

  • Honestly, if you are staying within your calorie goal it's all good. If you prefer large breakfast and dinner and a small lunch and snacks and it works for you, you are doing it right. If you are starving and it tempts you to cheat and you do, than maybe you should change it up. I personally prefer to have 5 smalls meals…
  • I prefer a vegan protein powder to whey, but yeah, I agree with what everyone else has said! So many good shake recipes out there too!!!
  • I have endometriosis. It's very painful and many people end up with hysterectomies due to it. I started following the endometriosis diet which looks at various things that cause inflammatory responses and/or influences hormones. Wheat products are 100% eliminated in the diet (notice I didn't say gluten) because of the…
  • This would be why I just go by box on cooked form when cooking for the whole family ;) So much easier!!!!!
  • Just glanced over quickly, but one thing I don't think was mentioned was addictive qualities. Why would someone eat something with no nutritional benefit other than calories (energy)....what about addiction? Smoking, alcohol, and drugs are also addictive. Small amounts won't hurt you, with alcohol (specifically wine), it…
  • Mmmmmm....potatoes.....One of my favorite ever meals is tortilla espanola which is essentially a potato omelet or fritatta :)
  • Real foods + calorie deficit = weight loss. Ok, seriously. Anytime there is a calorie deficit, you'll lose weight. Figure out what works for you LONG-TERM. I actually do like having shakes in the morning as it's an easy food for taking the kids to doesn't have to be an expensive shake though. Protein powder,…
  • It really depends what you are looking for and what you think will taste good. Do you want vegan (my preference) or prefer whey protein? After that, look at what you can spend. VegaOne has a product similar to Shakeology (vegan one)'s cheaper, slightly different, but still a meal replacement shake vs. only protein…
  • This!!!! Although, I love me some olive oil as well as butter! Toast with EVOO on in the morning???? AMAZING!!!
  • Agree with what everyone else said ;) I was in the Army way back in the day. Get in the gym...start swimming, jogging, biking....get good cardio....make sure you have a good snack for afterwards (protein and a good fat). Easiest diet: Stick to the two ends of the grocery store. Lots of veggies (try to aim for half your…
  • I am!!!! I'm on a mostly vegan diet so keeping that isn't too tough...most veggies are relatively low calorie, beans/quinoa etc aren't high calorie...biggest challenge is fruits ;)
  • Kale, collard greens, spinach can be steamed. I like to saute in EVOO or coconut oil as well...then add a squirt of lemon juice and maybe some pine nuts :) One of my favorite quick "curries" is a huge bag of greens (like spinach), some tomatoes, a jar of homemade veggie broth, curry paste...all slow cooked and then…
  • I actually switched to an endometriosis diet. It sucks, but I feel so much better (and pain free) on it....I actually might not have to get my uterus out ;) Ok, the easiest way to explain it is gluten free/processed sugar free vegan BUT you can have fish ;) NOW, I have not completely said I can't have any thing that's not…