving forward. Also, I'm a lot older than most of you!

    If you finished week 3, you are ready to do week 4. Don't sell yourself short. Also, don't worry about your age. People older than you have started running by using this program.
  • amd429
    amd429 Posts: 36 Member
    Just finished W1D3. This is my second time doing this tried last summer and got to week 4. I'm doing this on top of body revolution (I'm in week 9) and walking on off days of c25k. Good luck everyone!
  • DeeDiddyGee
    DeeDiddyGee Posts: 601 Member
    Finished the program last week! I love it. It has completely transformed my body!

    Love hearing this stuff. It pumps me UP!
  • MarshaMole
    MarshaMole Posts: 142 Member
    I admire all you for doing the program..I guess I am just a chicken.. I told myself I would if I lost 50 pounds(5 pounds ago) so I wouldn't hurt myself I am saying when I get to 150. (5 pounds away) sigh I think I am just putting it off because I think I will fail.

    I don't want to be a runner so much as a jogger. I am 40 years old and want to be fit. I don't want to look like a 40 year old trying to be a 25 year old again.
  • shemyg06
    shemyg06 Posts: 84
    well today waan off day so I went on another 30 minute walk, might just take tomorrow as a real rest day since I start week two on Monday...
    and don't hold off, no real reason too, I don't run by any means, I jog and am still beat after it, just pace yourself, I feel like once I can build the stamina to run 20 minutes straight, I can worry about my pace later.
    also you cant fail, and as many have done, if you feel your not ready for the next week, just redo a week, no one knows but you and the app, and the app wont say anything, it can keep a secret, lol (as long as you don't post to facebook)
  • LauraHasABabyJack
    LauraHasABabyJack Posts: 629 Member
    I did w3d3 yesterday on a track. Turns out it's much easier to run on the flat smooth surface of a track than on a trail- I made it over a quarter mile further than on the trail/ paved path and almost half mile further than on straight trail! I'm looking forward to starting a new week though I know it's going to be tough. I turned 30 today so it'll bea great way to start off a new year. :)