My lunch today. Idk if I'm doing it right.

I had 2 lettuce wrap, with a tablespoon of red pepper hummus and one slice boars head turkey, a string cheese and a 1/2 cup of cherry tomatoes.

It filled me up, but should I be incorporating more? Can some give me some tips? This is sort of what I have been eating for lunch, sometimes it's a soup , carrots and peanut butter.

Please help, this is the part I struggle with.


  • gspeicher
    gspeicher Posts: 7 Member
    I would say that it depends on your calorie goals and what you are doing physically. But, on the surface, that sounds like a really low cal meal.
  • misschoppo
    misschoppo Posts: 463 Member
    Did you log it? What were the numbers? sounds like a very small amount of food
  • higgins8283801
    higgins8283801 Posts: 844 Member
    I would say that it depends on your calorie goals and what you are doing physically. But, on the surface, that sounds like a really low cal meal.

    That's the problem with me. I eat these huge breakfasts and dinners. So my lunch has to be small. Should I even all meals out? My snacks are very low calorie, carrots, raisins, grapes, ect. But I don't know if I need to even meals or if it's ok to have them large on the ends and small in the middle
  • higgins8283801
    higgins8283801 Posts: 844 Member
    Did you log it? What were the numbers? sounds like a very small amount of food

    Yes, it was about 200 calories. For snack I'm having a pudding cup and strawberries. Went to look it was 248, plus the pudding which is 60 and idk about the strawberries yet. Haven't added them.
  • veganbettie
    veganbettie Posts: 701 Member
    that would not be enough food for me, but if you're full....and as long as you're eating enough...what are your daily calorie goals?
  • joyfylgrl
    Honestly, if you are staying within your calorie goal it's all good. If you prefer large breakfast and dinner and a small lunch and snacks and it works for you, you are doing it right. If you are starving and it tempts you to cheat and you do, than maybe you should change it up. I personally prefer to have 5 smalls meals btw 200-250 calories vs. a very large meal...I feel I get less hungry that way. My calorie goal is around 1200 calories :)

    Hope that helps!
  • MelRC117
    MelRC117 Posts: 911 Member
    As long as you're within your calorie limits for the day, there is no specific right or wrong way. If you prefer to eat a bigger breakfast and a bigger dinner, then stick with it. If you're still hungry then even them out. It's a preference thing.
  • higgins8283801
    higgins8283801 Posts: 844 Member
    that would not be enough food for me, but if you're full....and as long as you're eating enough...what are your daily calorie goals?

    1400-1500. My breakfast was 550 and my dinner will be around 700. Ido this all the time. Have large breakfast and dinners so to stay within I have to have small lunches

    Should I be evening out everything so it's more consistent?
  • kristydi
    kristydi Posts: 781 Member
    If you're getting enough overall and are satisfied, I wouldn't worry about it. I tend to save most of my calories for dinner.
  • sljohnson1207
    sljohnson1207 Posts: 818 Member
    I say it's perfectly fine if it doesn't cause you to overeat at other times, and it helps you meet your daily caloric and macro needs. I sometimes won't have lunch if my breakfast is super filling, like today. I ate mid-morning, and over 600 cals. I am stuffed, and may have an afternoon snack, and then dinner, but only if/when I'm hungry. I really do try to pay attention to my hunger signals, and try to eat as soon as I feel hungry, so I don't overeat.

    At the end of the day, if my cals are too low, I often will up them with peanut butter or coconut butter, but sometimes I just let them ride. I'm hungrier on some days than others. In fact, I find that on days I exercise, I am less hungry, but will be more hungry the next day.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    It doesn't mater what you eat, when you eat or any of that. As long as you're within your calorie goal, you'll lose weight.
  • higgins8283801
    higgins8283801 Posts: 844 Member
    Ok thank you. I always wake up and do my elliptical and then I'm starving. Then dinner I eat because by 6 I'm hungry. But to keep it all within I have to make small lunches and while it is filling I just didn't know if it was ok to have the end meals be so calorie rich and the middle one not be.
  • megacoco
    megacoco Posts: 32
    I think you're overthinking things :smile: Assuming you feel satisfied and you're hitting your goals... what's the problem? I haven't yet been convinced that meal timing is important, honestly. There's a lot of broscience around it. Go with what is sustainable for you.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    I had 2 lettuce wrap, with a tablespoon of red pepper hummus and one slice boars head turkey, a string cheese and a 1/2 cup of cherry tomatoes.

    It filled me up, but should I be incorporating more? Can some give me some tips? This is sort of what I have been eating for lunch, sometimes it's a soup , carrots and peanut butter.

    Please help, this is the part I struggle with.

    My meals are centered around meeting macros and meeting my daily goal. Macros are protein, fat, and carbs. I make sure to get protein at every meal (filling). Fat is also filling. I changed my settings to track fiber (not sugar)....I try to meet my fiber goals as well.

    As long as you are getting enough nutrition you're ok. Hunger is not a good indicator of nutrition. Under eating makes it hard to meet daily nutritional requirements.
  • reachingforarainbow
    reachingforarainbow Posts: 224 Member
    I don't know what the rest of your day looks like, but it looks like your low carbing it....
    You have to do what works for you, but carbs are not evil, they play a huge role in having energy/filling you up. I would say, have all of that in small tortilla wrap...
    and some fruit.
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    Ok thank you. I always wake up and do my elliptical and then I'm starving. Then dinner I eat because by 6 I'm hungry. But to keep it all within I have to make small lunches and while it is filling I just didn't know if it was ok to have the end meals be so calorie rich and the middle one not be.

    Are you eating back your exercise calories? As others have said, it doesn't matter how you space your meals, timing wise or calorie wise. There are plenty of people on here who eat several small meals a day, some who only eat two meals a day, some who do Intermittent Fasting and only eat during certain hours. What matters is that it works for you in a way that is sustainable and satisfactory.

    I tend to eat a small breakfast and medium size lunch and try to save most of my calories for dinner because I like wine and ice cream. Neither of which is very plentiful at my work. :)
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    As long as you're within your calorie limits for the day, there is no specific right or wrong way. If you prefer to eat a bigger breakfast and a bigger dinner, then stick with it. If you're still hungry then even them out. It's a preference thing.

    This. I usually eat 400-550 for lunch, but don't do snacks. If your overall calories are working out and you feel satisfied, your way is fine.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    there is no right answer for when and how much you eat.

    I don't like eating breakfast- I eat late at night and have long days- if I start eating first thing in the morning- I'll probably eat all 1500 calories by 5 or 6 PM- which is fine- except i dont' get HOME till 1030 many nights.

    I'd die.

    So I just push food back till 1 or 2 and start eating then- works for me.

    So do what works for you- there is no right answer- gain weight- eat at a surplus- lose weight- eat at a deficit.

    Easy peasy lemon squeezy.
  • misschoppo
    misschoppo Posts: 463 Member
    Did you log it? What were the numbers? sounds like a very small amount of food

    Yes, it was about 200 calories. For snack I'm having a pudding cup and strawberries. Went to look it was 248, plus the pudding which is 60 and idk about the strawberries yet. Haven't added them.

    if you are having bigger meals elsewhere and snacks too I would just look at your numbers overall and not worry about how you split them between your meals. I often have no big meals at all in a day and regularly eat 5 - 8 smaller snacks or mini meals that are 100-350 cals each. Other days I'll eat really light all day and then eat a massive meal in the evening. I'd just do what works for you in terms of meal sizes, just make sure it adds up overall