Really? I didn't realize it worked like that
My meds haven't contributed to my weight gain but if you want a depression support buddy I'm here
A few months ago i thought about trying to come off my anti-depressant and I'm glad I didn't. I've convinced myself that because my doctor hasn't given me any bad health news that I'm not that fat, which is a total lie and I've just been very fortunate that my body has taken my abuse this well for so long. My biggest…
I can't seem to send many of you friend requests, I have about 130 lbs to go, 33, common law, no kids just fur babies
I'll start today because I just found the thread!
you're welcome to send me a friend request, i can't seem to send one to you
April of 2016? Amazing, great job!!
My father had this problem for years before it was diagnosed as high blood pressure. Got that fixed, no more itch
Good job! I agree about bumping up the calories. It takes many people a long time to realize that they go off the rails because they're not eating enough.
MMMM chips. I love chips. I can't have them around. Google deficiencies and salt cravings, maybe you're lacking something? I can (more recently) (sometimes) control myself a little better
what better way to honour her memory than living a fit active life that you enjoy.
What about the old school retro pepsi or the Jones soda? They are sweetened with real sugar
Every day you need to remember your motiviation. Small sustainable changes. It's about health and feeling better, not being thin. That's a positive side effect. Welcome to add me.
For me, it's been a long road. I started with anxiety, which was horrible. Depression (Moderate to Severe) came shortly after. If I didn't have a mortgage to pay, I wouldn't have gone outside. I worried obsessively, shopped obsessively, cried all the time, and felt utterly hopeless - which was the worst feeling in the…
Be motivated and inspired by others, but the hardest thing I've had to learn is not to compare yourself to others. Everyone loses at different rates, has different lives etc. It took me a year to lose 35 lbs and I was happy with myself, because of my circumstances, and my primary goal is to be more healthy.
Woohoo!!! Congrats!! What an amazing feeling!
It's not a diet it's a lifestyle change
Just Do It.
Amazing accomplishment - you look so much happier! You're gorgeous (before and after) !!
The company I just signed up for lessons with will teach anyone older than 12 - and as I'm learning smaller kayaks are way cheaper!
Her life has changed in a huge way and she's probably not feeling that that's being recognized. She has a mother figure, a little brother, and her dad has a new woman in his life. It's hard to meld families, especially when she's lost her mom. Give it time, she's probably jealous, confused, grieving and overwhelmed by the…
Oh, that's good to know, I thought the skirt kept you sucked in there - or at least that's what it looks like. How hard is it to get back in after you've been tossed with no shore around? I'm signing up for an introductory course and safety course later this month!!
I really appreciate your feedback. Wide kayak it is.
What about rolling yourself back up? I think I would be stuck upside down until someone came to right me
Wow. Knowing that you're working hard to improve yourself he still has to make you feel bad? If those are his preferences then why is he with you? Maybe you're what he wants? Hard to say without knowing him, but you don't deserve to have your feelings hurt. Especially when you can't change how tall you are.
Can't believe I'm going to share lol.... CHIPS a bag a night (a big bag, not just a single serving bag), chocolate, cinnabun, fast food too often and in big portions. Once I realized that I needed to lose weight I got scared all the food I liked would be taken away (before I learned that moderation exists) and I'd go to…
Congrats on starting - you'll learn quickly that you need to eat more than that to sustain loss and muscle growth. Look for some friends with open diaries for some inspiration!