Eat fresh foods, fruits and veggies avoid the processed and sweets, to off set some calories and do some exercise it creates chemicals in the brain to make you feel good!
So true they only time I find myseld cheating is when I am out of town on business, or one special occ...
ftw, Also with exercise make sure you are mixing it up! Eat your allotment of calories and most if not all of your exercise calories (make good food choices) so that your body can recover and rebuild.
I have mine for work so they cant tell the difference not that it matters since I am the boss lol.
Drink at least your 8 cups of water, colder the better and if you can hit a gallon a day you will be a hydration machine!
Here in colorado the oil field guys tell me that they use drink pickle juice to combat soreness when they are off the rigs for too long. Personally I like to use muscle milk light, after a work out. You could always hit the hot tub and make sure you are warm and streched before your workout and you should be alright.
I applaud your efforts. You should make up almost your entire calorie deficit since you need to fuel your body to handle all of the exertion. Make sure you are getting your proper nutritional needs and you probably need to supplement in some vitamins and protein to help with recovery and encourage muscle development.…
The kinect is a lot of fun to mix in there.
You could always give P90x or Insanity a run they are great muscle confusion programs.
You can always just add them into the database.
Sleep is super super important get as much as you can!
If he want to support you he will get over the crunchy and keep to his own snacks. Seems to be the easiest to me.
Great post
I just got my kinect and it is a lot of fun esp boxing. It will be a welcome addition.
good luck!
The more water the better, for an extra little edge make the water as cold as you can stand to drink it so you have to burn calories to maintain you core temp. They say to get 8 cups I have heard as much as a gallon. I've tried a gallon is damn hard to drink in one day and when your first getting used to it you will…
Thanks for the encouragement!
Try to limit portion and qty. What good is it to have one 6" cookie, over six 1" cookies? Try to curb your cravings with small portions. When you want cookies try those 100 calorie packs to satisfy the craving. If you deprive yourself you will end up binging and killing your progress. You can have chocolate everyday it…