Does this look like a good diet to follow

I am starting a new diet tomorrow and was wondering what you all thought about it. I am trying to lose at least 40-60 lbs so that I can join the military. I am 6ft 2 in, and weigh sadly at this moment 295. Here is what I plan on doing.

Breakfast: 2 scrambled eggs with a tad bit of ketchup for flavor and salt/pepper, 1-2 pieces of peanut butter toast

Lunch: 1 whole can of tuna, with a tad bit of miracle whip and spices for flavor, granola bar and either an apple or bananna

Dinner: 1-2 chicken breast seasoned lightly and baked no breading what so ever, and some veggies

I plan on mostly drinking water through out the whole day.


  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    At your height, I'd say you might need more calories. Plus an entire can of tuna for lunch every day is a lot of mercury...
  • purplenurse711
    purplenurse711 Posts: 29 Member
    Congratulations on your plans to join the military and your desire to get fit/lose weight! Your meals look good but did you determine your daily calories needed on the site? Follow the recommendations for optimal calories needed. Focus on eating healthy (fruit/veggies/lean protein/complex carbs) and following an exercise program. Remember that you did not gain the weight over night and you will not shed it overnight. I know you want to lose it quickly to join the military but you want to do it the healthy way. Avoid extremes...remember you want to start healthy behaviors to sustain you once you lose the weight.

    Again welcome to myfitnesspal and you will find a lot of support here and motivation! Best of Luck!
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    Doesn't sound like alot of calories... probably less than 1,000. You should really, at the very least, follow MFP's recommended calorie goal and eat all of those calories. Make sure you're getting plenty of carbs and fat, as well as protein. But you really need to make sure you are eating an appropriate amount of calories.
  • sandylion
    sandylion Posts: 451 Member
    Good luck on your journey!

    Here is my advise:
    Breakfast: Loose the toast and add another egg and some meat. Also salsa on eggs with avocado is amazing. You should try it.

    Lunch: Add some veggies. Maybe throw that tuna on a salad or something? An apple or a banana is great. Maybe add some peanut butter for some good fat to help you not get hungry?

    Dinner: Sounds good. A great and easy chicken dinner is to take your chicken, cover it in salsa, and back it. Add some cheese when it's almost done. Nice and moist, and tastes awesome.

    Make sure you get enough calories. At 6'2", you're a big guy. If you do anything physical at all through the day, you need to get enough energy to make it through. There is a bunch of stuff on here about TDEE and stuff like that to give you a baseline for how many calories you should aim for. This meal plan has lots of good stuff in it, just make sure you get your veggies to get your nutrients in, and make sure you're getting enough calories cause this sounds a bit light.

    Good luck!!
  • navyrigger46
    navyrigger46 Posts: 1,301 Member
    If I'm being generous that's around 1000 calories a day, at your height and weight you need double that. I'm 5'11" and I cut on 2500 a day. You need more calories.

  • mtnstar
    mtnstar Posts: 125 Member
    I would recommend planning in some snacks throughout the day. Realistically you are going to get very hungry on that little food, which will set you up to fail, especially if you are working out. Maybe add in some carrot sticks, cherry tomatoes, broccoli, peppers, etc. as one snack for the increased micronutrients, and something with a protein/fat for another?
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    You also need to get into running condition. With a diet like that, you're going to have a hell of time running regularly. Eat some damn carbs already...

    There is no easy path here. If you need to lose that much, realistically, it's going to take six months or more.

    Good luck!
  • Rocket_Man44

    Calculate your TDEE - then subtract 500 and hit those macros.

    1 gm per pound of bodyweight for protein
    0.35-0.5 for fat
    Fill rest with carbs
  • dlionsmane
    dlionsmane Posts: 673 Member
    Poacher beat me to it - according to scooby:

    Your TDEE 3224 so a 20% reduction is 2579 You need to eat way more food.
    And make sure you are conditioning. Walk, jog, run whatever and LIFT ALL THE WEIGHTS!!! :smile:

    Congrats and good luck.
  • Rocket_Man44
    Poacher beat me to it - according to scooby:

    Your TDEE 3224 so a 20% reduction is 2579 You need to eat way more food.
    And make sure you are conditioning. Walk, jog, run whatever and LIFT ALL THE WEIGHTS!!! :smile:

    Congrats and good luck.

    Agreeed though 700 deficit would probably be too fast too soon.

    Also need to hit weights look into this -

    It's intense but mental and physical gains is mind blowing!
  • dlionsmane
    dlionsmane Posts: 673 Member
    Poacher beat me to it - according to scooby:

    Your TDEE 3224 so a 20% reduction is 2579 You need to eat way more food.
    And make sure you are conditioning. Walk, jog, run whatever and LIFT ALL THE WEIGHTS!!! :smile:

    Congrats and good luck.

    Agreeed though 700 deficit would probably be too fast too soon.

    Also need to hit weights look into this -

    It's intense but mental and physical gains is mind blowing!

    I agree a 500 cal deficit is better, I was just trying to point out that what OP was proposing was not enough, by any stretch of the imagination!
  • Rocket_Man44
    Poacher beat me to it - according to scooby:

    Your TDEE 3224 so a 20% reduction is 2579 You need to eat way more food.
    And make sure you are conditioning. Walk, jog, run whatever and LIFT ALL THE WEIGHTS!!! :smile:

    Congrats and good luck.

    Agreeed though 700 deficit would probably be too fast too soon.

    Also need to hit weights look into this -

    It's intense but mental and physical gains is mind blowing!

    I agree a 500 cal deficit is better, I was just trying to point out that what OP was proposing was not enough, by any stretch of the imagination!

    Yeah hard ! at his height with that less food a lot of crashes is expected.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    You guys are over-estimating his TDEE by several hundred calories. If you're going to use the typical calculators on obese weight ranges, you don't use the full body weight, you treat it as a normally sized body with a fat suit.
  • sinistras
    sinistras Posts: 244 Member
    psst...veggies veggies veggies
  • smarieallen85
    smarieallen85 Posts: 535 Member
    ooh yeah. Careful with dat tuna.
  • Great_Mazinga
    Great_Mazinga Posts: 214 Member
    Yah, you need a lot more veggies, not just "some" veggies. I'd also keep in the fish, but not so often like others have mentioned. If you're lifting weights, you'll likely need more protein as well.
  • joyfylgrl
    Agree with what everyone else said ;) I was in the Army way back in the day. Get in the gym...start swimming, jogging, biking....get good cardio....make sure you have a good snack for afterwards (protein and a good fat).

    Easiest diet: Stick to the two ends of the grocery store. Lots of veggies (try to aim for half your plate), lean meats, fish, add some whole grains in there (quinoa or brown rice is a good they have easy to cook packages). Grab a big thing of hummus and have cut up cucumbers, red peppers, summer squash, zucchini for snacks. If you stay away from processed foods and eat mostly clean most of the time, while counting calories, you'll lose weight :)

    Good luck with getting into the Army! While I no longer serve, hubby is still in!