IdalieBeyer Member


  • I've only done half marathons, what training dd you use for the full marathon?
  • Running is the best thing you can do for your health! Humans are born to run. You can do it!
  • Cardio routines-running, interval circuit training (Insanity, P90X...etc), Pilates, Weight Training... Drink water, no soda (no diet soda either that's worse)! Portion control. Cut back on sodium and sugar. "low fat" or "fat free" does no exactly mean better. Look at the label and ingredients, the less processed the…
  • That is awesome! Resistance training is good for any weight loss routine. You look great, and thinner than 20lbs lost.
  • hello and welcome, good for you for listening to you wife, :) I've been trying to gain lean muscle and lower fat percentage. Good luck on your journey!
  • I like to have a shakeology from beach body meal replacement, with non fat milk, banana, and some ice. It comes in these little packets that you can just throw in your bag, stir it with milk, and have a banana on the side. If you have it at home just throw everything in a blender and you're set. I also like to mix it with…
  • A five mile/hour walk is a very brisk walk. Also the more you weigh the more cals you will burn and another thing I learned, if your heart is strong and your endurance is strong you will NOT burn as much, but if you are just starting out and your heart has to work harder then you will burn alot. Hope that helps. I don't…
  • When I drink I enjoy drinking darker beers which have more calories. But my default drink is a vodka tonic with lime. It's clear which means it's less calories. I also drink Mojitos again the clearer the drink the better. Of course I also drink wine, reds, whites whatever I'm in the mood for, but I just drink it all in…
  • Like everyone has said, it is a bad idea. My main reason is that your metabolism will slow down to make up for the lack of calories. People mistake calories like it's just for weight gain or loss. A calorie is the unit of energy that it takes for your body to heat up water. Think of how you are depriving your body of its…
  • My youngest sister moved there last year.
  • Currently in Mansfield, Texas (Dallas/Ft. Worth Area)