babsmckenna Member


  • Hello all! I was doing amazing logging in to mfp then all of a sudden life just got crazy and I got lazy! I'm doing well. Mind wise I'm still writing each evening (when I remember) something I'm thankful for. Work has been hectic. I'm thankful that I don't allow that craziness to get me off track and use it as an excuse to…
  • AWESOME JOB! Don't compare yourself to someone else! You're doing amazingggg. Keep it up. As for me, I've only lost 23 lbs in over a year, but it's 23 less pounds than I'm carrying around. I'm ok with that and you should be happy with what youve accomplished as well. Keep up the good work!
  • Happy Birthday Lilymay. Have that cake and enjoy it! We are allowed to celebrate - especially our birthday. Good job on the weight loss so far!
  • Hi All, Thanks for the great ideas. I'm just getting back on track. Did well for about 15 days eating well, water exercise. My healthy meatless breakfast is my shakeology shake which I LOVE. Then I have yogurt with fresh fruit for a snack about 10:30. Sometimes I add bare naked granola. Meatless meal I like is sauteed…
  • Hi! Welcome to the group. I am actually about 150 lbs overweight. I am doing Piyo. It is VERY challenging, but there is no jumping or crazy stuff. It is difficult and yes, there is a modified version done by one of the women in the video. Good luck. I'm not consistent with this yet, but everything takes time! Looking…
  • CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! I'd love to be your friend!
  • Hi! My name is Barb and I'm from Philadelphia, PA! (PHILLY) I joined the group because a friend of mine is a beachbody coach and I just started shakeology. I bought the Piyo combo pack and coincidentally saw this group starting up in August about a week after I got the package. (June 30). Ive been drinking the shakes and…
  • Thanks Aly! I just invited a group to my house to do the Piyo upper body workout (I am just starting and do it about once a week until the challenge starts). My friend bought me a little spiral notebook. I cannot believe I got on to check the week 2 plan and you said to journal!!! WOW...It is TIME for this!!!!
  • Hi Aly, Thanks for your positive comments. Yes, my coach is AWESOME! She is so encouraging. I now KNOW that I can lose this weight and keep it off. I will not have a "beach body" as in bikini, but I will be healthier!! I am having a problem though with pain. After working out (only 5 min of SWEAT - Piyo) the next day I…
  • Really looking forward too this!!
  • (Hello ladies! A friend of mine is a coach. I contacted her for the fifth time to lose weight. This time, I actually purchased the shakeology and have started to use the product. I purchased it with the Piyo workout system. I am SO excited to see this group. I started the shakes about 8 days or so ago. I am beginning to…
  • well, it only took a year for me to reply. my mom has gone on to be with the Lord, I'm at a new job. Starting a program as of yesterday. Feeling positive. I've lost 20 lbs. since last january. well, a lb a month is better than nothing! lol. Time to get a little more aggressive. Here we go!
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