Self sabotage- Newbie-no motvation

A little help here, please?! :/ I am utterly failing at my calories. I am hungry ALL day. ALL the time. literally like hunger pains.

It's embarrassing. And I have a constant pain in both my knees, so I can't run.

It's like even on my best of days, I still manage to mindlessly shove something in my mouth that I'm not supposed to eat.

What am I going to do to get past this?


  • reen24
    I was having the same problem. I'm feeling so much better now that I'm eating large portions of veggies instead of small portions of unhealthy foods. Having a lean cuisine for lunch was killing me. Now I eat a big cous cous/tofu/veggie salad and I am not hungry until dinner time.
  • Eskimovm
    Eskimovm Posts: 53 Member
    I was having the same problem. I'm feeling so much better now that I'm eating large portions of veggies instead of small portions of unhealthy foods. Having a lean cuisine for lunch was killing me. Now I eat a big cous cous/tofu/veggie salad and I am not hungry until dinner time.

    It's so frustrating that 90% of food out there these days is ridiculously high in calories.

    I'm a big eater. I would love to be able to scoff down some grilled lemon and herb chicken and salad but it seems as though no matter how much i eat.. i'm hungry within 3 hours. searching for something to graze on.

    I don't have that button in my brain that tells me to stop eating. feels like i should get an award for self sabotage.
  • 1953Judith
    1953Judith Posts: 325 Member
    Think about starting a little slower. Pick one or two habits to focus on for six weeks and measure and log all your food. In six weeks pick two more habits to add to your focus. Continue measuring and logging. Eventually when you start seeing some results, you may be motivated to make whole-scale changes. For some people the all at once approach works; for others tackling one habit at a time works better. Good luck!
  • BobbyClerici
    BobbyClerici Posts: 813 Member
    When will you break through?
    When you truly decide to take ownership of your health and make a better life setting and reaching your fitness goals.

    It won't happen by accident; our bodies are the one area where we have the most control, and out health reflects so much about us. When you reach down and get a hold of yourself, then take the right action, victory shall be yours.

    If not, then you've settled for defeat. Success is always our choice; choose now - choose health!

    You can do this!
  • Ichbinceiling
    I was like this but what helped me was eating small every two to three hours. I'd eat oatmeal around 7:30 am and then I'd have a small snack, like an apple or pretzels around 10:30am. Then I'd have lunch around 12:30 then another snack around 3pm then dinner around 5:30. It helped me because I was always eating and not hungry. As long as you stay within your calories, you'll be full all the time and satisfied.

    Also, if you have a gym membership, you might want to try the eliptical. Its a low impact, high cardio exercise. It'll shed pounds without hurting your knees.
  • Ichbinceiling
    You've also gotta determine how bad you wanna be healthier and lose weight. If you really wanted it, you wouldn't sabatoge yourself.

    Make your mouth and hands busy when you feel the unnecessary urge.
    Call a friend
    Play a game, read a magazine, etc.
  • melbellkid
    The first week or so is pretty rough hunger wise. I try to drink alot of water or tea and just eat a cracker with a bit of peanut butter on it to get past it. I swear after that it gets easier and your body adjusts. Try eating foods that stick with you like oatmeal, peanut butter (not tons) and whole grain type foods for your meals and then snack on fruits and veggies in between. 6 smaller meals around 200 calories each makes it a little more bearable at first too. I am getting ready to head into week 3 and I no longer feel the need to chew my arm off-lol.
  • Ssocrrbabe
    I took a look at your diary and it seems that you are consistently eating under 1200 calories. This may be why you have many days under 1200 then seem to binge and eat alot of calories. Even 1200 calories itself is usually not enough calories. I suggest using the BMR calculator in the tools here and eating at least your BMR everyday regardless of whether you work out or not and see if the scale starts to move down. Just a suggestions that I have tried with success.
    Sodium intake may be high as well if eating too many processed foods. Just remember that MFP is a "Dumb" tool and sometimes you have to tweak it to work for you. Good luck on your weight loss journey!!:)
  • Eskimovm
    Eskimovm Posts: 53 Member
    My food diary is a mess, I forget to log in or log everything but dinner as I don't know what it will be til last minute, I know this is slack on my part. I am frustrated a lot by having to analyse every single bite, every dish, what I'll eat tomorrow, what i can eat today, what i must avoid for the week.

    It's mentally exhausting.
  • BobbyClerici
    BobbyClerici Posts: 813 Member
    My food diary is a mess, I forget to log in or log everything but dinner as I don't know what it will be til last minute, I know this is slack on my part. I am frustrated a lot by having to analyse every single bite, every dish, what I'll eat tomorrow, what i can eat today, what i must avoid for the week.

    It's mentally exhausting.

    Actually, I enjoy the food diary much.
    You just need to decide how much you want it. If there is no passion in you for fitness, forget it.
    That fire won't burn without fuel, and your internal motivation is that fuel.

    Nothing external will move you. That's reality.
  • Eskimovm
    Eskimovm Posts: 53 Member
    I played ice hockey for 7 years, I was always athletic, i prefer weight training and callisthenics instead of cardio because of the pain in my knees.
    I definitely have passion for fitness, it's the food thing that is pissing me off.

    This thread was a vent from me, it's just an uphill battle, so much more mentally. Just needed to get it out there.