

  • Day 8!!! I was sweating so much because my roommates have the heat on super high today. Phew.
    in Day 8!!! Comment by reen24 October 2012
  • It felt pretty good! I pushed way harder today because I wasn't sore this morning, which actually kind of disappointed me because I knew that meant I didn't give it my all yesterday. Can't wait for level 2!
  • Ah! I would love a buddy! I'm starting a little early to get in decent shape before the 2 harder levels. I'm a 24 year old teacher from Jersey currently living in rural Arkansas. Let me know if you want to pair up!
  • I was having the same problem. I'm feeling so much better now that I'm eating large portions of veggies instead of small portions of unhealthy foods. Having a lean cuisine for lunch was killing me. Now I eat a big cous cous/tofu/veggie salad and I am not hungry until dinner time.
  • I just pay attention to the calories the treadmill says I've burned by the end and just log that, but I bet there's a better way.
  • I don't really pay attention to it. There's a lot more that goes into weight loss than a simple formula.